
The Beast Rise

In a world where Human is not the dominant species, a world where vampires and werewolves as well as other creatures reign supreme, a young man is forced after being rejected by his own people as well as the person he loved to fight for his survival in this hostile world. What he didn't realize was that deep inside him something was sleeping, something terrifying and devastating. "I'LL BE THE FUCKING WOLF AMONG THE SHEEP!!!"

toby_gwack · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Lady Camula !

Yury entered the forest as fast as he could and made his way through the trees. Luckily the moon was full and illuminated the entirety of the forest which allowed yury to move more easily towards the manor of the countess.

Finally he ended up distinguishing through the leaves the roof of the manor, he was only a few meters from his goal. He left the forest to arrive in a hill, he looked up and could see the manor completely.

It was even bigger than he imagined, easily half the size of the village. Yury stared at the building for a moment as he caught his breath after running nonstop through the woods. He proceeded to climb the hill not forgetting the reason why he was there, he was there to save the one he loved no matter what.

he finally arrived in front of a huge gate, he opened it and discovered a huge well-kept garden with statues cut in bushes on the right and on the left. he walked through the garden while looking to each side and stopped in front of a large staircase that led to two huge wooden doors.

he stopped in front of the door and closed his eyes to concentrate in order to try to hear if there was something inside but he heard nothing at all. Yry decided to open the door to enter, the door was very heavy and Yury had to push with all his strength to be able to open it.

The door finally opened with a long creak that echoed throughout the mansion. Yury hesitated for a moment but managed to gather the necessary courage and entered. He found himself in a huge hall plunged into darkness, the only source of light was the glare of the moon passing through the windows.

He could see what looked like pillars as well as a large staircase going up splitting in two directions. Suddenly from nowhere a draft closed the door behind him, yury tried to open it without success.


Suddenly he heard a noise coming from far behind.

- tap tap tap tap

It was footsteps like someone walking in heels. Hearing that, Yuri squeezed the ache he had in his hand tightly and turned slowly towards the direction of the noise.

(?)- Well well ... what do we have here?

The speaking voice was the voice of a woman both sensual and cold.

(?)- It seems that a little mouse got lost?

Suddenly a candlestick lit at the top of the stairs and Yury could see who that voice belonged to. A woman stood at the top of the stairs, she looked to be in her thirties, she had long crimson hair hanging down her back and extremely pale skin and ruby red eyes. She was dressed in a long red dress with gold patterns sewn on it, her dress highlighted her figure, a generous chest and perfect hips, she was undoubtedly a beautiful woman... deadly beautiful.

The woman started down the stairs while Yury stared at her, his ax in his hands ready for anything.

She got to Yury's level and looked him up and down like he was nothing at all.

(?) - May I know who you are for breaking into my home?

(yury)-...you first.

(?)- Me ?

A crooked smile formed on his lips.

(?)-Who am I ?? Well I'm the owner of this mansion and the land around it... I'm Countess Camula.

(yury's mind) - So it's her... the one who kidnaps the young women of the village, the one who took Azur!

A feeling of anger began to burn deep inside Yury.

(yury)- where...

(camula)- Hmmm?

(yury)- WHERE IS SHE!!!

(camula)- what are you talking about?

(yury)- the girl you kidnapped like all the others you took and killed for food!

A sinister smile appeared on the face of the countess

(camula)- I don't know what you're talking about, it's quite the contrary...

She then snapped her fingers and several torches and candlesticks light up simultaneously.

Yury was dazzled for a moment but his eyes adjusted to the light and saw something that froze him in place.

The hall being completely lit he could see everything that was around him, the pillars, the walls covered with paintings, a huge golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling but what shocked him was all the peoples around him.

He hadn't even noticed their presence, they were all young women, the young women of his village. He didn't really know them but he had already seen them several times to remember them.

They were all there around him but... there was something different, their skins were pale and their eyes were blood red.

(yury)- No it can't be.....

(camula)- As you can see I didn't kill them, on the contrary I gave them a better life!

(yury)- Don't tell me they are...

(camula)- Vampires? Yes they are... you see I feel lonely very quickly and when I saw all the young flowers, I had to have them, they are so beautiful especially the last one I picked up.

At that moment a silhouette appeared from behind a pillar, it was nobody other than Azure.

(yury)- AZURE!?!

(azure)-Yuri?? What are you doing here?

(yury)- I came for you! You disappeared but I found you, come on, I'll get you out of this place.

(azure) - I won't leave!

(yury) Wha... What?

That's when Yury noticed something, her eyes weren't blue anymore but blood red.

(yury)- No...not you.

(azure) - you finally understood even if we were close before now we live in different worlds, you better leave while you still can.

(yury)- But I...you...we were...

(camula)-Hoooo I think I understood, this little mouse has feelings for my precious azure.

A silence covered the room until the countess and the other womens burst out laughing.

(azure)- I'm a vampire now, you really think I could have feelings for a little human like you, like I told you we have nothing to do with each other anymore.

Hearing those words, yury was completely frozen in place, he couldn't think clearly. The memory of him and azure playing together when he was little, her warm smile, the times she comforted him when he was sad, all his moments spent together, everything crumbled before him.

it was then that camula approached azure and seized her by the hip and raised her head with her finger under her chin. She stared at Yury and told him with a sadistic look.

(camula)- Don't worry, I'll take good care of her.

She then kissed azure with passion and lust, their two tongues curling with each other in front of yury.

Seeing that something broke inside yury, a storm of anger and rage exploded inside him and a deep and dark voice screamed!


Yury threw forward his ax in his hands and swung it in the direction of the countess.


The ax came to a dead halt, held back by Camila's fingertip.

(camula)- What do you think you are doing with this toy?

She grabbed the handle of the ax and broke it into pieces. Yury stepped back, scared by what just happened.

Before he could even react Camula walked at frightening speed towards him and grabbed him by the throat.

(camula)- Do you really think to enter the house without having been invited and attack me and that there would be no consequences?

-Fortunately for you, since you were my precious azure's childhood friend, I won't kill you, but...


Yury who was still held firmly by the neck had the vision to graze for a second.

Camula threw him to the ground, he took a moment to catch his breath before realizing that he was no longer in the manor but at the entrance to his village.

(yury)-What the...

Suddenly Camula ordered in a voice so powerful that it resounded through the whole village.


After a while the villagers start to come out of their house half asleep, they gather at the entrance of the village seeing Yury on his knees on the ground and a strange woman behind him.

(camula) - I am lady camula the countess and this boy right here had the audacity to enter my home and try to attack me.

Hearing this a wave of fear overwhelmed the villagers, they had in front of them a vampire.

(yury)-She tooke away azure! that's why I went there.

(?)- WHAT?!?

It was azure's parents who, after hearing what yury just said, came forward.

- What have you done to our daughter?

(camula) - She's fine, I can assure you, I took her to offer her a better future.

She said with a smile on her lips.

They decided to back off and for fear of pissing him off, despite his smile they could clearly feel an urge to kill.

It was then that Rubiel approached Yury and camula.

(Rubiel) - I beg your pardon, Lady Camula, but I think it must be a misunderstanding, I know this boy is a good child.

(camula) - And who are you?

(rubiek)-I am rubiel the chief of this humble village.

(camula)- So you're the chief...


Yury stood there with his eyes wide open watching Rubiel's lifeless head roll in front of him.

A crushing silence fills the village. With a single movement of her hand camula decapitated the old man.

Suddenly cries and cries resounded through the village. The villagers had just lost their leader before their eyes.

Camula then leaned towards yury who was still in shock

and whispered in his ear.

(camula)- Your actions have consequences ... remember this.

She got up and with a snap of her finger she disappeared.

Yury didn't move, he didn't realize what just happened but he was pulled out of his mind when he heard a man scream.

- It's his fault, if he didn't go to the vampire's, nothing of this would have happened.

several other people with eyes full of tears and hatred looked in his direction and also began to accuse him.

-You piece of shit, I always knew you would only bring trouble!

-Because of you rubiel is dead you damn bastard!

Yury felt something hit his head, he saw a stone fall in front of him and could see blood starting to pour from his forehead.

Other people started throwing rocks at him and others approached him with killing intent in their eyes.

seeing this yury had only one reflex "run", he ran as fast as possible outside the village and rushed into the forest

he ran without stopping or looking back, he ran aimlessly through the woods, his heart filled with sadness and rage.

In one night he had just lost everything he had.

-hi guys, big chapter today, i know i'm not the best at writing but i hope at least you can be entertained with this.

In the next chapter the interesting stuff begins. Have a good day

toby_gwackcreators' thoughts