
Chapter: 01

"The one who strikes fear into both enemies and allies alike on the battlefield, with strength capable of ripping a grown man in half. On the battlefield, a beast that no man wishes to stand against even the gods fears him denying his entry in Valhalla while Hel wishes not to lose her throne. The slaughter of men, the wolf of war, the god eater Fenrisúlfr. I wonder, how would people react if they knew the mighty Fenrir looked like an innocent pup whence resting."

A beautiful, stunning woman with natural light blonde hair and light blue eyes says as she lay on the olive skin of the lean muscular man with curly dark hair chest.

The eyes of the man flutter open, revealing his beautiful dark brown eyes. The man wrapped his arms around the shoulders of the woman, bringing her closer to him to the point where they could feel each other's warm breath on their faces.

"Watching me sleep again, Rebekah? I thought you'd still be asleep, especially after the night we had," The man said to the woman now known as Rebekah. Rebekah stared in his dark brown jewels with her own light blue orbs.

"Of course I am, Theo. After all, I haven't seen your face in months, my love." Rebekah was right. More than three months ago, the men of their village, alongside the shield maidens, set sail to raid a Christian settlement.

Of course, they were successful with the wolf of war alongside them; effortlessly, they besieged their laughable attempt of a defence. The reason it took so long for them to return was simply because of the distance. "If you'd stop being so overprotective like my father, we could see each other every day even when you go on raids."

Without even skipping a beat, Theo answered resolutely. "No, I can't, I won't. I will not put your life in danger, Bekah. I love you too much to do that, to lose you." Theo said with pain in his eyes as he squeezed her shoulder a bit.

Rebekah was one of the only people that were there for him in this world. The rest were her siblings Niklaus, Elijah, Kol and Henrik Mikaelson; most would wonder where his family, his parents were, but no one knew. Theodore Hale, the name he gave himself, was found in the forest by hunters, covered in the blood of what most thought belonged to his parents.

Finding him in that situation, the villagers thought him to be marked by the gods and not in a positive way. No one wanted to take care of him, fearing that they too would be slaughtered, supposedly similar to how his parents were. A one-year-old baby went almost four days without food; noticing the baby's fight for survival, one man took him in until the day he felt Theo would be at an age to hunt.

This man was none other than the village's greatest warrior, Mikael, father to Rebekah and her other siblings. Theo grew alongside the family, but that time was cut short when he turned six and Mikael took him to hunt; on his own. That day Theo managed to kill a snowshoe rabbit; believing that he could fend for himself, Mikael kicked him out and brought him to a small hut he built a few years back.

Despite their separation, the Mikaelson children still visited Theo, especially Rebekah, who came almost every day except when her mother, who already hated Theo, caught her. This made Theo viewed the five siblings as his only family, with Rebekah being the one he loved the most in this world.

"Fine... since I won't be able to come with you during raids, you best start making it up to me now." An alluring smile escaped Rebekah's full red lips. Theo looked at her as he captured her lips.

"I always do."

"Ah!" Rebekah screamed in surprise as Theo flipped her, making her lie on her back with him above them. "Show me them." She said as she stared right in his dark brown that soon started glowing red.

"They had no idea how close they were when people called you a wolf," Rebekah said, referring to Theo being a werewolf, a secret only they know.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Theo's heart started beating louder and faster as he looked at the body that was sculpted by the very gods themselves. "You're mine and mine alone, Rebekah Mikaelson," Theo said as he entered Rebekah.

"Mhmm...Ahhhn!" Rebekah moaned in pleasure as she wrapped her hand around Theo's neck and dug her fingernails in his back."


"Where's your sister? I haven't seen her since I've returned." A tall, middle-aged man with short dark blond hair, blue eyes and a muscular build.

"She's with Theo, gods know doing what," Said a very handsome, lean athletic man in his late teens with dark brown hair and eyes.

"Be quiet Kol, I'll go get her father. I supposed you're coming as well, brother." A handsome man who stands about 5'11" in height and has a thin but muscular body with short brown hair and hazel brown eyes said,

He looked towards an attractive man. With a height of 5'11", he possesses curled dirty-blond hair and dark blue eyes that contrast with his pearl-white skin. "Of course Elijah, After all, it's been a while since I've seen Theo. Perhaps he'll humour us with a duel again."

"Oh, seems I'll be coming as well. I can't miss seeing you getting beaten down, Niklaus." Kol said to Nikalus, who retaliated with a glare.

"Let's go and behave yourself, Kol," Elijah said as they headed through the door."


"You know, you didn't have to cook; I could have done it," Rebekah said as Theo handed her a plate of leftover stew and bread. Theo looked at her, a bit apprehensive.

"Forgive me, Rebekah, but I'd rather take on an army than eat your cooking."


Rebekah throws a spoon in anger at Theo, who easily dodged it. "My cooking isn't that bad! And don't move when I'm trying to hit you."

"Hahaha, come now, Rebekah, you know I don't care about your culinary skills. If I did, I wouldn't be with you," Theo said with a charming smile on his face. "Hmm, seems your brothers have come for you."

"What?" Rebekah said confusedly but quickly pulled herself together when she remembered Theo is a werewolf.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Soon after, a knock came at the door with several footsteps behind it. Theo walked over and opened the door, where he was greeted by three familiar faces. "Elijah, Nik, Kol, I suppose you're here for your Bekah," Theo said, welcoming them.

"We also wanted to see you as well, especially Niklaus, who wanted to spar," Elijah answered him as Kol pushed past them to see Rebekah.

"Sister, you seem to be enjoying yourself. Why don't you just live here and be done with it already?" Kol asked as he took a piece of meat from Rebekah's plate.


"Don't put your hand in my food Kol, and what I do is of no concern to you," Rebekah retorted and struck Kol on his hands.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

"It seems they've already started," Kol said as he made his way outside with Rebekah trailing behind. They came upon the sight of Theo blocking Elijah sword with his own while he stood on Niklaus's.

"Two against, one isn't that a bit unfair?" Theo asked as he pushed back Elijah and kick Niklaus in his shoulder. They both regained their posture and looked at him wryly.

"Considering it's you, I dared say this isn't enough," Niklaus said as he rushed Theo with Elijah right behind him. Rebekah looked at them and shook her head.

"Ugh, men will always be boys at heart."

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

After almost ten minutes of the three sparing, it finally came to an end with Niklaus lying on his back, breathing heavily, and Elijah resting against a tree. All the while, Theo was looking at them, not even breaking a sweat. "You truly are a beast, Theo," Kol said the exact thing that was on everyone's mind.

*Tap* *Tap*

Someone came walking towards them with a furious expression on his face. "I sent you to get your sister, and you're here playing boy," The man said with anger as he looked at Niklaus.

"Father, I'm the one who came to get Rebekah, and I'm the cause of the delay," Elijah tried standing up to his father by taking all the blame. He looked at Elijah with a piercing glare.

"Be quiet! Elijah! This has nothing to do with you!" He pointed his sword at Niklaus. "You, boy, are a scourge to my name, I'd best end -" He didn't get to finish what he was saying.

"That's enough, Mikael; you seem to have forgotten you're at another's home," Theo said with cold fury in his voice for how he was treating Niklaus. Not that it was the first time a scene like this played out.

Theo walked over to Niklaus and handed him his hand; Niklaus took it and pulled himself up. "Are you ok, Nik?" Nik shook his head, not wanting to meet Theo's eyes and walked off in humiliation. Theo frowned and glared at Mikael, "What do you want?"

Mikael was a bit taken back by the look; even he feared the wolf of war, he quickly composed himself and began to speak. "Another village has heard of our exploits during sumarr. And it seems they weren't as successful as us."

Theo realised where this was going and finished for Mikael, "So they decided it would be easier to raid us than take the chance of setting sail for the coming vetr."

{AN: Sumarr: summer, vetr: winter.}

Mikael nodded his head while Rebekah's face took on a sombre expression. "I'll be with you in a few minutes. I need to gather my equipment first."

"Don't make us wait long, Rebekah; it's nice seeing you, daughter," He said to Rebekah.

"Same, father, be safe," Rebekah answered.

"Wait, father, can we come as well?" Before he could leave, Niklaus stopped him and asked. Mikael looked back at him with a frown and said.

"War is for men, not boys, not cowards." After that, he left without even sparing them a glance. Theo walked up to Niklaus and put his hands on his shoulder to console him.

"Don't tell anyone I told you, but your swordsmanship is better than his," Niklaus face visibly brightened after Theo told him that. Theo approached Rebekah stealing a kiss from her full lips and wrapping her in a hug. "I'll be back soon, Bekah, and just like, always, I'll make it up to you."

"Ugh, gross, can you two express your love somewhere else?" Kol said as he gave Theo an axe and lamellar armour.

"You do realise you're in my, home correct?" Theo said as he took the equipment.

"Just go, and don't get yourself killed if you do; I won't get to see you kick Elijah's and Niklaus's ass," Kol said to him with a smile.

"Don't worry, I can't die; are you forgetting the gods don't want to dine with me," Theo said this mainly to Rebekah to alleviate her worries. Which seemed to work.

"What are you waiting for? Get going; the longer you stay here, the more you'll have to make up for it when you return," Rebekah said with a sweet smile which Theo nodded at. He walked away, stopping beside Elijah and Niklaus.

"When I return, you two better be prepared for another duel; this time, don't lose," Theo said with a smirk, to which Elijah replied.

"We weren't planning to."


After hours of marching, Theo and his allies finally saw the opposing village army. Sitting on his horse at the front, Theo stared at the general of their troops. Sensing the gaze on him, the man looked back at Theo and visibly recoiled when he saw who it was, the wolf of war. The general gave a sign to a soldier nodded.


An arrow came flying at Theo's head at incredible speeds; the general hoped to take out the most troublesome opponent first. Albeit it was a good plan, it would prove fruitless.


Theo caught the arrow in the air just as it reached only an inch from his face. With his muscles bulging in his right hand, Theo threw the arrow at speeds surpassing when the archer shot it.

*Whoosh* *Schpluck*

The arrow went sailing across the field and piercing the shocked general in his head. "GLORY OR VALHALLA!!! ATTACK!!"


Theo's war cry was greeted by the shouts of his allies as they rushed at the distraught enemies who lost their leader. Following behind his troops, Theo soon started to encounter enemies. He swiftly dispatched them by beheading.

The feeling that he got when his axe and sword effortlessly passed through the flesh and bones of the men was exhilarating to him. The wolf within him started to crave for more blood; noticing that his horse couldn't keep up with his pace, he abandoned it.

Now on foot, Theo was moving faster than the horse allowed him. He sliced through the stomachs of the men and watched as their guts spilt out on his shoes like noodles falling to the ground.

Seeing Theo tear through their allies like butter, the enemies decided to surround him and attack at the same time. "Surround him! Don't give him any space to retreat!"

Theo didn't even attempt to escape when he saw a dozen men surrounding him. "Attack him now!" One of the enemies shouted. Because of this, he was the first to die with Theo's axe splitting his head in half, revealing all his gory brain matter.


"D-don't f-falter he's just a ma-" They didn't seem to learn from their lesson as another tried to bring up his allies spirits but was swiftly impaled by Theo's sword in his chest. The momentum of the blade sent the man flying eventually, impaling another Viking.

"H-he doesn't have any weapon left; kill him!" Two Vikings ran at Theo simultaneously when one tried a downward slash at him, which he simply batted away with the back of his hand while instantly delivering a straight jab to his jaw. Which got torn off because of the force.


{AN: For those who watch Attack on Titan, remember that scene with Annie vs Eren and Annie punch tore off Eren's jaw. Just picture that.}

The other Viking faltered at what he saw and was about to retreat, but it was too late. Theo grabbed his arm, crushing every bone in it while kicking him in his left foot, causing the bone to break and pierce through his foot.

"Arghh!" The Viking screamed in pain. To end his suffering, Theo grabbed him by the throat.

Exerting enough of his supernatural strength, he ripped his head off along with ripping out his spine.

Silence immediately ensued on the battlefield after witnessing what Theo did. The Vikings began stepping back in pure fright as an eerie aura was emitting from Theo, making them shiver.

"H-h-he's a-a m-monst-ter," One of the enemy said, which seemed to start a chain reaction in his ranks.

"A-a b-beast!"

"H-he's t-the d-d-demon w-wolf!"


"Gods help us!" It all went downhill for the enemy Vikings after that. Fear overtook their whole army leaving them without the will to fight back.

A few hours later, Theo and Mikael were standing in a small circle with three others; these five were the strongest and wisest of their village. "That war could hardly be called a war. Children could fight better than them," Mikael said to which all the others presented there agreed.

"That's what happens when you have the wolf of war on your side. All the enemies cower before him," One of the elders commented and from the expression of their, faces everyone agreed.

"Should we prepare to return then?" Another asked. To which Theo answered.

"I think it would be best if we go to their village and wipe out the last of them. With vetr coming and most of the abled men dead, it would be mercy for them to die by our hands so they can dine in Valhalla." Blood was still splattered on Theo's face from the battle, which seemed to make it hard for anyone to disagree. So they nodded to go along with his plan.

"Alright, men, rest up. We have a long journey ahead of us. We'll be raiding the enemy village!" One of the elders from before told the soldiers.

"ARGHHHHHHH!" They gave a mighty war cry in acknowledgement.


"Brother, are you sure this is a good idea?" A thirteen-year-old dark brown-eyed and dark brown hair boy asked Niklaus as they sneak out of the village under the beautiful light of the full moon.

Niklaus looked back at him with reassurance in his eyes, "Don't worry, Henrik, if any harm comes to us, I'll protect you." The boy worries disappeared after his favourite brother reassured him. After half an hour of walking, they came upon the village belonging to the wolves.

There they saw men and women alike lying and twisting in the ground as their bones turned broke and reformed in odd ways.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

The breaking of bones resounded all around. They started to horrify Henrik; he grabbed on to Niklaus's clothes with his trembling hands, "B-brother, w-we should l-leave n-now."

Niklaus didn't pay any heed to him as he was entranced by this sight, "Majestic. Beautiful," Niklaus said as he started to get closer. It was as if something was calling to him, something that he has been without for years, and he finally found it.


Niklaus stepped on a piece of stick with the noise breaking him out of his trance. But it was too late; the now fully transformed wolves all looked in the direction of Niklaus and Henrik. "Henrik, we need to run now!" Niklaus grabbed Henrik by his hands and took off running.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Niklaus and Henrik could hear as the wolves footsteps got closer to them.


The howling of the wolves sealed their fate as Niklaus stopped and pushed Henrik forward, " RUN, HENRIK! I'LL HOLD THEM OFF!"

"B-but w-what a-b-bout you!?" Henrik asked in worry as he looked back at Klaus.

Niklaus gave him a smile, "Don't worry, I'll be right behind you. Now go!" Henrik ran off at that, choosing to believe the words of his older brother.


Niklaus unsheathed a small dagger that he had at his side and held in front of himself.

*Whoosh* *Bam*

A grey and white wolf pounced on Niklaus at inhumane speeds. The small dagger that Klaus had only managed to make a small gash on the wolf's face before it was tossed out of his hands. Niklaus began to shake as he stared into the eyes of the wolf.


The wolf sniffed Niklaus a few times, then turned his head in a lack of interest.


The wolf growled, and more than a dozen wolves ran in the direction of Henrik. With the grey and white wolf following behind. "W-wait!" Niklaus tried to stop him but was ignored.

"AHHHHHHHH!!! HELP!!!" A few seconds later, a terrified scream resounded in the forest as the wolves tore apart Henrik.

"Henrik!" Niklaus ran in the direction of the scream, but when he arrived, Henrik was long dead. He placed the dagger that fell from his hand before and laid it in Henrik's. "I-i-i'm s-sorry, Henrik, it's my fault! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Tears came pouring from Klaus's eyes and didn't show any sign of stopping soon.

It was morning before Klaus found the courage and strength to return to the village. When he came to his house, his mother burst through the door as if sensing something was wrong. She broke down crying as she stared at the maimed body of Henrik; she was soon joined by her children.


Two weeks later, the men returned from their expedition. Theo went straight to his house, knowing that Rebekah would be there. While Mikael went, home not knowing what awaited him.

When Theo reached his home, he saw Rebekah sitting by his door. "Rebekah, my, love I've returned!" Theo joyfully said, expecting Rebekah to jump in his arms, but she only looked up at him with a tear-streaked face. "What happened!?"

Theo said, gritting his teeth swearing in his heart that if anyone hurt her, they would pay dearly. "I-it's H-henrik..." Rebekah proceeded to tell him everything that occurred. Theo wrapped her in a hug as she cried in his chest.

"Everything will be ok, Bekah; I'll get revenge against them for Henrik," Theo said, trying to console her with words of revenge.

"I-it won't! Not after what happened!" Rebekah shouted.

"What do you mean, Rebekah?" Theo holed her chin and raised her head so he'd be able to stare into her eyes.

"I-i'm with child. Your child, a werewolf's child. What if mother and father find out!?" The realisation of his situation started to dawn on Theo. Esther was a powerful witch, one that Theo had no confidence he could defeat while protecting his unborn child if it came down to a fight.

{AN: Theo doesn't have the Beast form yet. He's just a regular alpha.}

Next chapter