
The barber:Dc

Jayden, a talented and ambitious boy, has always dreamed of becoming a Barber. However, his aspirations seem out of reach in his ordinary life. One fateful night, as Jayden was walking back home he encounters a woman in danger and tries to save her...unfortunately, because of his recklessness, he died... But that wasn't the end for him as he awakens in a realm beyond imagination, finding himself reincarnated into the DC Universe. Now trying to live out his lifelong dream, Jayden must navigate this new reality where superheroes and supervillains coexist. . . . . . My last story wasn't really starting off well so I decided to change it for this dc one while I fine-tune and mark out the other one that I'll upload into another story category. I'll be honest here I've never read a dc comic in my life but I love the movies and have been reading up on my favourite characters. I'm still confused about the whole rebirth thing and the new 52 but I'm trying. In any case, most of my knowledge will be from the movies, some videos I've seen from Kinglion, variant YouTube and of course the wiki. I've been recommended to watch the young justice TV show, static and other animated stuff so while writing this I'll watch some of that stuff in my free time. Also just a reminder, I'm not a professional writer and don't claim to be, I'll make mistakes, so pointing out those mistakes would be much appreciated. Then with nothing more to say I hope you enjoy my story, and if not then thanks for trying it out. ......................

John_Len_2493 · Others
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Chapter Sixty

(Uptown - Gotham: 777 Grant Wood Road)

As Jayden trimmed up and cleaned up his client, a familiar face came into focus.

It was none other than Alfred, the butler of Bruce Wayne. Over time, Alfred had become a regular at Jayden's barbershop, and they had developed a good rapport.

"Thank you Jayden, for the wonderful Touch-up," Alfred said appreciatively, admiring his reflection in the mirror.

Jayden dismissed the thanks with a wave of his hand. "No need to thank me, Alfred. It's always a pleasure to have you here. Besides, I owe you one for doing me this favour."

Alfred smiled warmly. "It's my pleasure to assist, and it's always a delight to visit your barbershop. But I must say, I appreciate you entrusting Raven's care to me while you're on holiday."

Jayden's eyes widened in surprise." I can't thank you enough for offering to take care of Raven. It means the world to me. I know she'll be in the best hands possible."

Alfred nodded a twinkle in his eyes. "Animals have a way of bringing joy to our lives, don't they? It will be a pleasure to have Raven's company. Besides, I could use some feline charm around Wayne Manor."

Jayden smiled and handed over a bag filled with all the essentials for Raven's care. "Thank you so much again, Alfred."

Just as Jayden finished speaking, Raven, ever the mischievous cat, made her grand entrance. She leapt onto Jayden's shoulder, licking his face affectionately. It was her own unique way of saying goodbye.

Jayden chuckled, trying to talk through Raven's ticklish licks. " Hey there Rey, take care of Alfred, alright?"

To everyone's surprise, Raven, as if on cue, jumped off Jayden's shoulder and settled herself on Alfred's lap. Alfred's expression transformed into a mix of surprise and amusement.

"Well, it seems Raven has chosen her caretaker," Jayden remarked, suppressing a laugh. "Take care of each other, you two."

With a playful swish of her tail, Raven looked up at Alfred with her piercing green eyes, seemingly approving of her choice. Alfred chuckled and stroked her fur gently.

Jayden bid his final farewells to Raven, expressing his love and gratitude, before she and Alfred set off for Wayne Manor. He watched as the car drove away, a bittersweet feeling washing over him.

After their departure, Jayden took out his phone and sent messages to both Lola and Selina, notifying them that everything was sorted on his end.


( Downtown - Gotham: Sears chemical plant)

The chemical factory was engulfed in chaos. The air was thick with smoke and the acrid scent of burning chemicals.

Unconscious gang members lay strewn across the floor, while the few who remained conscious trembled in fear, their eyes scanning the area for any sign of the mysterious assailant.

Among the disarray, a lone gang member stood, his eyes wide with terror. His heart pounded in his chest as he desperately searched for an escape route.

Suddenly, he heard a creak to his left, and without thinking, he instinctively fired his weapon, unloading his entire magazine. But to his surprise, there was nothing there, just empty space.

And then, he heard her voice.

"Hahaha! Wrong way, idiot!" the voice echoed through the factory, sending shivers down his spine.

Slowly, he raised his gaze, his eyes widening in terror as he saw Harley Quinn descending from the rooftop. She wore her signature mischievous grin, her colourful pigtails bouncing with each step.

"Here's Haaaarly!!" she exclaimed, brandishing a giant wooden mallet with a gleam in her eyes.

Without hesitation, she swung the mallet with all her might, crashing it into the last remaining gang members, rendering them unconscious one by one.

As the last gang member crumpled to the ground, Harley's smile widened. She surveyed her handiwork, the wreckage and unconscious bodies scattered around her. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she sauntered over to the trembling man she had spared.

"Whew! That was a smashing time, huh?" she quipped, her voice dripping with bubbling excitement."You should count yourself lucky, pal. I'm in a good mood today."

With a playful wink, she slung the man over her shoulder, his groans of pain muffled by her cheerful humming.

Exiting the factory, she pulled out her phone, her fingers dancing across the screen as she sent a text to Lola, Selina, and Ivy.

"Hey, Ladies! Just took care of a little clean-up. Can't wait for our trip! It's gonna be a real blast! 😜🎉"

Harley giggled to herself, her mind already filled with anticipation for the upcoming vacation. With a skip in her step, she continued on her way, dragging the helpless gang member behind her,


(Gotham City - Midtown)

Selina Kyle, donned in her sleek Catwoman outfit, gracefully manoeuvred across the rooftops of Gotham City.

Each calculated leap and nimble twist demonstrated her agility and finesse. However, she wasn't alone in her midnight escapade.

Close on her tail was none other than Batman himself, determined to talk to her and retrieve the stolen diamond she had acquired.

As Selina landed on a secluded rooftop, she turned to face Batman, their eyes locking in a silent exchange.

Batman, his iconic cape billowing in the wind, spoke in his deep, commanding voice. "Selina, we need to talk. I know about the diamond you stole. Hand it over."

Selina sighed, her emerald eyes betraying a hint of frustration. "Batman, we've been down this road before. I'm not in the business of playing cat and bat anymore. I'm in a committed relationship now...and so are you."

Batman's stern expression softened slightly as he realized the truth behind Selina's words. "I understand, Selina. But you know I can't simply let you keep stolen goods. It's my duty to protect the city."

A mischievous smile played at the corners of Selina's lips. She reached into her utility belt and retrieved a small device. "I'm glad you understand, Batman. But how about a little game of hide-and-seek? Watch closely."

With a quick flick of her wrist, Selina activated the device, engulfing herself in a burst of blinding light. When the light dissipated, she had vanished from sight, leaving Batman momentarily stunned.

Batman surveyed the area, his sharp gaze scanning for any trace of Selina. But she had slipped away like a shadow in the night. He let out a sigh, acknowledging that he had lost sight of her.

Meanwhile, Selina reappeared in a concealed spot, her heart racing with a mixture of adrenaline and amusement.

She knew she had successfully evaded Batman once again, but she couldn't resist one last interaction.

From the shadows, she called out, her voice laced with playful taunting. "Can't catch me, Bat! Looks like you'll have to step up your game next time."

Batman, though momentarily taken aback, couldn't help but appreciate Selina's spirit. "Always keeping me on my toes, Selina. We'll meet again."

With that, Selina retreated further into the night, her steps light and swift. She retrieved her phone from her utility belt and began composing a message.

"Mission accomplished! Managed to give the Bat the slip once again. He never learns, does he? - Sent to Lola"

"Anyway, just a reminder, I'm all ready to go for our trip! Can't wait to see what awaits us. Get ready for some unforgettable moments, my love.

Love you!...Ps: Can't wait to show you my new collection of lingerie Tiger! 💋💗"

With a playful smirk, Selina pressed send, knowing that her teasing message would bring a smile to Jayden's face.

She tucked her phone away, her thoughts consumed with anticipation for the upcoming trip and the memories they would create together.

She gracefully resumed her rooftop navigation, blending into the shadows.


( Uptown - Gotham City: Poison Ivy's Apartment!)

In the dimly lit confines of her apartment, Poison Ivy stood before a mirror, applying the final touches to her makeup.

Her emerald eyes glimmered with an alluring charm, reflecting the subtle mischief that danced within her soul.

The room was adorned with lush greenery, the vines cascading from every corner as if nature itself had claimed this space.

In the centre of the room, a man hung upside down, entangled in vines that coiled around his limbs.

Fear etched across his face, he struggled to make a sound, his voice muffled by the foliage that ensnared him. It was a punishment befitting those who dared harm Ivy's beloved plants.

With her makeup complete, Poison Ivy turned her attention to the captive man. She approached him with a predatory grace, her voice dripping with a mixture of sensuality and danger.

"Have you learned your lesson?" she asked, her gaze piercing into his soul. "Will you ever think of hurting my precious plants again?"

The man, trembling with fear, nodded frantically, his eyes wide with a mix of terror and understanding. He couldn't utter a word, but his eyes conveyed his promise, a silent vow never to cross Ivy's plants again.

A sultry smile curled upon Ivy's lips, a potent combination of seduction and power. "Good," she purred. "As your punishment, you will be tending to my plants for this week. Their well-being rests solely in your hands. And remember, any harm that befalls them will have dire consequences. Do we understand each other?"

The man's head bobbed up and down with fervour, his eyes locked with Ivy's captivating gaze. His mind, clouded by her pheromones, succumbed to a trance-like state, completely under her control.

With a flick of her finger, Ivy caressed the man's cheek, sending a shiver down his spine. Her touch activated the full effect of her pheromones, intensifying the power of her influence. The man's eyes glazed over as he fell deeper under her spell.

She had instilled fear and obedience, reminding him of his place in the grand scheme of nature's order.

Satisfied with her control, Poison Ivy retrieved her phone, which buzzed with a message from her dearest partner-in-crime, Harley Quinn.

The message conveyed Harley's excitement for their upcoming trip.

Ivy's emerald eyes gleamed with anticipation as she replied with equal enthusiasm.

With her plans in motion and her captive under her sway, Poison Ivy sighed.

' I can't even remember the last time I went on vacation...this should be good for me. Plus I'll finally get to meet Selina's new boyfriend...'

"Speaking of men...maybe I should visit Jayden after this trip." She hadn't spoken to him since they coincidently met at Lola's Bar...

'Sigh, I'll think about it when I get back.'

With a final satisfied smirk, she turned away, leaving her captive to tend to her verdant kingdom.


(Midtown - Gotham: Mixology Grove)

In the vibrant atmosphere of Mixology Grove, Lola found herself behind the bar, gracefully concocting a drink with expert precision.

The dimly lit space buzzed with the lively chatter of patrons, each eagerly anticipating their favourite libations.

As she finished up an intricate drink order, her phone buzzed with a familiar notification.

With a quick glance, Lola saw messages from both Selina Kyle, her best friend, and Jayden, her beloved partner.

Excitement surged through her veins as she read their words, their shared enthusiasm palpable even through the screen.

Selina's message was filled with playful banter. Lola chuckled to herself while replying.

Then, her eyes turned to Jayden's message, and her heart swelled with affection.

A warm smile graced her lips as she read his loving words, feeling the depth of their connection in every written line.

She swiftly typed out a response, expressing her own eagerness and sending a heartfelt message back to him.

With the notifications attended to, Lola took a final sweep of the bustling bar, her employees expertly serving patrons and keeping the lively spirit alive.

With a playful wink to her staff, she bid them adieu.

Lola, ever the adventurer at heart, revelled in the prospect of new experiences, cherishing the opportunity to create lasting memories alongside her cherished companions.

As she stepped out of Mixology Grove, the world outside seemed to hum with a sense of anticipation.


(Location - Mediterranean Sea - Italy: Port of Gioia Tauro[ The Big Day...])


The distant sound of a massive cruise ship's horn reverberated through the air, signalling its imminent arrival in port.

Selina stood at the shoreline, her eyes fixed on the majestic vessel and blue Italian waters.

Lola on the other hand was clutching the ship's itinerary in her hand, scanning the exciting destinations and activities they could do on the cruise.

Besides her, Jayden busied himself with setting up a camera, his hands deftly adjusting the lens and framing the perfect shot.

With a satisfied nod, he called out to the girls, signalling them to get ready for a group photo to commemorate the beginning of their voyage.

As Selina and Lola gathered around Jayden, anticipation painted their faces with excitement and joy.

The sun's warm rays kissed their skin, illuminating their shared sense of adventure. Jayden couldn't help but smile, his heart swelling with love for these extraordinary women by his side.

In a playful exchange, Jayden turned to Lola, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "When will your other two friends be boarding?" he inquired, his voice filled with genuine interest.

Lola, her gaze shifting toward the horizon, replied with a reassuring smile. "They'll be joining us nearer the end. They just need to sort out a few things, but don't worry, they'll be here before we know it."

Satisfied with her response, Jayden's attention turned back to the camera, capturing the beauty and excitement that surrounded them.

But before he could take the photo, Selina seized the opportunity for a playful prank.

Swift as a cat, she snatched Jayden's snapback from his head and playfully placed it atop her own, striking a confident pose.

With a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, Jayden couldn't help but laugh at Selina's spontaneous act.

As Selina leaned in, embracing Jayden, they shared a tender moment filled with affection and laughter. The camera clicked, capturing their love and excitement in a Polaroid snapshot.

Lola joined them, enveloping Jayden in her warm embrace. She placed a tender kiss on his cheek, a symbol of the love they shared.

With hearts brimming with excitement, they turned their attention to the camera, ready to capture the photo.

Jayden couldn't help but gaze at the captured moment, a smile playing on his lips.

It was a snapshot of joy, a memento of his two lovers.'This one is definitely going in the scrapbook.'

With the photo in hand, Jayden gathered his luggage, his heart racing with anticipation.

He quickened his pace to catch up with Selina and Lola, who had already begun their stride toward the waiting ship.

This should be an exiting trip...fingers crossed nothing goes wrong.(Que titanic music)

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