
The Bandage Girl

Amidst the rivalry between two underworld organizations; two weapons that were designed to destroy each other, end up protecting each other. Two enemy organizations; Tudor and Queen Organization hunts greedily for power. Maya (codename: Matilda); is a deadly weapon and treasure of Tudor Organization. Liam Martin; the scariest person ever; a weapon and backbone of Queen Organization. Maya unaware of the fact that she is being hunted down by the world for some reasons unknown to her and Queen Organization is one of them, secretly saves Liam's life and disappears. Liam desperately searches for his savior but ends up finding out that his savior is his biggest rival. On the other hand, Maya finds out that she saved the person who was supposed to be killed by her. Thus, a story of hatred, love, sacrifice, and loyalty begins. Will they succeed in protecting each other or become the reasons for each other death?

Mishal_Mishi · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Nature's Embrace

After hearing the familiar voice, my heart filled with joy and I turned around to see the face of the young man standing in front of me.

I couldn't help but jump in excitement, "Logan, you are back. I missed you a lot."

I hugged his huge and tall figure with all the strength in my arms.

Logan, is my childhood best friend, though he is 10 years older than me. As far I could remember he had always been on my side, like a barrier protecting me from every danger. He is also the younger brother of Master and his most trusted man.

"I also missed you little monkey...", he laughs as he rubs my head.


After the hug, Logan grabs Maya by her shoulders and observes her face. Then he moves away at a distance and observes her.

Maya giggles and leaps a few times in her spot, "Come on, I am fine. Look at me, I am perfectly fine with no injuries or fractures."

Logan approaches her with a satisfied smile, "By the way I heard you will be going on a vacation."

She nods in agreement, "Yup, I was about to leave."

"I wish I was able to come with you but I have got a lot to do. By the way, have you put the safety weapons with you, and what about the dagger I gave you?", he questions her.

Maya laughs, "Come on, you are again acting like an old granny. I am not going on a mission that I would be taking the weapons. And don't worry I have put the dagger you gave me."

Not satisfied with her answer he stares at her, "No matter if it's a mission or not safety comes first."

She sighs in defeat, "Fine, I will take care of my safety. Oh, and what about my chocolates?"

He smiles and hands her a small bag he was holding in his hand, "How can I forget that.."

She takes it with excitement and looks into it, "Thank you soooo much. You are the best buddy ever."

Grandma who was busy watching them happily, speaks up, "Maya dear, hurry up and go now. It's getting late. Logan dear, Master must be waiting for you."

Logan looks at his wristwatch, "Oh no, I entirely forgot about the meeting. Maya, be careful on your trip, if my work ends soon I will come to join you."

Maya nods, "It's ok, you should be careful at work and hurry up, or else Master will be furious."

Logan leaves. Maya mounts on her bike after hugging Grandma and departs.


"Brother, I am sorry, I was a bit late", Logan apologizes to his Elder Brother.

His Elder Brother, Luke Hathaway, who was seated in the same spot as when Maya came to him with the news of the accomplishment of the mission, stares at Logan, "Did she suspect anything?"

Logan looks up with a smile, "Don't worry brother, she didn't seem to have any suspicion. It was as if she was going on some normal vacation."

After hearing Logan he laughs in relief, "That's great. Now, don't need to apologize but be careful next time."

Logan smiles, "Thank you brother for your understanding."

With a smile on his face, he looks at Logan and points him to sit on the chair opposite to his. Logan obeys his orders and sits there.

"Now what about the situation? Is everything prepared?", he inquires Logan.

Logan nods, "Everything has been arranged and Liam Martin won't get a chance to be suspicious about us."

He claps his hands in joy, "Wonderful, now finally the Queen Organization will know my power. The power of Luke Hathaway, the great leader of Tudor Organization."

He continues his exultant laughter.


Deep in the forest, a woodland path leads to a cottage. The cottage is surrounded by lush green trees. The atmosphere of the forest is filled with the melodious chorus of birds.

Upon reaching the cottage, Maya parks her bike there.


I took off my helmet the moment I parked my bike, I closed my eyes and breathed deeply in the fresh air of the forest. The air filled with the refreshing scent of wildflowers and the revitalizing fragrance of trees. The crisp breeze of the woodland touches my face sending chills of refreshment through my body. A strange rush of delight fills me as I breathe in this fresh air of nature. Hearing the songs of the birds is the best thing ever.

Every time I come here, I entirely forget about all the storms going on in my life. In this forest, I am not Matilda, who has to be obeying some Master and killing people. I am not the scary Matilda, whom everyone fears like a plague. Here I am Maya, a girl who loves this peace of nature.

After taking my stuff inside the cottage, I ate the sandwiches Grandma made for me. Some time passed and then I decided to go out.

There was a sudden disturbance outside. I went outside to check and saw the birds flying in different directions. When I focused, some gun roars were audible from a far distance but then it ended.

"It seems like some gangs got into a fight, and they must be somewhere around the highway. Hope that the animals in the surroundings are not injured...", I looked towards the highway and then turned around to go towards the room.

I took out a backpack from the wooden cupboard and filled the bag with first aid supplies. I looked outside from the window in the direction of the highway, thinking about who could have gotten into a fight. Out of the blue, a thunderous boom erupts and the whole ground shakes with that sound as if an earthquake.

I got a bit panicked, "It seems to be a bomb blast and there is no way it is some small gang fight...."

I picked up my backpack and left the cottage. All the way, I hoped that the blast wouldn't have caused some big damage. I walked towards the direction of the highway.

Every time we humans get into a fight nature's beauty is harmed due to our carelessness.

I went in the direction of the highway but there was no damage in the forest, "I am sure I heard the explosive sound coming from the highway, I still can see some smoke from that direction."

A few more hours passed and I was unable to find any damage, "Luckily, there is no damage here and everything is fine."

The sun had almost set and it was getting dark so, I decided to find someplace nearby and rest there for the night because it would take some hours to go back to the cottage which can be dangerous in the dark.

"Ugh!", a sound came from the nearby bushes.

I took out my dagger and slowly approached the bushes. Due to the dark, I was unable to see clearly so I took out my flashlight. When the light fell on the bushes a bloody hand was visible.