
The Bandage Girl

Amidst the rivalry between two underworld organizations; two weapons that were designed to destroy each other, end up protecting each other. Two enemy organizations; Tudor and Queen Organization hunts greedily for power. Maya (codename: Matilda); is a deadly weapon and treasure of Tudor Organization. Liam Martin; the scariest person ever; a weapon and backbone of Queen Organization. Maya unaware of the fact that she is being hunted down by the world for some reasons unknown to her and Queen Organization is one of them, secretly saves Liam's life and disappears. Liam desperately searches for his savior but ends up finding out that his savior is his biggest rival. On the other hand, Maya finds out that she saved the person who was supposed to be killed by her. Thus, a story of hatred, love, sacrifice, and loyalty begins. Will they succeed in protecting each other or become the reasons for each other death?

Mishal_Mishi · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Beyond The Cloak

"I am sure I heard the explosive sound coming from the highway, I still can see some smoke from that direction", Maya walks towards the direction of the highway.


Ten Hours Ago

A female figure with a gun in her hand, her black cloak covered in blood stains, and the hood of the cloak covering almost half of her face walks towards the huge door at the end of the long hallway.

The hallway has multiple doors, leading to other rooms. At the end of it was a huge door, it was simple but huge with some exquisite carvings on it giving an elegant look.

When she reaches the door, she knocks three times, an elderly man in an elegant black suit, with a white beard wearing glasses, opens the door.

"Master is waiting for you Matilda", he tells her with a calm serene smile on his face.

She nods and enters the room and the elderly man closes the door.

The room was huge inside, with rows of bookshelves on the right side of the room. On the left side, there was a huge fireplace with exquisitely carved decorations. The front wall has magnificent windows, with wine-red curtains hung on both sides. A seating arrangement consisting of wine-red sofas with a wooden table in the middle was placed in the middle of the room. At the end of the room, in front of the huge windows, a wooden study table and a chair with a huge backrest were placed.

The chair was facing the windows with someone seated on it. The elderly man goes to the side of the chair and stands there quietly with both his hands behind his back. The chair turns around and a man in his mid-fifties is seated on it.

He looks at the gun in the hand of the female figure standing in front of him and the cloak stained with blood. His lips curl into a curve forming a smile and then a loud laugh is heard.

He claps both of his hands, "Seems like little Matilda brought another victory...Hahaha..."

Matilda nods in front of him and puts the gun in her hand on the table in front of him, "Sir, I have accomplished the task. The guards were killed on the spot as they were not strong enough but the leader was a bit tough so it took a while but in the end, he had been captured."

The man stops laughing and seriously focuses on her words. He then stares at the female figure whose face is half covered by the cloak with only her lips visible. He smiles, "Matilda, how about going on a vacation?"

A smile appears on Matilda's lips, "Sir, it seems you are getting old."

He raises his eyebrow in curiosity, "Why would you say that?"

With the smile disappearing she answers, "You seem to have forgotten that there is another task regarding the Queen Organization. I think your memory is becoming weak and that's how I suggested that you might be getting old."

After understanding the meaning of her words he laughs, "Oh dear, so you were talking about that. It doesn't matter how old I get my memory will always be the sharpest. But it's just I think you must be tired, recently there was a lot to do and I am quite satisfied with your performance. So, I thought of giving you a break. The Queen Organization's matter would be delayed for a while."

Matilda nods, "If that's your wish then I won't oppose it. I would be spending some time in the forest then."

The man nods happily, "A wolf in a forest, what a great spot for vacation. Then you may leave and enjoy your vacations."

She nods and leaves, closing the door behind her, and starts walking away.

She departs from the mansion and enters another huge mansion beside it, a bit smaller in comparison to the one she came out from. After walking into the mansion, an old woman greets her, "My dear Maya, you are back."

She swiftly takes off the cloak Maya is wearing, "Dear, let me handle this. It must have been a tough day, you go and wash up I will make you something to eat."

Maya nods silently and goes upstairs to her room, closing the door behind her. She takes a deep breath, "I reek of blood."

With an annoyed expression, she enters the bathroom. After a while, she comes out wearing a bathrobe. With a towel in hand drying up her long black hair. Putting the towel on her bed, she goes and sits in a chair on her balcony.

Maya's POV

When will all of this end, I can't take it anymore. Even my name, huh...

I don't know whether I am Maya or Matilda. Finally, I will have some time away from all of this mess.


A knock sounds on the door, followed by a voice, "Dear, can I come in?"

Maya goes and opens the door, "My dear Grandma, I have told you many times that you don't have to ask for my permission."

The old lady enters with a tray in her hands," I know that but everyone has their personal space. it's not wise to barge in someone's room without permission."

She puts the tray on the table on the balcony and looks up at Maya," Now don't stand there and come here and eat something. You are getting thinner day by day."

Maya closes the door with a giggle and follows the command.


Grandma is my favorite person, along with Mom and Logan. If it weren't for them I would not be able to survive in Tudor Organization.

Grandma is not my biological grandma, she is a caretaker of our house but for me, she is more than my biological grandma. The sandwiches and the shakes she makes are the best.

After finishing the food she bought me, I looked back at her she was busy with my wardrobe.

She comes out holding a pair of outfits, "Dear, which one will you take with you?"

I walked towards her and looked at the outfits she was holding. After thinking a lot I picked the one with a purple shirt, "I will wear this one now, as for the other I will take it with me."

She nodded and handed me the purple one while placing the other one on my bed, she looked at me, "Go and get changed."

I couldn't help but hug my beautiful and hardworking Grandma, "I love you, Grandma, you are the best."

She hugs me back, "I love you too, my little girl. Now, go and get changed, I will pack your stuff for the time being."


After a while, Maya comes out of her room wearing a purple shirt with a lightweight jacket and a pair of long jeans. Her hair was tied in two cute-looking side-way French braids. Her bag was on her back.

She goes downstairs and waits near the door. Grandma comes rushing to her with a small box in her hand, "Little girl can't you wait a little bit? Look you left behind the sandwiches that I prepared for you."

Maya takes the box from her hands and kisses her on the cheek, "My sweet grandma, only you take the best care of me."

"Then what about me?", a manly voice comes from behind.