
The pettiest and most revengeful Man: Chapter 1


Blood flows to the floor in a small apartment at its door entrance. Next to the body of person struggling to breath a tall and extraordinary handsome figure stands with a small firearm. He glares down at his target of revenge with a cold look. The bleeding person questioned with a with a weak voice.

"Why are you doing this Zhiwen?"

"You know exactly why, you son of a bitch Wang Bai", Zhiwen continued to glare at him. "Is it because of the bullying since middle school?", Wang Bai asked him with a fearful look. Zhiwen answered coldly, "No you stupid piece of shit, otherwise you would have been long gone. Besides the reason doesn't matter anymore you are gonna die by hands anyway. If I was your father I would have named you 'Wang Ba Dan' ('Bastard' in chinese), that is way more fitting considering your personality. Altough that is impossible considering your ugly face. Be assured I ended all your former lakeys and all your families. So that you can feel the pain I have felt of losing someone close to me" Wang Bai face became red from anger, but he restrained himself considering that the person in front of him has a gun.

Zhiwen raised his gun and gave delivered him the coup de grace.


A perfect headshot ending Wang Bai's life whom he considered as his archnemisis of this lifetime. The people who have raped and cornered her to suicide the only light in his miserable life. After this Zhiwen raised the gun again pointing at his temple and thought silently

"Finally I have avenged you... Xiao Xue .....",



Is this the afterlife? Zhiwen tried to move his body in a dark space. But he felt like he was swimming in a deep ocean unable to move in the direction he wants to. He struggled and struggled for hours until suddenly he saw a bright light. The light blinded him for a few second until his eyes recovered. He heard a woman talking in a unfamiliar language similiar but also different then chinese.

"Strange the child is not crying. Don't tell me it's a stillborn..." The woman was becoming distressed until she saw she baby chest heaving up and down. She started to smile warmly at the child with tears of relief. Another older woman that is apparently the midwife said "Miss we first need to clean you and the baby up." The young and beautiful woman who is apparently his mother reluctently handed over Zhiwen to the midwife. The midwife cleaned him up, while another midwife cleaned his mother's vagina and the messy sheet. Before they layed out a clean bedsheet and returned him to his mother's embrace. The midwifes walked out of the room. As soon as they walked out a tall and handsome old man on who is barely in his fourties entered the room. Staring at his wife and asking, if she was alright. Before looking at they baby and laughing in a boisterous tone "Hahahaha finally our Zhou family has a child."

"Dear please be a quite don't startle our baby boy. And name our child." The man apologized for being to loud and thought silently. After 15 minutes he replied "Lets name him Zhiwen, Zhi for Will, Ambition, Purpose so he will always strive for greater things and hopfully finding his purpose in this world and Wen meaning Literacy, Culture, Writing so that he pursues knowledge. His wife smiled at him "That is a very good name indeed. Zhiwen, Zhou Zhiwen. It has a very nice ring to it."

Zhiwen's stomache suddenly started to rumble. Both of his parents stared at himy before breaking out in laughter. The middle aged man smiled and said "I leave the room so you can feed our little glutton."

The woman who was his mother brought baby Zhiwen close to her breast to breastfeed him. He drank a lot of it to statisfy the hunger he suddenly felt. Before he fell asleep because of the fatigue that suddenly hit him.

Just before he fell asleep he heard something


*Infinite Energy System found a suitable host*

*Infinite Energy System starts the bounding process*

*Infinite Energy System sents a mortal grade gift package*

*Infinite Energy System detects multiple immortal traits*

*Immortal beauty, Immortal Love, Immortal Talent*

*Infinite Energy System sents a immortal grade gift package*

*Infinite Energy System binding is successful*

*Infinite Energy System takes a closer look at host and fell in Love*

*Infinite Energy System simps... ahem sents a system grade gift package*


Author: I am a amateur if it comes to writing a story so I hope for good feedbacks XD. And damn MC managed to rizz up the System. The thing/information or other stuff in his previous life may be brought up in future chapters so please do not wonder about it.

(This is my first novel ever and english is not my first language (in fact it is my third) so pls be kind with grmmar mistakes. Pls change the grammar mistakes onlyy if you are confident in your grammar skills (this is a way for me to improve my english skills and have fun. Also I dont want to use retarded english to hurt your eyes and brains. Like the ones you see because of the usage of MTL). Also I will listen to constructed critisism and actually change things and if you have any suggestion (Charakter, Story or what should appear in for example in the System Store. I am gonna yoink it for free lmao) you guys are welcome to do so. I see constructed and reasonable critisism as a way to improve my english. (Like if you say things like use this or that programm to improveing my english. I am broke asf....) Anyway it kinda became pretty long so I hope you will have fun reading.

xXAlphaXxcreators' thoughts