
The bad boy hates me

Lexi Monroe is a seventeen year old senior. Everything was perfect until her boyfriend dumped her unexpectedly. The terrible thing is that she still likes him, a lot. Now meet Tyler Evans. He's drop-dead gorgeous guys at school. Tyler and Lexi used to be close friends at middle school but everything changed because of a little misunderstanding, so they became sworn enemies. What happens when their lives became intertwined again and they had to act as fake lovers? Will they overcome their differences or will they make things worse? Find out in this interesting and intriguing story.

Irene_Ofure · Teen
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


I grabbed the phone from Emily and called Tyler. After about twenty seconds, he picked up.

"What?" He said.

Like always, rude.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"What, you miss me already?" I just could feel his smirk playing on his face right now.

"Get over yourself jerk." I rolled my eyes.

"No." He said, I could picture him with his cocky smile.

"I left my phone in your car." I stated.

"Aww. That's too bad." He said, pretending to feel sorry for me.

"I'm serious jerk. Come here or I'll break your window open of your

expensive car to grab my phone!" I said and hung up before he had the chance to say anything else.

"You know, you guys can leave. I'm just gonna ride with Tyler, as much as I would hate it but you guys are cold and I don't want to keep you guys waiting for my sake."

"Oh it's okay, we can wait. Right Nick?" Emily smiled up at him.

"Uh, yeah but my freaking balls are probably gonna fall off due to hypothermia." Nick said.

"Ugh, stop that." Emily smiled a little, but tried to hide it as she slapped him at the back of the head.

"Ouch!" He whinnied like a baby.

"Just leave." I said. I don't want to get in there way. They're soon to be together. I could feel it.

"Are you sure?" Emily asked.

"Positive." I nodded. I'm not positive. I would rather go with them than be third wheel with Tyler and Courtney. Well, I'll also be third wheel with them both, but it'll be better.

When Nick and Emily left, it took at least fifteen minutes for Tyler and Court to get here.

"What took you so long!?" I yelled. It felt like I was just buried under a pile of snow. "I'm freezing."

"Maybe you should've run around the parking lot to heat up your body, and loose wait while your at it. You could use some exercise." Tyler smirked.

I glared at him and felt like tearing him into tiny pieces. I hate him. And I hate that Courtney didn't even defend me. She's supposed to be my best friend. You aren't supposed to call a girl fat, ever.

"Maybe you should've run here to loose your fat ass." I retorted. But Tyler wasn't fat at all. I just needed a comeback.

Wow, nice one Lexi.

Tyler smirked at me.


"Nothing." He waved me off.

"Tell me." I pushed it.

"Let's just go guys. It's cold out." Courtney interrupted.

"Yeah, your right." Tyler said walking up to his car.

When we all went inside, I searched for my phone but it was no where to be seen. I looked under the seat and in the cup holder. And everywhere possible to check. No where.

"Crap." I mumbled. I probably got a thousand messages from mom. "Where the hell is my freaking phone?" I said.

"Probably at my house." Tyler states like it doesn't even matter.

"Oh no." I said. He was right. I probably left it at his house. I was too busy looking at the beauty of the place, maybe I laid it down somewhere?

"Oh yes." He said.

"Well Tyler could bring it to you tomorrow at school." Courtney suggested.

"Yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes.

I have to get ready ti get yelled at by my mom. She's probably waiting by the door, ready for my to walk in. Then she'd attack with words. Scary words. That's my mom for you.


"Shít!" I yelled as soon as I saw what time it was. I rolled off my bed and ran into my bathroom. Which is really cool and helpful to have one of my own.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I dressed into a pair of white jeans and a grey tank top. I covered up with a light blue jean jacket and finished by putting on my grey heel boots.

I walked down stairs and straight to the door without even eating breakfast. I don't have time. I'm already half an hour late. First period already started. This doesn't usually happen.

"Mom! I'm late!" I yelled standing by the door.

"Shoot!" I heard my mom yell from her room after about thirty seconds.

She came running down the stairs dragging Ethan with her. Obviously, she just woke up. Her hair was a big mess and she's wearing her pj shorts and tank top.

With only her morning slippers on, she grabbed her car keys from the key hook and ran outside.

"Come on babe, your so late." She called to me.

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes but still rushed to the car.

Mom put Ethan in the back and went into the driving seat.

I hate being late. And I hate not having a car. My mom has to keep driving me to school and waking up poor Ethan just for it. It's not like she can leave him home alone.

"Oh god." My mom mumbled, trying to fix her hair through the review mirror while the car was stopped at a red light.

"You really should get me a car." I said.

"You really should get your ass moving and find yourself a job so you can buy yourself car." My mom retorted and continued driving when the light went green.

"I don't have time for a job! I have school and homework after school. And it will take years to save up for a car!" I yelled in frustration.

"That's why you should've start saving years ago from your allowance." She shot back.

"Well every teenage girl needs new clothes to buy." I rolled my eyes.

"And I thought every teenage girl needed a car to go places and dates with boys ." I rolled my eyes and let out a breath of anger. "Honey, you know your dad isn't here anymore and I need to work myself to take care of both you and Ethan." She said softly and apologetically.

"Mom, you know how much I hate when you bring dad up." I said quietly.

"I know sweetie, but it's life." She said sadly.

My dad died right after Ethan was born. And it makes it sadder that he never got to see Ethan grow up. I was eleven years old when he passed away due to cancer.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I immediately wiped it with my sleeve. I didn't like to cry, especially when my father pleaded me not to when he was on his death bed.

"I know." I replied, but it came out a little too harsh.

When we got to school, I rushed out the car without saying bye. Then I regretted it of course. I hate being mad at my mom, and I should be thankful that she could drive me to school every morning so I don't have to walk forty minutes.

When I got to the office doors I grabbed my late slip. "Thank you." I told the elder lady on the desk who handed me the slip.

"Any time honey." She responded with a bright smile.

I walked down the halls slowly in witch they were empty due to the students being in class. Unlike passing period, it's crowded with people and its loud.

I didn't rush, I wanted the bell to ring before I got to first period. I hate that class and no doubt the teacher is going to give me a long lecture about being late to class. I know I'll get one tomorrow for not being there but I'm not in the mood right now.

Before I made it to my locker, the bell rang telling us it was time for second period.

What kind of person wakes up that late? To arrive to school at the end of first period?