
You are Jane...mine

'Wake up beauty it's time to be beast' I told myself and threw the duvet aside. I got up and walked into the attached bathroom to get freshen up. I was brushing my teeth when I heard a knock on the door.


"Ms. Carter it's me Allie. Shall I clean up your room if you're done here?"

"Yeah, I'll just get ready in sometime."

"Okay." She replied and walked away.

Allie is our servant but she's more a good adviser to me. She's working in my house from as long as I can remember and was always good to me.

It's a Saturday so I don't need to hurry. Those drinks from last night are giving me a serious headache. Even though I didn't drank much yet it feels like someone is playing drums in my head. I also have to ask Mel if she's okay because I left her at the party and didn't even ask if she got home. Immediately I took my phone and messaged Mel asking if she's okay and replied in a few minutes saying that she's good and will be meeting me in an hour at the boxing club. I was relieved after reading her message. Last night I left the party around 11pm so god knows at what time Mel got home and with whom.

I didn't bother to blow dry my hair since it takes ages to blow dry long hair so I left them to dry naturally. I walked out in my navy blue bathrobe when Allie was about to leave the room after making my bed and other stuff.

"Good Morning Ms. Carter" She greeted me with a pleasant smile on her face.


"You can come downstairs for breakfast in a few minutes, the chef has almost cooked everything." She tells me.

"Okay and prepare a lemon drink too."

"Sure Ms. Carter." She says and heads out of my room. I quickly pick my outfit for today and slip into it.

I applied some rose lip gloss and and my favorite Victoria's Secret's Vanilla Lace and heads downstairs. After having breakfast and lemon drink I head towards the car.


"Hey I was worried about you." I say to Mel.

"You worry too?" I glare at Mel's face and she let's out a little laugh.

"I was only kidding." She says and hits me playfully on shoulder.

"But I'm serious. I left you alone at the party and god knows at what hour you got back home and in what condition." I said worriedly.

"I was not alone..."

"What do you mean by that? Don't tell me that-" She cut's me off.

"I was with Cedric." She said smiling.

"Cedric? You mean that friend of Ash?"

It's not that I don't like it or something. She was with him and last night I saw her smiling at him time to time and so did Cedric. Until she's okay I'm happy for her.

"He kissed me before leaving me at home." She says shyly.

"So you really like him?"

"Of course, he's so nice to me."

I saw Cedric a few times at school and he seemed a good guy. He does not sticks to another girl every other second like Ash. He's good.

But if any day he make's Mel sad, he will not even be okay that day.

We both shifted our boxing practice after school so now we don't have to come here early in the morning and we get some more sleep. I head back home after practicing for three hours and showering because the championship finals are in two days.

I make a stop in front of my favorite ice-cream parlor and walked inside. I asked for a strawberry cream flavored ice-cream and sat back on the sofa and began eating my ice-cream. Automatically a smile formed on my lips. Ice-cream and nutella can be your best friend forever and you can have them whenever you want. My smile widens a bit when I began eating the strawberry on top of it but suddenly it drops when I see Ash coming towards me with a smirk on this face. He sits across me never wiping off that smirk from his face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me back.

"What will I do in an ice-cream parlor with an ice-cream in my hand?" I fired.

"Oh well, never expected you to like strawberry cream."

Strawberry is my favorite fruit and yes, its a fruit....How dare he !!?

"It has nothing to do with you." I said and ate a spoon full of my ice-cream.

"It has. By the way what's your favorite food?"

"Why?" I asked confused.

"I thought we can have dinner-

"Hey watch your limits boy. Are you asking me out on a date?" I cut him off.

"You can say that."

"You really want a visit to hospital?" I said

"You wanna beat me now? But I can't even think of hurting you." He says not being serious at all.

"What are you doing then?" He asks and I sigh.

"The championship finals are in two days." I told him.

"Okay, then you'll see me there."

"And why will I be seeing you there?"

Someone tell me what he wants so that I can leave from here as soon as possible.

"Adrian succeeded the preliminaries and now is in the finals" he tells me "See you there Jane."

"My name's not Jane." I said almost immediately.

"You are my friend and I like to call you Jane."

"Who says I'm your friend?" Not bad being friends with a bad boy but I'll not be his play toy.

"I " he answers simply standing up.

"I'm not your friend Ryder."

"You are. No matter what you say."

"I'm not." I defended as he starts walking out of there. He suddenly turns back.

"You are Jane.....mine." And with that he walks away and I sat there processing his words.

I could've punched him or kicked him straight in his face when he called me Jane or said that I'm his friend but why the hell I didn't. I didn't do anything. WHY? He's hot..

I could've beat the shit out of anyone who dare to talk to me like that.


Short but another update and

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Simra_Alicreators' thoughts