
Cross my heart and hope to die

Tomorrow are the finals, so Mel and I both will not go school tomorrow and then later in the evening will held grand finale. I've already practiced more than three hours and now I'm so much sweaty. I quickly put my boxing gloves aside and walked towards 'S-level only' refreshing zone.

Every move with which you'll fight in the ring must be practiced countless times.

I'm a MMA boxer and I love MMA from the depth of my heart. I've lost count of the number of times when people exclaimed, "What if you mess up with your face?" They've missed the point: I'm not a model. So what does it matter if I have a scar on my face? And anyway boxing means more to me than that: it's my structure and my sanity. I injuries are the part of the game, there is always something niggling, but I've been lucky so far. A lot of people don't take you seriously, it is exhausting coming up against the same patronising comments, trying to break the stereotype. I guess as a female MMA boxer I have something to prove. Well, that's just when I'm in ring. hehe

I talked to Caleb, my gang's leader and my best friend. I told him that one day after the boxing match Mel and I will get back in street. I have to tell this to Mel.

I came out of the shower and dressed up in a navy blue tank top and blue shorts when Mel came in.

"Cutie is waiting for you outside." She tells me.

"What is he doing here?" I questioned myself and walked out looking for his car. There I saw it as soon as I walked out of the Westside MMA. I got in the back seat with him.

"What brings you here Zach?" I ask him texting Mel about the talk I had with Caleb.

"I thought you'd be tired after practicing for so long so I'm here to pick you up for home." He says smiling at me.

"I'm really tired, thank you Zach."

"Uncle Halter, take us home." He said to the driver.


As I enter in my house, I saw a familiar figure of Allie.

"Mr. And Ms. Carter." She greeted us with a warm smile.

"Allie, can I have some fresh orange juice in my room?"

"Sure Ms. Carter. Anything for you Mr. Carter?" She asks looking at Zach who's standing beside me.

"No, thank you Allie." He said and walks away towards his room.

I walked in my room and threw myself on the bed and let my body relax. I don't even know when I fell asleep.

I woke up when someone was sitting beside me brushing my hair with his hand. I turned my head towards him and opened my eyes.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No" I said as I sat straight and stretched my arms.

"I was coming for you when I saw Allie coming here with your favorite drink so I took it from her." Zach tells me giving me my orange juice."Are you good?"

"Yeah, I feel fresh after sleeping for a while." I said taking a sip of my Juice.

"So tomorrow are the finals?" He ask.

"Yes and I know you can't be their in the morning because of the company but I want you there in the evening for the grand finale." I said.

"Okay Jan. I promise."

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Yes oh and I forgot grandpa wants to see us. Come he's downstairs."

"Okay" I said and walked out with him.

We came downstairs and knock on his door and came in. Grandpa was sitting on his chair in front of his table reading some documents. His huge portrait was hung on the wall behind him and the chandelier in the dark blue room was shining brightly making the room look beautiful as ever. Grandpa's always busy in company's work and he called us now. I wonder what he wants to tell me because I'm sure with Zach he only wants to discuss company issues, to be honest I'm quite scared. Whatever grandpa says we obey his instructions since we were five. Tomorrow is my match, I hope grandpa don't say anything about that.

"Hello grandpa." We both greeted at the same time.

"Hello" He said and gestured us come and stand in front of his desk so we did.

"Jannet...I want to tell you that you have to attend a meeting in the company." He says.

"When's the meeting grandpa?" I asked worriedly.

God! Please not tomorrow. I don't know what will I say if he'll say that the meeting is tomorrow, I can't have anytime to go anywhere tomorrow.

"It's the day after tomorrow and I want you to handle it carefully and give me the conclusion reports as soon as possible."

Thank God!!

"Okay. I'll have a visit tomorrow in the company after the championship competition is over to tell the members sharp time and that they should prepare their slides and objectives for the discussion meeting." I said politely.

"Hmm..and your competition tomorrow?" He ask.

"Yes Grandpa."

"Good Luck." He says smiling softly.

"Thank you Grandpa." I said smiling.

"Zach I want to discuss something with you sometime later." He says to Zach.

"Okay grandpa."

"You both can go now." He said.

We walked out of their and I got insider my room, Zach following me.

"You want anything little brother?" I ask him.

"I want to ask you something. Can I?" He says as he sat at the corner of my bed.

"What is it Zach?" I ask as I sat beside him.

"I'll not circle things because I actually don't know how to do it so I'll come straight to the point but promise me that you'll not punch me, I'm your little brother." He says looking in my eyes.

"Okay" I promised.

"You are always in MMA sports and company's business and I'm sure it must be difficult to do both the things at one time."

"Yes it is difficult but you know why do I do MMA boxing and business is something that I have to do whether I'll do anything else or not, so I have no choice. But what do you want to say from that?" I ask looking at him.

"Why don't you see someone so that you can have some time happy because you always wears that serious look on your face in the company and even in the Westside MMA. You should look for someone whatever type you like." He says in one go and I listened him not trying to bang my head against a wall.

"You want me to see with someone who'll have the title of my boyfriend?"

"Not just me but grandpa too. He told me this yesterday and I felt concern in his voice and I too think the same."

"I just don't want anyone and you know I even don't have many friends."

"That's because you're The Queen but I know not just boys but even the girls wants to be your friend. I'm not saying to date anyone but the one you like."

"I'll think and now you can leave."

"Okay just don't get mad at me." He said and leaves my room.

Did he just asked me to make a boyfriend??

My Ass!!

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