

[COMPLETED] Set in the city of Tokyo, Japan. The world ended after the explosion of a Chemical Plant alongside a virus, leaving the remaining survivors of Tokyo to retreat to an underground base, governed by the Prime Minister of Tokyo, the outside world inhabitable to them. Young Kimura Hiro, a victim of the incident (Black Storm), wakes up blind in an underground base, along with a group of kids quarantined in the same room away from the rest civilians. They are told of the shocking disaster and 100 of them, the sole survivors of a virus responsible for wiping out half of humanity, their cellular structure altered by it making them faster, stronger, and different from the normal average human beings. All hope turns to the Bio-genetics as a means of reclaiming the surface (The outside world), but a much greater threat awaits them on the surface, unlike anything they have ever seen. What lies in store for the Bio-genetics? Find out as you experience the thrilling dark adventure of the Bio-genetics, through trials and harsh cruel reality, as they strive to reclaim the surface lost to them. A/N: This book is anime based... containing a series of action, military, romance, and suspense, if you are into these... then this is the right book for you. [WARNING] Mature Contents, Strong Use Of Language, Bloody Scenes! DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own The Pictures Used, Credits To The Owner.

Dy_zamite · Fantasy
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301 Chs


Few Minutes Ago

"Training?!" Hiro said, puzzled.

Yuki nods as they both walk along the hall heading for the classroom, Yuki leads Hiro towards the path.

"Yes, my guess is the Prime Minister knew some will retaliate to escape, this is a highly classified facility, even though the room isn't watched, still nothing will go unnoticed," Yuki said.

Hiro's eyes shook as she explained.

"Not only that one of the scientists made a note of 'Beginning Procedure', but this can also only be the perfect way to do that," she said.

"Why would they do something like that, up to that extent," Hiro said, pissed.

Yuki halts, so does Hiro.

"To prove the theory that the world has ended and that we are bio-genetics".

_ _ _

Briefing Room

'Yuki must be right, Kiyoshi-sama is hesitating'. Hiro thought not hearing from him in a while now. 'Have the world ended? Are we really orphans?'.

"Sorry Hiro but that request is one I can't make," Kiyoshi said sternly.

"Exposing them to danger isn't enough for you?" Hiro hissed and pissed.

"Stop the training, you have got enough proof already", his teeth clenched.

"We are the bio-genetics, we are orphans, everything is gone, we know that now so just stop" his body trembling, did he just say that, yes he did, it was time to face the bitter truth.


His sudden outburst shocked everyone.

Kiyoshi's eyes never left Hiro, as his mind travels.

Four Years Ago

The Year 2019

Kantei - Prime Minister Office/ Official Resident

"Sir!" Kimura Haruto said saluting.

Kiyoshi smiled.

"Now Haruto there's no need for formalities, it's just me and you in the office," Kiyoshi said amused.

"Still sir it's still mandatory, it's my duty," Haruto said, removing his uniform cap, revealing short spiky red hair. He places his cap in between his side and his arm.

"Always so honorable, that's why I like you Haruto, the position of military head suits you," Kiyoshi said.

Haruto just laughed nervously scratching the back of his head.

"We both know who this position was better suited for," he said with a grin.

"Still beating yourself over that, we both know it was his choice to turn it down," Kiyoshi said with a struggle.

"So how's lovely Aiko and Hiro doing, it's been a while, we should have dinner together this evening just like old times" Kiyoshi offered.

"Am afraid I will have to turn that down sir, Aiko is busy at the university, and Hiro..." he paused when he got to his son.

"He doesn't come here like he used to anymore," Kiyoshi said, seeing his expression.

Haruto sighs.

"Ever since I got promoted, we have drifted apart," Haruto said with sad eyes.

"I can understand Haruto, you have been busy going on assignments for me, I'm keeping you away from your family".

"It's my duty to the nation, a safe nation is a safe place for my family, even if I'm not there in person, I will still keep them safe," Haruto said sternly.

Kiyoshi's eyes widened at his response, but then he smiled. ' I admire you Haruto'. He thought.

The Year 2020

Black Storm Day

Kantei - Prime Minister Office/ Official Resident

The explosion could be sighted a long distance away, the wave of destruction. A secretary rushed towards the Prime Minister's office. He barges into the wide office.

"Kiyoshi-sama," he said haste. Kiyoshi was standing close to the window looking deep into the distance. His teeth clenched.

"Quickly gather civilians where the explosion didn't reach, to the base ASAP!" he hissed.

"Yes, Kiyoshi-sama" the secretary rushed out to call on comms.

Kiyoshi walked to his call phone line in haste, dialing a number. But the line didn't go through. 'Dammit! Haruto picked it up!'. Kiyoshi thought with shaky eyes. He dialed another number.

"Get me General Haruto now!" he hissed.

"Sir we are unable to reach him too!" a voice said.

"What do you mean?!" Kiyoshi yelled, pissed, another call came in from another phone line, but Kiyoshi ignored it.

"Get him and his family to come to Kantei as soon as you have heard from him," he said.

"Sir, we just checked our surveillance camera from hours ago," the voice said.

Kiyoshi waited in anticipation.

"He was last seen at the amusement park with his family". Kiyoshi froze, the park was around the Chemical Plant area. Kiyoshi's eyes shake.

'It was really unfortunate'

_ _ _

Present Day

Everything changed since the black storm, not just the world but he too changed, he always thought being Prime Minister was the toughest job anyone could ask for, he thought that was all it meant, a tough job but no, it was more than that, right now the remaining survivors of humanity on this base were on his shoulders, this was not a job, it was a responsibility given to him by the heavens. Nurturing bio-genetics to be the future was his responsibility.

"Go back to your room Hiro, there's nothing more you will say that will make me change my mind," Kiyoshi said sternly looking the other way, backing Hiro.

Hiro froze at his answer, he wasn't gonna listen even to him?.

The video went off.

_ _ _

Level 17: Bio-genetics Level

Briefing Room

"He won't listen to me, I thought if I talked to him formally he would," Hiro said, his eyes shaking.

"What will you do now?" Yuki asked.

Hiro's teeth clenched as his fist tightened.

"If he won't listen to me, then I just have to go there myself".

"Go where?"

"Where Ten and the others are"

Yuki froze at his reply as her eyes widened. He was either dumb or brave, that was Yuki's thought.

"If you say so".