

[COMPLETED] Set in the city of Tokyo, Japan. The world ended after the explosion of a Chemical Plant alongside a virus, leaving the remaining survivors of Tokyo to retreat to an underground base, governed by the Prime Minister of Tokyo, the outside world inhabitable to them. Young Kimura Hiro, a victim of the incident (Black Storm), wakes up blind in an underground base, along with a group of kids quarantined in the same room away from the rest civilians. They are told of the shocking disaster and 100 of them, the sole survivors of a virus responsible for wiping out half of humanity, their cellular structure altered by it making them faster, stronger, and different from the normal average human beings. All hope turns to the Bio-genetics as a means of reclaiming the surface (The outside world), but a much greater threat awaits them on the surface, unlike anything they have ever seen. What lies in store for the Bio-genetics? Find out as you experience the thrilling dark adventure of the Bio-genetics, through trials and harsh cruel reality, as they strive to reclaim the surface lost to them. A/N: This book is anime based... containing a series of action, military, romance, and suspense, if you are into these... then this is the right book for you. [WARNING] Mature Contents, Strong Use Of Language, Bloody Scenes! DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own The Pictures Used, Credits To The Owner.

Dy_zamite · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
301 Chs


Level 10

Training Stimulation

Ren took sharp breaths running, a raging robot coming after him from behind. 'I have to run, I have to run'. He thought repeatedly. The robot jumps landing in his front causing a huge crash, the force pushing Ren away, his back slammed at the wall hard, earning a splash of blood from his mouth, he held his chest in pain, the robot marching in front of him.

Ren gasps in fear, his eyes changing, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond mixed with light and dark shade of blue, with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkened more and extended.

He shouts when the robot is about to kick him.

"REN!" Shino shouts as he ran at extreme speed towards the robot, with a kick the robot was sent flying at a distance.

"Are you okay?" Shino asked, worried as his bio-genetics eyes landed on him.

"Are they trying to kill us? They have proven enough haven't they!" Ren hissed in tears.

"Ren," Shino said with shaky eyes.

"Ren-Kun!" a voice came in, they turned.

"Rin-chan," Ren said with widening eyes when he saw his twin sister Rin along with Ten and Kaneki running towards them. They stopped close to them.

"Rin, Ten, Kaneki, are you guys alright?" Shino asked.

"Barely," Kaneki said, annoyed.

"Where's Mirai?" he hissed.

"We got separated when the robots attacked," Shino said with sad eyes.

"Tck!" He sounded annoyed.

_ _ _

Haya slides down beneath the robot as the punch makes contact with the ground, causing a crack. The robot faced her, so did Haya, she went on a fighting stance with a stern look.

The robot came in speed, its eyes beaming dangerously, with one kick on the leg the robot was sent to the ground. She placed a foot on the robot preventing it from standing, she forced open the chest of the robot, flinging the compressed metal away, she messed around the wires in the chest, the robot shut down instantly.

"That should do it," she said, standing up straight.

"You can come out now, Asano!" she called.

Asano came out from the rumbles she hid in. She took a sigh of relief.

"We should find the others, together we can find a way to stop all these robots," Haya said, Asano nodded.

_ _ _

*Ding sound*

The elevator doors slide open, Hiro and Yuki stepping out.

"It looks like the outside world," Yuki said observing the environment.

Hiro stiffen.

_ _ _

Control Lab

"Kiyoshi-sama, one of the camera's just spotted Nagami Yuki and Kimura Hiro in the stimulation" one the operator announced.

"What?" Kiyoshi hissed furiously.

"We have to get him out of there, he's in a critical state," Touka said worriedly.

"He's a bio-genetics isn't him," Hachiro said, adjusting his glasses, their attention drifting to him.

"He's blind Hachiro, that's what makes him more vulnerable" Touka hissed.

_ _ _

Loud Marching Sound

Yuki halts when her eyes avert to three robots marching towards them.

"What is it, Yuki?" Hiro asked, wondering why she stopped.

"Robots," Yuki said, Hiro froze.

"It's all right," Yuki said.

Hiro's head turned to her.

"Yuki," Hiro said with shaky eyes.

"I'm right here".

'Protect him'

A voice said in her head, her eyes widened as the wind blew around them, then her looks turned serious.

The robots came online as all three of them came at once, Yuki's eyes changed to the bio-genetics eyes, like a zap of speed she charged towards the robots.

_ _ _

'What's this?'. Hachiro thought as he studied Yuki's vitals. 'Her vitals are different from the others. Is she awakening her powers differently?'

_ _ _

Yuki rotated on-air as she used her knee to hit the robot head, the head coming off instantly, the robot dropping dead.

She slides down in speed charging towards the other robot in a flash, her eyes beaming dangerously.

_ _ _

*Loud crash*

Everyone heard it.

"What's that?!" Ten said with shaky eyes.

"It's coming from there" Shino announced, pointing in a direction, and they ran towards it.

Along with others in the distance.


Hiro stood immobile unaware of what was happening; he just heard crashing sounds.

The rest of the bio-genetics got to where they were.

"Hiro!" Kaname said in shock, surprised he was here.

"What's he doing here?!" Sumi said.

But that wasn't the only shocking thing, their eyes averted to Yuki standing amid three destroyed robots, their heads and arms apart giving off electric noises.

"She fought them all by herself," Ten said, stunned.

Yuki turned to Hiro, who still stood immobile, but then she froze as her eyes widened.

"HIRO!" Shino shouts, others panicked too.

They all saw it from both sides, two robots came for Hiro at lightning speed.

Hiro froze hearing their fast-approaching sound, he paled.

Another robot from a building top jumped from the air coming for Hiro.

"HIRO!" Ten shouts with horror in his eyes.

Yuki ran towards Hiro but she knew she wouldn't be able to make it in time, they were already close, Hiro won't be able to survive it.

*Loud Sound Of Heartbeat*

Hiro looked up, the robots inches apart. Everywhere fell silent all sounds seizing, suddenly he felt power surge throughout his body straight to his eyes, his eyes changed, the iris color changed to bright crystal blue like a diamond with mixed shades of light and dark blue with a hint of red lines in it, forming a crack moving around, the pupil darkens more and extended, veins at the corner of his eyes. it gave out a wild wave of blue aura around it like electric as it came off like a ticking bomb going off in a wide surge of energy, wiping everything in sight.