
The ATs

A seventeen year old boy by the name of Migo and his close friend Sarah discovered a subterranean word underneath the small town of Little Darth.

Demenssion_8888 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Swamp path “ Marcus”,

After two long good hours of looking at Sarah's back side, I finally got to the summit. Joy and wonder was all that came to mind as I set my eyes on the breath take view.

Sarah Hyland was no stranger to beauty...she blended her presence with the mystical environment, flattering even the clouds.

" Hey rock for brains... don't try to over think it, you'll get me next time or not. You'll never beat me", said Sarah. " Wow and here I was thinking of how good you looked standing on the edge", "Ha! Don't make me laugh, If you're trying to hook up... it'll never work. If I were to go out with a Bradley, it would probably be Migo", Sarah said as she got my camera only to take a picture of the vast landscape.

Once all was said and done, I packed up and slowly walked home.

Present day

Even though Itarogon was a huge so off and a heartless monster, he was really wrong. As the sun set my brothers and I gathered in the Attic were we kept the ATs we captured.

Usually I'd get the massive ones, but it wouldn't always turn out as planned. Today I picked the strange looking Owlat.

It was about the size of a raven with black feathers and red pupiless eyes. It had no legs, but possessed a long tail with a claw at the end. Rank= 1, Species= Am, Class= Bottom, T.L= Spark.

The darkness of night sky glossed our house with silence. The gentle sound of tree branches rattling was all we were allowed to hear. Posted in Dad and Mom's room, I was the closest to the basement.

My Owlat served as an alarm for the first sign of At movement, the bird quietly rested it's body at the corner of the cage. The first five minutes were extremely boring... nothing as far as rat scurrying happened for a while. Soon after I decided to take a break, I left the Owlat by the door way.

The neighbors were so happy laughing at funny mistakes, cooking... one of them even got injured and his father rushed to help. The gently whipped his son's tears...


The Owlat screeched as a Carat reaped the steel cage open.

The Carat was a big one, we've only ever seen it once. It was about the same size as a mountain lion, equipte a large meter long rat tail and a long snout filled with large fangs.

The Carat tried its best to get the Owlat out of the cage, but the bird like creator was too quick. It rushed out of the cage and began to fly in circles. The Carat roared furiously before pouncing towards me. Luckily it missed and ended up tangled in the beddings.

Adrenaline rush though me as I pushed the first key off the bangle. The Owlat felt one of it's abilities loosen (speed break), it's speed increased by a long shot. Swiftly the Owlat struck it's beak multiple times on the blinded beast.

My cannon was ready for the shot. I waited for the Carat to show it's face once more, but the situation went out of hand the second it excreted a massive amount of black smoke, that filled the room up in seconds.

This was bad for both me and the Owlat. The defenseless bird, helplessly squawking until a loud crunching sound silenced it. This was not good. I aimed for were the noise was loudest and fired!

The smoke made it hard for me to breath, the cannon slipped out of my hand and I dropped to the ground completely losing consciousness.