
The ATs

A seventeen year old boy by the name of Migo and his close friend Sarah discovered a subterranean word underneath the small town of Little Darth.

Demenssion_8888 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

At Canyon “ Migo”,

" Ohhhhh Sarah Hyland hey how are you?", " Migo! Wait what did I tell you about using my full names, it's just Sarah, Sarah", " ohh I'm sorry I never meant to...", " don't start that again. You keep on acting this nice and you'll never claim anything", Sarah said to me.

My excitement forced me to show her my perfect score, " wow! You managed to do it all alone that's pretty cool...if I didn't know better I'd say your trying to be more like Itarogon", " no! I'm trying to get even better than him", I said to Sarah. Marcus was a few feet away from us, I didn't want to bother him because he had a lot on his mind.

Present day

Itarogon. His the eldest son, even though him and Marcus are twins they look nothing alike. Itarogon got the new AT he bagged and Marcus the second Owlat we caught.

My choice was not as spectacular as there's, it was a Ratroach we caught a few days ago. I hoped to see some new ATs that night, maybe one we've never encountered before.

I was posted on the stair case. With Marcus in Dad and Mom's room, he was the closest to the basement and the one in the most danger. Sometimes I just wish I could be as brave as my brothers... maybe then I would be less of a burden and more of a hero.


The Owlat alerted us that the ATs had surfaced. The ruckus down stairs sounded as though Marcus was in a devastating battle, he always told me to never follow the noise, but wait for the threat to present itself.

Surprisingly an Armadillat rushed to the stair case. It was larger than the Ratroach and was the side of a sheep. It looked like a hairless monkey with a dog like head, equipte with an armadillo shell on it's back and a large snail shell on it's head acting as a helmet. Rank= 3, Species= At, Class= Bottom, T.L= Fire.

This was my first time going up against one, it screeched before rushing after me. I pulled the last key and the creature felt a charge of intensity rush through it's body...it then regurgitated a blast of lava at the Armadillat. The quick beast flipped and twisted, accurately avoiding the blast.

The Armadillat was fast, but the Ratroach was faster, it rushed after the larger AT aggressively...I pulled the remaining keys out of desperation hopping for the best, but alas the Armadillat was just too strong. It slapped the Ratroach down the stairs and shot out a sonic blast from it's mouth that forced me into the bathroom.

" That was new...auch!", the torment wasn't over... it rushed in after me, but this time I was ready. With the taser in my back pocket, I shocked the creature to the ground.

This was my time to shine and I wasn't going to let anything stop me.

Completely out of weapons, the taser was all I had and I wasn't going to let it go. The constant flow of electricity in it's body was outstanding... unfortunately the Armadillat discharge an electromagnetic waves strong enough to slam me on to the roof.