
Chapter 27

Emily ran as quick as she could back to the car and launched herself into the back seat startling everybody in the car.

"A-Alvin h-he is hurt." She panted out due to the running. Everyone's eyes bulged out of their sockets, Ricky and Ryder shot out of their car seats ready to go look for Alvin but instead was found by him.

"Hey, guys, what's up? Ryder is coke okay for your drinks?" There Alvin was standing right in front of them with bags of MacDonald's food in his hand.

"W-Wha, how? We thought you were hurt, Emily came back freaking out and all." Ricky was at a loss for words as he tried to explain that Ryder and he were going to go look for him.

"Oh it is nothing, just a crazy girl with a whip trying to end my life and there really isn't any injury or anything, Eric my wolf healed me already." He stated and even pounded his chest to prove that he is totally fine.

"Fooooood!" Ryder turned back to his usual craziness and snatched all the bags right out of Alvin's hand. He felt something off and sniffed him and smelt something delicious.

"Cookies and cream! Where were you, why do you smell of cookies and cream?" Ryder seemed to be a little restless but no one understands why.

"I've been in MacDonalds and there were cookies and cream ice cream?" Alvin looked unsure and said.

"Oh, alright. I am just going to go back to the car to eat my food." Ryder seemed a little disappointed but he brushed the feelings away and got excited about the food again. Even he had a hard time understanding what he was feeling.

The 3 of them got back into the car and the first shocking thing that happened was when Emily threw herself onto Alvin and hugged him tightly after that she looked around for injuries totally ignoring Ryder with all the food leaving him to eat all alone. Carly was looking towards Ricky for some explanation as to what was going on.

Emily couldn't seem to find any injuries which strike a lot of questions in her as she knows how strong Kelly is and Alvin would surely not get away without any injuries. He found a random excuse and threw it at her assuring her things were alright and she could not find any other better reasoning, therefore, she let it go and ate the MacDonald meal Alvin got for her. Ricky mind linked Carly on what happened and drove off to the pack house so they can settle Emily in and get a clearer and fuller explanation as to what was truly going on.

Emily's P.O.V

Rushing back to the car I almost lost my footing a few times but managed to not fall, I've never been a person who panics and freaks out easily but currently, Alvin is hurt cause of me, Kelly is here to kill him. . . Father why must he do such a thing. . . I ran as fast as my legs could take me and soon the car was in sight, I dashed over and stumbled into the car as everyone looked towards me as if I grew an extra head wondering what was going on.

"A-Alvin h-he is hurt." I spat out with all the panting and everything so I was slightly stuttering.

All their eyes grew big and had on a weird twisted expression before Ryder and Ricky got out of the car. All I saw was them panicking and was about to run towards the direction I came from but before they could, Alvin was standing right in front of them, he seemed to be holding onto some bags and the 3 of them were having some sort of weird conversation with Ryder smelling Alvin and jumping around like a kid on Christmas morning. How could Alvin be here. . . With Kelly's strength, it is near impossible to get away without suffering any injuries.

The reason why Kelly and Kaylin are special to 'father' and considered the best, there is another reason behind it. They have some sort of special ability unless the person manages to attack before being the target of the ability or the person is immune to it, once caught there is no chance of escape. But till this day no such person has ever made their appearance, even I am not very familiar with the ability they have but I've heard the people working for 'father' talk about it from time to time.

Not long after the trio came back into the car, in my right state of mind I wouldn't have done what I am about to do but like I said, right state, currently I am all over the place. I launched myself towards Alvin and embraced him into a tight hug, at the moment where he protected me from that whiplash, my brain simply didn't care about any other thing anymore, all I could think about was whether he is hurt or not.

My heart and body were slightly trembling due to fear of Alvin dying in the hands of Kelly, what would I do if he got hurt. . . He makes me feel things I did not know I could feel, such as worries and a warm fuzzy feeling which I have a hard time describing, he is the only guy in this world who is able to let me feel this way, I don't want him dead. . . That was the only thought running through my brain when I ran back to the car.

"I am fine Emy, don't worry the hit wasn't even that hard or painful, it was a mere graze I shifted my body a little so the whip wouldn't have a large impact on me." I looked him in the eyes and even though it seems true I still couldn't believe it. I started searching up and down his body but couldn't find any injuries instead I was even teased by Alvin that dumb dumb, here I was worried about him and there he is making fun of me!

"Princess take it slow, even though I know I have a nice body but you don't have to touch my body all over in front of everyone." He smirked. I felt my face flushed red and gave up looking for any possible injuries on him.

"Hmph, I've seen better!" I lied as the truth is, Alvin has a Godly sculpted 6 pack body, even though it isn't an 8 pack but still for his age, 6 pack is good enough.

His eyes changed colors for a moment and it shocked me but it soon turned back, oh gosh, he better not be on some drugs or something.

"Princess I will show you later on whether my body is better or others are." He whispered into my ears causing me to fluster and blush, I looked towards Ryder realizing that he had MacDonalds in his hand and there was another burger in the bag, I took the burger from the bag and munched on it ignoring Alvin, he and his retarded dirty brain! Throughout the ride, no one spoke and the only sound was Ryder's snoring, at least it isn't tons of questions thrown in my face. But my dreams and hopes of avoiding the topic seemed to be dashed as soon as I hoped for it.

"We are here." The car came to a halt and Ricky turned back and look towards us.

"Carly you go help Emily settle in, Ricky you and Ryder follow me to the meeting area, Carly once Emily and you are done, please meet us there as well." Alvin started throwing out orders and everyone nodded and went off to do what they were being ordered to do, Carly grabbed onto my hand and looked at me with concern flashing in her eyes but was soon replaced with eagerness.

"You can have the room beside mine and we have so much to do, we can go shop for clothes at the nearby mall and there is a new boutique opening a few days later!" She rambled on and brought me to a room that has a wallpaper of the sea on the walls. I was totally confused as to what was going on but from the looks of it, I will have to tell them everything from the start.

I don't think I can brush it off any longer. . .