

The fourth Prince Zi Long Xie stood with his flying sword stuck to his body like armour and most of this armour was pieces through by his opponent's flying sword. These showcased the power behind their last clash.

Looking at the state the fourth Prince was in, it looked as if he had it worse than the two of them. Mai Lin Lin's ice armour had become opaque, but she seemed fine as she stood facing her opponent.

Both were still standing and so it wasn't clear who had won. As exhausted as they were only by clearly defeating the opponent or them conceiving defeat could the battle come to an end and a victor determined. It was a bit confusing for everyone present including the combatant.

"Well, I believe they must clash once more to see the one who would obtain victory. But they both look overly exhausted, anyone to make a move now might just win the championship." One cultivator turned to her friend and analyzed.

But the friend shook his head and replied, " that might not necessarily be through; what if the other person is biding their time to take an advantage of the situation? He might just catch her unawares. "

"This is true for both youngsters. It's now down to luck and who can make use of the opportunity." Analysis and comments were flowing among the spectators as they try to find out what might happen next

This fight would be over soon and the victor would be determined by the next move either of these participants make. As of now, they seem not to be willing to make the needed move to end the battle.

Was it caution or just fatigue that is fueling this current stalemate? It appeared to be both, they might just be using this brief moment to catch their breath and also seize the advantage to overwhelm their opponent. That was the general analysis of the experts and their expectations in the spectator's stands.

Just as it seemed they would not be continuing the fight, Mai Lin Lin raised her sword to attack. She tapped her feet on the stage and lifted herself in mid-air only to freeze a few metres out and tumbled back to the stage as her now opaque ice armour shattered into fine powdered dust and she fell to her knees.

She was looking very pale like a ghost, no one knew if it was the frost from the ice or the outcome of the battle. She vomited a mouthful of blood mixed with shards of ice.

The whole arena was deathly quiet, everyone was in shock!! "What is going on, she seemed fine just a moment ago and was just about to attack". There was disbelief on everyone's face; some of the ladies were feeling indignant on her behalf. A female hasn't won the finals in over two decades and as this year's finalist included a woman they were hoping she would win.

She did very well too, yet the victory seems to be hers yet this had to happen. They felt aggrieved and we're praying for her to be able to get up and finish her opponent. They even started chanting her name to motivate her to stand up.

The fourth Prinve stood on his side of the stage and observed what was going on currently. He was a bit surprised when they separated from their clash earlier and he found his opponent almost unscathed. This is the Asura Dragons Tail Whip technique after all.

With how difficult it is to cultivate how can the outcome of the clash be what he was witnessing? Of course, the change in Mai Lin Lin's armour's crystalline appearance into an opaque one was a testament to the power of his secret technique. He had attacked her earlier on with a high heaven-grade treasured sword and yet could not damage it even an inch.

His treasure's sword suffered a dent instead, and this shocked him extremely. The ice armour was indeed as tough as divine steel. That was why he had used the Asura Dragon Tail Whip technique in their laid exchange.

As everyone was left to their internal musings and started to recover from the shock,? The young lady in the fighting arena was steel on her knees and supporting herself with one arm while using her sword to support herself to stand up.

This got the female spectators even more riled up as their chants of "Mai Lin Lin's name for louder and louder. Even some of the men joined in. The human heart was indeed a fickle thing. They were moved by the struggles of one they see as an underdog.

They had supported the fourth Prince vehemently through his fight against two Xantian Martial Realm cultivators earlier. Now the struggling Mai Lon Lin seems to have won their hearts over. Well, they can not be blamed she did put up an outstanding performance in this finals.

As the cheers got louder Mai Lin Lin seem to have received a newfound strength as she gradually rose to her feet and took two steps forward and jerked violently as she came to an abrupt stop.

At this point, the fly swords on the fourth Prince's body finally fell off. It was then the spectators realized that all this while the fight never seized. These two combatant were still using their sword qi to power their flying swords on the stage. The fourth Prince was defending against the flying sword that has pierced through his flying sword armour.

It was only when Mai Lin Lin reached the end of her rope that her sword qi was weakened. Once again the euphoria of astonishment poured over the spectators again. This girl is indeed a monster among geniuses. The fourth Prince was under pressure all this while, no wonder he did not move.

Mai Lin Lin indeed has a mastery over her sword qi that only a very few people in the Peak of the Late Xantian Martial Force Realm could compare with. She had hidden well indeed. She might have caught her opponents unaware of her cunningness. It's no wonder she is in the final.

"The fourth Prince is too young, if he had been the same age as her, he might have faired a bit better. " So many people were thinking this as the progress of the battle dawned on them.

At this time the blood-covered Fourth Prince shot forward and landed in front of the motionless Mai Lin Lin. She had a calm expression on her face as she taxes into the eyes of the young man before her. She stood there facing him as he faces her. The gentle wind was blowing her of both participants.

" You were indeed a worthy opponent, our battle has enlightened this humble one. The next time we meet I may have a surprise waiting for you." Mai Lin Lin said to the Fourth Prince as she stood there and a faint smile played at the corner of her dainty pale lips.

The spectators were awed by her beauty and modesty. Even though the won, she was still polite and even tried to encourage her defeated opponent. "What a young lady?" Most of the spectators watched on with admiration.

"Alright then, am sure your path would be a glorious one. Our battle had indeed enlightened me as well. This experience would last for a long time with me." The fourth Prince answered and continued.

"Let's end this then" he stretched two fingers and gently placed them against Mai Lin Lins's forehead. She jerked slightly backwards in response as a spray of blood was shot behind her and part of her arm was cracked in a web pattern. She vomited a mouth full of blood into the floor.

The spectators were in shock once more. Everyone thought she was the victor of their battle earlier. Yet now she was vomiting blood and her asking is cracked and ejecting sprays of blood.

Then they realized that the fourth Prince Sword's intent might have invaded her internal organs earlier and that was why she could not make that last attack to finish him off. To think both these youngsters could have such profound control over the sword qi, sword intent and their secret techniques sent goosebumps through all those that imagined it.

Mai Lin Lin sighed and collected herself, she would have been more severely injured had the fourth Prince not been magnanimous enough to expel his tyrannical sword intent from her body. She looked at the younger opponent for a few more moments and bowed to him as a form of accepting defeat.

There was a huge uproar in the spectator's stand as their assumptions had been confirmed by Mai Lin Lin's action. There were loud cheers and applause for both combatants as the supervising elder descended to hold the young Fourth Prince's hand up to indicate he was the victor for all to see.

They applauded Mai Lin Lin for her fighting spirit, skill and her gracefulness in accepting defeat. She had persevered and proven to all that she was indeed a genius worthy of being the s3cond position ranked on the Xantian Leader aboard the Black Dragon Empire.

The Fourth Prince, Zi Long Xie was cheered because of the many legends and vast talents he had showcased. He is the youngest Xantian Martial Force Realm cultivator in the last hundred thousand years, the youngest participant of the tournament finals, the youngest leader of the Xantian board and the youngest Champion in all history.

THE FOURTH PRINCE ZI LONG XIE is the winner and champion of this batch of the Black Dragon Tournament. His name shall go down in history forever. There was loud applause and cheers. As he stood on the stage with his head bowed towards the elated spectators.