
The Ascension Age

(This book has been Cancelled) The Big Bang! It's the phenomenon known for being responsible for the Universe's birth. Except for those who were religious fanatics, most people had already come to at least partially accept this theory. As years passed, more proof that the Big Bang was the phenomenon that gave birth to the Universe continued to appear. At some point, religions ceased to exist as the claims of science simply couldn't be refuted anymore. Humanity had finally accepted as a whole that in this Universe, such a thing as gods didn't exist... or did they? However, humanity would soon find out that the Big Bang was just part one. That infinitesimally small point where the Big Bang originated... was still there! The Second Big Bang, which had a purpose unlike the first one, was about to begin.

Suiyan · Fantasy
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66 Chs


'A top-ranked team, huh.' Altina immediately understood that they were entangling with a problematic bunch. That being said, Altina couldn't focus on anything else as she fended off the guy she was fighting against.

Sera couldn't help Kymei either since she wasn't that good at fighting to start with. This was a team ranked higher than their own, so it was obvious that they knew how to fight. In fact, she was put on her back foot from the very start against her opponent, having to do everything just to not be overwhelmed.

On Kymei's side, he tried to get out of the swamp, but his injuries and the pain caused by the injuries made everything more difficult. He wasn't at risk of dying or getting crippled, but that didn't mean the injuries weren't a burden. Not to mention that he could see the enemy's shooter move away from the battlefield, heading to another position to give his team long-range support. 'Fuck!'