
The Ascended Nobody

This story takes place in a world were rifts start to appear on the world, ascended are the people who defeats/fights monster in the rifts. and in this world who is strong only matters. This story is about a Kim Kazuki who had nothing but achieved God hood.

PurpleVoid · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter-9: Monstrosity

After some days Kim and Raito cleared a total of 28 rifts, which was an amazing achievement in itself that they cleared the 20 rifts in some days, while even the major guild could take 1-2 months to clear the same amount.

After Kim and Raito finished their 29 rifts(present),

Everyone was waiting outside when they finished the rift, Kim was in good mood because he didn't have to go at some random rift team for entering the rift and also he formed a strong bond with Raito.

Let's also see how much my skills have leveled up,



 NAME : Kim Kazuki 

 AGE : 20

 SEX : Male







Looks like all my skills have level up quite a lot. 

Kim also reminded that he got the quest from the system to kill 100 monster which he forgot about because of the past events.

then he opened the quest window to see how the progress is.



Ability Activation Quest Stage 2

You need to kill a total of 100 monster in rifts by yourself to unlock your next Quest.



 You seriously going to hit me with this shit now, why can't this system send me notification about this and send me notification about other things.

Hey Kim, you seem's in a bad did something happened, "Nha, it's nothing".

huh, you aren't going to tell me and here I thought we were best friends.

"You know you got a talent on getting on my nerves."

All jokes aside tell me did something happened, "no, it's nothing I was just tired of all the rifts clearing back-to-back."

you should have told me that I can cancel all the rifts for tomorrow if you want. "don't do that idiot we are already paying double or even triple the amount that a B-Rank rift is."

Then what do you want to do, "nothing, for now let's just clear these rift's so we can some time to breath."

You are right we are just doing rifts since we wake up until we go to sleep for some days, now that I have said that my body is also start worn out little by little. "haaaa"

"Hey Raito never change the way you are."

Huh? what did you just say I wasn't listening?

"It's nothing, I was just calling you idiot."

Hey, what did I do now? "nothing"

The Next day,

Hey Raito, where is our last rift, it is in the block 8 of the city.

Okay, let's do this fast. why are you suddenly so worked up.

You want to clear rift early or not. did I say something let's go and clear the rifts.

At the rift,

Hello, is everyone here. It looks like everyone is here, we will be entering the rift so wait outside as usual.


Raito let's go, one minute.

This rift looks rather quite then the other we have been doing, what do you think the reason might be. Most probably a high rank monster is here or there can even be a monster with stealth skill, you aren't serious are you. right?

looks like we are at boss room without any monsters nearby that's rather unusual.

Let's enter the boss room,



Quest: Defeat the King of Shadows Sable Morgrim.

Difficulty: S

Reward: You will gain the skill to control the Shadows of your enemy and one of the abilities of The King of Shadows.

Time: ---


What is this now I haven't seen this notification in quite a while and what does it mean by the King of Shadows and it's an S rank quest, can I even beat an S rank boss.

Raito stay here I will only enter the boss room today. why? "Just stay here and wait for me."

{When Kim entered the boss room, he felt the fear that he felt when he was in front of the shadow dragon}

This is bringing back some bad memories, that's why asked Raito to stay outside. I don't want him to die here, if someone is going to die it will be me.

When I entered the room, I saw an armored human in a shadow figure with a gait sword sitting on a throne made of skulls.

I was shocked by the appearance of the boss; it was like a human is returned in living but in a shadow form.

After I entered the room, the boss stood from his throne and screech which shook the whole boss room.

Then moment after that the boss disappeared in front of my eyes. when I took a step forward the boss was beside me and was glaring at me then attacked me with the sword and through me all the way to the other side of the room.

I was coughing blood from that attack, and the boss was very fast that my eyes can't even flow him, and the boss isn't even using its full power.

Which made me think I should use that skill, but I wasn't sure if it will even damage this monstrosity.

After taking that hit from the boss, he immediately activated healing barrier which heals the person inside while protecting them, which saved him from taking any fatal injuries.

then he used flaming thunder arrow and shot it towards the boss. but the boss dodged it easily, then was beside him for Kim it was like he was teleporting from one place to another, but it wasn't teleportation it was Sable's pure physical capabilities and if he was using teleportation Kim would already lose the fight before it even began.

after Sable reached beside Kim, He punched him into the ceiling of the room.

All this time Kim was able to do nothing he thought how somebody can defeat this monster, but then he remembered his fight with the shadow dragon when he didn't even have any skills.

And said it's different this time I have skills and abilities now and most important of all I made a promise to someone, Iam not going to lose now not until I become the strongest.


If you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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