
The Ascended Nobody

This story takes place in a world were rifts start to appear on the world, ascended are the people who defeats/fights monster in the rifts. and in this world who is strong only matters. This story is about a Kim Kazuki who had nothing but achieved God hood.

PurpleVoid · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter-8: Another Friend

After a lot of thinking I think I will go with [PERCEPTION] and [EVIL EYE].

Now that Iam done with choosing these skills, let's see what the boss drops by the Flame Dragon are.



You have defeated the boss of the rift The Flame Dragon,

The item's you get are.

[Dragon's Blood X 5]

[Dragon's Skin]

[Dragon Bone Dagger's]

[Dragon's Scale X10]

[High Level Healing Potion X10]


Looks like these are all the item's I got from the dragon but why aren't there any skill books. I thought I would be able to get the skill [FLY], because I defeated a dragon.

But that's not the case it doesn't look like anything other than [Dragon Bone Dagger's] and [Dragon's Blood] are not useful to me.

By the way I was thinking if I could sell these stuff, let me check online.

After some browsing, looks like I can only sell my items to the Trader's Guild.

{Trader's Guild it is one of the top guilds in Japan and take care of all the money related issue. While the other guild's have their role in the TIAG's Japan branch.}

Looks like I have to go there but how can sell them these if they didn't know where I get these from, I can't just tell them that I defeated A dragon on my own.


who is calling me I don't even have any friends or a relative who calls me, Let's just pick up the call and see who it is,

Hey Kim, it's me Raito.

How the hell did you get my number?

I have my ways, that's not important I need to meet you I have something to talk to you.

what is this about now?

I cannot tell you on phone, come to this address I have sended you on the phone tomorrow. okay bye.


That was like a storm just passed by me why was he in such hurry, but why is he always like this.

Okay I will just focus on meditation and go to this address tomorrow.


Iam here but where is that guy, he told me to come over here and he himself is late.

Hey Kim over here, "there he is".

"Now tell my you called me in such emergency".

actually, I have a favor to ask. "What is it".

Iam trying to become a guild master and to become one you need to complete at least 30 raids.

The dragon was the first raid. now I need your help in completing these 29 other raids.

What is there for me if I helped you, if you helped me, I would take your give you anything you want.

Interesting, but I can get anything I want if Iam up to it. give me a good offer or I will just get going I gave many other matters.

What? okay just listen I would do anything you say for my life just help me I would give you all the money you need, all the support I can give everything just help me.

(Looks like I got a bit over the edge, I wasn't going to reject him anyway. but gzz he is just crazy.)

Okay I will help you. Really! thanks, I would tell you when we will be entering the first rift. Raito there is one condition we will be the only ones who will be entering the rift. WHAT? but isn't it too dangerous. 

just believe me.

After the meeting with Raito,

That was a meeting, now let's see how my stats are doing,



 NAME : Kim Kazuki 

 AGE : 20

 SEX : Male






Looks like my power level increased by using the Thunderstorm Blade. but I don't think I would use it again until it is the only option I have, and my other skills also got some level up.

It looks like every time I use combine or inventory they will get some levels.

Now that this is done I will combine some more skills,

don't forget that the more skills you have, the more options you have to attack.

So, let's start combining my skills.








Now look at that I got 4 new skills from combining my other skills.

I wanted to combine Thunderstorm Blade with other skills, but I didn't have enough mana for combining it with other skills.

The time I combined three skills to make Thunderstorm Blade it consumed almost all of my mana.

Now I think I should increase my mana on daily basis again or I it will become a problem in the future.

After some rest from using his skill too much he woke up tomorrow.

Is it already morning wait when did I fall asleep?

where is my phone, there is 20 miss calls from Raito is it for the rifts, let me call him.

Hey Raito, what happened?

"You are finally calling me know I have been calling you for like an hour."

yeah, sorry about that and tell me what you were calling for.

"I sended you the address of the rift come here quickly."

On my way.

After Kim reached the rift he asked Raito, how did you managed to get a rift for us. for which he replied, "you see we need a total of 10-member team to raid a rift, so I just made a team of people who were in need of money and give them 5 million yen each raid we do."

How much money do you freaking have?


just what does that mean, forget I asked let's just go in the rift.

Hey, are you guys sure about clearing the rift alone and is it real that we will get 5 million yen each raid.

Yes, we are going to raid the rift alone and everyone else just have to wait here for us. another thing if anyone tell anything that happen here, they will need to pay triple the money I have given to them.

Hey, Raito are you done we need to go inside the rift.

yeah, Iam done let's go.

wait first tell me what you are wearing, oh this it's just an armor to protect me from the monster.

you wouldn't need that just remove it and come with me it will just make you slow. okay but can help me, this is very hard to remove.

are you not going to remove the helmet, I need to wear at least one piece of armor. okay fine.

Hey are you serious this is a B-rank rift.

Yup, we are serious.

let them go they will die no time after entering the rift.

We are going now, everyone wait here until we are back.

1 hour later,

It's been an hour; a normal raid took almost 3 hour there is penalty of time until they are back.

Hey, they are back from the rift.

looks like they ran away from the monster safely.

No, look the rift is closing that means they defeated the boss.

But it's only been an hour how did they defeated the boss so quickly, just how strong are they.

Everyone pack you stuff we need to clear 4 more rift today.

It looks like they weren't joking when they said they will be the only one to clear the rift.