
The Ascended Nobody

This story takes place in a world were rifts start to appear on the world, ascended are the people who defeats/fights monster in the rifts. and in this world who is strong only matters. This story is about a Kim Kazuki who had nothing but achieved God hood.

PurpleVoid · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter-5: The Rewards

Now let's choose my reward from the quest, which one should I pick there are 5 skills. I know what most of this skill do because I have seen them in action.

But I haven't seen the mage use the fifth skill, let's see what that skill does.

[ SKILL: Combine]

[ DESCRIPTION: By using this skill you will be able to combine 2 or more skills together to form a new skill.]

Isn't this skill too OP, you can just combine a skill with another to make a new skill that sound overpowered. 

I will go with combine then it can be useful in future and can help in finding/ making new skills.



Now that Iam finished with the quest reward, let's see what the boss dropped.

Would you look at that the boss dropped a lot of items,


[ DESCRIPTION: It's a dagger covered in black flames when it hits its target, the target will be caught on fire which can't be extinguish by normally and needs the owners command for it to be extinguish.]

Nice, another good item. now what is next, some healing potions and a book. what is this book for?

Let's see this book is for controlling mana and basic mana arts.

another great find it would be helpful for learning mama and some useful skills, why isn't this like a skill a book which can be learned in instant.

Now I think I have collected everything from the boss and let's head out of this rift because the boss is defeated it would be close in some time.

I just hope the other aren't finding me or something.

Meanwhile on outside,

I think he would have gone after we retreated. look like we need to finish this rift tomorrow so that's it for today see you all tomorrow for the rift raid.

back to Kim,

Oh, I can finally see the exit of the rift. let's head out and go home, Iam sleepy after that fight.

<After Kim Reached His House>

Its already late I should just sleep.

The next day,

augh, its already evening looks like I was too tired after the fight. now let's start by reading the book I got for defeating the mage, I also need to try out the combine skill but I don't have any skill right now other than that.

Okay so the first thing I need to do is focus on unlocking my mana channels inside my body. this wouldn't be that hard (famous last words).

After an entire day of training to unlock the mana channels Kim wasn't able to unlock the mana channels.

After his harshful training for a whole weak Kim finally unlocked the mana channels. "finally, I unlocked the mana channels why was this so hard."

(that's what she said).

Now I can finally move on to the next step of this book. actually, let me see how many chapters does this book have.



You are kidding me this freaking book have 100 chapters of mana channeling and skills. I just finished chapter 1 in like a week how long would it take me to read this whole book. 

F*** this I will just read how to use a skill. let's see, not this one nor this nor this …, is there even any skill in this book it only tells me how to increase my mana and how to control it. 

control yourself Kim. okay getting angry wouldn't help at all let's just do what the book says step by step.

After a month of the hellish training from the book Kim finally acquired a skill.

It's been a month, and I still can't do any magic overall my mana has increased quite a lot.


[ SKILL: Mana Mastery has been added to the user stat]

What now I finally acquired a skill after that hellish training, it wasn't a waste after all.

But it is just a passive skill make other mana related skill consume less mana. it's not bad but I needed a combat or buff magic that can help me in fight.

Something just came in my mind isn't ascended measured by the mana they have, then if I take an ascended ranking check how much would I rank.

Who cares about that anyway if didn't even have any skills what good will come from becoming a high ranking ascended.

Let's just focus on the training I have been doing for a month. Iam already past half of the book.

Let's see what I have next on the list, looks like my wish is coming true today it's an attack spell. finally, I would be able to use magic.

Let's see what I have to do get this skill, okay so I need to first learn how to make a magic sphere. which can be created by molding mana into sphere shape. 

Looks like it's another week or month of hard training. a week later Kim finally learned how to make mana sphere and acquired the skill magic sphere.

Okay this was faster than the previous training looks like all that one-month training was worth it, now what is the second step. I need to add some elemental energy into the sphere to change its attribute.

Now this will be another month of training, after a month Kim acquired 2 skills Fire ball and Wind slash.

Now that's called skill I can finally go to the rifts again to hunt more monsters. because I haven't forgotten about this quest.



Ability Activation Quest Stage 2

You need to kill a total of 100 monster in rifts by yourself to unlock your next Quest.



Looks like the boss also count as one monster.

For now, I will just train more on mana control and acquire some more skills just to be safe and also to try combine skill. so that I can have more option.

After Iam done with this I will enter some rifts but now not as a carry unit, but as a contract ascended.

(Contract ascended these are the people who don't get many rift clearing missions, so they get in contact with a team, but they would only get the things they hunted themselves while the other will share the profit from the monster and the rift.)

Well, Iam not doing this for money or stuff I just need to get stronger by defeating monster.

Now then let's get started with the training because this book will take a long time to finish.


If you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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