
The Ascended Nobody

This story takes place in a world were rifts start to appear on the world, ascended are the people who defeats/fights monster in the rifts. and in this world who is strong only matters. This story is about a Kim Kazuki who had nothing but achieved God hood.

PurpleVoid · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter-6: The New Power

After 2 months,

Kim completed the whole book and 5 new skills from it which were,

[Lightning arrow lvl-1], [ Mana barrier lvl-1], [Mana blade lvl-1], [Inventory lvl-1] and [Regeneration lvl-1].

These are all amazing skill, but they were low level, so they weren't that powerful for now.

Finally, after that 2-month training, I finally got some good skills in my hand, now without any delay let's find a raid I can join at least a B rank because C rank was too easy. let's see, found one there is raid member recruitment for a B level rift, the party leader is a A-rank ascended. 

Let's go for this one, its good enough for me. the raid will be starting tomorrow early. then let's get started with the preparation for the raid.

let's do some meditation. then I will check my stats.



 NAME: Kim Kazuki 

 AGE: 20










What when did I got an ability and why is it glitched. also, I got a talent let's see what it does.


OMNIPOTENCE: This talent helps you in learning skills fast. It will get other uses when it gets higher level.]

Okay it doesn't seem like an overpowered talent, but when did I got it.

I didn't even get a notification for this is this normal.

It doesn't seem that big of a deal so let's just forget about it, Iam happy that I got a talent, but I still need to find how I got this ability and why is it glitched.

Too much thinking my brain can't process so let's just get some rest for the raid tomorrow morning.

The next day,

Oh shit, I overslept I hope they didn't start the raid yet without me. 

I was out of breath by running so fast here. (panting)

It looks like they haven't started the raid yet look like I got here just in time. Hey, there Iam Kim I applied for the rift raid.

Oh, so you are Kim, nice to meet you. Iam Tomb (ascended name for their work).

Nice to meet you also Tomb. So, what is the plan for today's raid.

Plan(pfft), we don't need any plan we will go in defeat the boss and come out that is the only thing we would do, and these are my teammates, and we also have another ascended joining with you. 

Before that fill this contract that if anything happens inside the rift, we aren't responsible.

Okay, Iam fine with that.

Hi if Iam correct you are the other person who will be joining this raid like me, Iam Raito Murasaki [B-Rank]. you can call me Raito.

Hi, Iam Kim Kazuki you can call me Kim.

Everyone we will be entering the rift now so be ready.

It looks like we are going in the rift, stay with me Kim, I will protect you from any danger.

(Why is this acting like this didn't we just met, by the way his gear looks expensive is he from a rich family or something.)

Leader we are walking for some time why can't we find any monsters. (shh) because they are hanging on the cave sealing are those bats like monster.

Bat like monster are hard to deal with because they can fly. so, we shouldn't wake them up. But then how would we collect the resources in the cave without waking them up.

That's a future problem first let's find the boss.

Hey Kim, do you think this is weird the way thing is going so smoothly.

Hmm, it looks a little bit suspicious. (Now that he said it things are really going without any problems.)

The boss room is here, everyone gets ready.



That doesn't look like a B-rank rift boss.

Leader what's the plan, just the normal formation mages use blizzard and tanks in front. let's kill this monster.

They are actually doing pretty good in this fight it doesn't look I have to join this fight but,



Quest: Defeat the Flame Dragon Ashen

Difficulty: A

Reward: You will gain the ability of the Flame Dragon Ashen

Time: 2-Hours


Look like I have to join the fight after all. But I can't show them how powerful Iam it's still a secret.

Ah another thing, Hey Raito did you got any notification when you entered the boss room. Like you will get reward for defeating the boss.

No, why did you ask. 'Just asking out of curiosity.'

Hmm, it looks like Iam the only one who is getting this notification but why?

Hey, Kim gets out of your thoughts the dragon is coming at us get out of his way.

That's a thing for another time let's first find a way to defeat this dragon because I don't have any good memories with them.

Kim watch out the dragon is too powerful he defeated the whole squad in the blink of an eye.

What when did that happen, I thought they were stronger than this.

It just saved me trouble of defeating the dragon without anyone noticing.

"Then the dragon dashed toward Raito; Kim got some flash back from this situation".

Raito get out of the dragon's way, or you will get crushed by it.

Raito fall down to the ground in fear, and then Kim stepped in front of him.

Kim doesn't want to loss someone the same way again and used wind slash to stop the dragon and took Raito out of the dragon range.

Hey Kim, don't go there you will die from the dragon. Raito listen stay here and I will defeat the dragon just wait.

He pulled the flame dagger out from his inventory and attacked one of the dragon's wings. which caught on fire from the flame dagger's flame.

But the Flame Dragon consumed those flames.

Kim was surprised by that, because he didn't know that the dragon can eat the dagger's flame.

Then he shot a lightning arrow on the dragon, But the dragon was unhinged by that attack and blasted a giant fire ball towards Kim.

He used the man a barrier skill to protect himself from the dragon's attack. But the barrier got destroyed by the attack and he got hit by the giant fire ball.


If you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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