
The Artisan of Realities!

A young man returns to his ancestral home, a place where five generations of his family have resided. In a forgotten corner, he stumbles upon a pitch-black painting. An accidental cut on his hand lets a drop of blood fall onto the canvas. Suddenly, he finds himself in an infinite void. Journey with him as he wields the power to paint an entire universe into existence.

DraculaSwift · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The Artisan of Realities!

After being yanked into the void, a surge of panic washed over me. I found myself submerged in a familiar yet haunting infinite darkness, one I had been dreaming since my childhood. My heart raced as I tried to comprehend my surroundings. The vast emptiness was disconcerting, interrupted only by a lone object in the distance: a paintbrush.

My instincts screamed to retreat, but a deep-rooted curiosity propelled me forward. Remembering the dreams where I had control, albeit hesitantly, I attempted to craft an earthen pathway beneath my feet. To my disbelief and growing unease, it materialized, guiding me closer to the enigmatic brush.

As I neared it, the paintbrush's details emerged. Its handle shone brilliantly gold, an oddity amidst the overwhelming darkness. The tip was even more bizarre, swirling with colors so vibrant they seemed to be plucked straight from the heart of the cosmos. Its ethereal glow was eerily captivating, and as I drew closer, a blend of awe and fear churned within me.

As I reached out to grasp the brush, the moment its texture met my fingertips, a voice resonated in my head, clear and powerful, "Welcome, Inheritor of the Artisan of Realities." Startled, I jerked my head around, trying to identify the source of the voice. But the darkness remained uninterrupted and silent.

"[Greetings, Inheritor.]" The voice continued, smoother this time, echoing with a timeless quality. "[I am known as Reality's Brush, and you currently stand within the Void Canvas.]"

Swallowing hard, I clutched the brush tighter. "What are you? Why does this place seem so... familiar? And these dreams I've had since childhood... are they connected to this?"

The brush pulsed warmly in my hand. "[You bear the legacy of your forefathers, the last link in a line of artists who can shape realities. Although your bloodline has waned in power over the centuries, the pull of the Void Canvas has never ceased. It has beckoned all who share your lineage, and you, Zak, are the culmination of its call.]"

I felt a mix of awe and confusion. "What do you mean? Which family are you speaking of?"

The voice, patient but firm, elucidated, "[Your ancestors, Zak. The artisans who crafted entire realms with mere strokes. The universe you know, the reality you've lived in—it's but a masterpiece on this vast canvas.]"

How can someone be capable of creating an entire universe? And how can I, of all people, be the last in line?" I asked, my voice trembling with disbelief.

"[There are mysteries of your lineage that will remain veiled for now,]" the brush intoned.

"Why can't I know?" I pressed.

"[Because, Zak, you simply aren't strong enough to handle the truth at this moment,]" the brush replied, its voice soft yet final.

Feeling the weight of the conversation, I sighed, realizing pressing further might be futile. "So, what do you want from me?"

"[I am a remnant, a vestige left by your ancestors. Once I impart to you the knowledge and power I contain, I shall fade. But before that, you must craft something of significance, something that will aid you. Choose wisely, for I've awaited someone like you for millennia,]" the brush explained.

A daring idea flashed in my mind. "Can you scan my memories? There's something I've been thinking about." The brush hesitated for a brief moment and then seemed to dive into the depths of my mind.

After a few moments, I posed my question, "Given the various films and animes I've seen, can I craft a system that allows me to traverse these fictional worlds, growing stronger in each?"

The brush, taken aback, remained silent for a moment before bursting into a hearty, echoing laughter that reverberated in the void.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration, I blushed. "Why's that so funny?"

"[I apologize,]" the brush replied, amusement still lingering in its voice. "[It's just that your idea is both audacious and ingenious. It's a refreshing request. Very well, begin to draw and articulate the specifications. Ensure that it encompasses all that you desire, for the possibilities are vast.]"

Zak's hand moved and focus he hadn't felt before. As he drew, the ethereal brush left shimmering trails of colors that seemed to be made of stardust. The design was intricate and almost mesmerizing. He drew an eye, but not just any eye. The eye was vertically oriented, unlike any human eye. The pupils were elongated and slitted, reminiscent of a reptile's, but with a certain otherworldly allure.

From the center of the eye, thin radiant lines emanated, extending outwards in an even spread. These lines gave the design an almost sunburst effect. However, what made the design truly unique were the corners of the eye. They pointed outwards, tapering sharply, adding an aggressive touch to the overall design.

Surrounding the sharp ends of the eye, little orbits circled, completing the design. The orbits were punctuated at the ends with perfect circles, adding a delicate balance to the fierce appearance of the pointed corners.

The design, with its unique combination of aggression, beauty, and mysticism, seemed to encapsulate the essence of the power Zak sought from the system. As he finished the drawing, the shimmering lines solidified, and the eye seemed to come alive, glowing with a gentle inner light.


Zak, started writing the description on how this system works. 

System: The Omega Interface


The Omega Interface is a cosmic multidimensional system, providing the user with a range of abilities and tools tailored for inter-universe exploration and adaptation. When activated, a semi-transparent interface appears before the user, only visible to them. Here's how the system is structured:


A digital pocket dimension where items from any universe can be stored and retrieved with ease.

Space expands based on user's level and achievements.

Items are categorized for easy access.


Items, abilities, and tools from various universes can be purchased here.

Currency Conversion Tool: Converts any world's currency, whether gold, paper money, or other valuables, into Omega Credits (OC) which can be used for transactions in the shop.

The shop updates its stock based on the universes the user has visited.

Worlds Portal:

Allows the user to traverse different worlds, including movies, anime, literature, and other forms of media.

A search function is available, with an option to set preferences such as era, genre, and risk level.

There's a cooldown after each jump to ensure the user's safety and system stability.

Stats Dashboard:

Displays user's generic stats, including strength, agility, intelligence, charisma, and many others.

Stats can be enhanced by training, accomplishing tasks, or purchasing upgrades from the shop.

Certain worlds may offer unique stats, which will be added to the dashboard after the user's first visit.

Safety Measures:

The system comes equipped with an emergency extraction button, allowing the user to return to their original world or a safe zone in case of imminent danger.

"[Hmm, make sure to put the painting in the inventory when you leave this universe. You don't want to lose it now, do you? It's a part of you now. Goodbye and have a safe journey," said the brush before its tip became dull, drained of its once vibrant energy.

A pang of sadness hit Zak as the voice, the last connection to his ancestors, disappeared. He felt a profound sense of loss.

Zak looked at the system and, upon grasping it, felt it assimilate into his body, settling on his chest. Now it appeared as a subtle birthmark on his skin, reminiscent of the unique symbol he'd crafted.

Zak glanced around, pondering an exit from this vast void. As he was lost in thought, an irresistible force suddenly yanked him. The painting, acting as a tether, had pulled him back. Momentarily disoriented, Zak soon realized he was standing back inside the vault, surrounded by the familiar relics of his ancestry.

Stats said Zak 

Name: Zak

Race: Human

Rank: 0

Age: 28

Spirit: 5

Intellect: 25

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Vitality: 15

Mana: 0

Spiritual Force: 5



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