
The Arrival

The current world is faced with a shattering choice. We find out Lucas ideas and concepts did not come from the realm of fiction, but from a force vision trying to prepare the world for the inevitable... The Arrival. (I am making this simply because a Star Wars fan-fic has such the wealth of opportunity it is a shame that there have not been more on this site. Plus the one I have run across has been such a disappointment it forced my hand. Do not have any idea how this is going to go but I plan on finishing this story not matter how it ends.)

Killmorger · Movies
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58 Chs

The Trap is Set

The meeting with the Jedi Jack had three days later went as expected. Master Yoda and Windu were both shocked to learn of the dealings Knight Vam was performing. When asked if the council had any knowledge of his actions both Master plainly stated the no. They quickly wanted to take action against the jedi but Jack had plans for the man and asked the Master to hold off on any actions.

They agreed reluctantly but as Jack assured them that the jedi would take no responsibility for any further actions the man committed the two Master relaxed. With the meeting concluded Jack Jack informed the Chancellor of his findings before he set off for the Senate session that was scheduled for the day.

As he arrived the session was already in full swing. The Chancellor had just announced that Jack was going to be the Supreme Commander of the Combined Forces for the upcoming war. He also announced the few Generals that would be joining him for his war command. Jack was pay close attention to what Jedi Senator Vam was doing during all of the announcements.

The man seemed uninterested in any of the proceedings but Jack knew better. He had an A.I. one that he planned on giving to John called Cortana hack into the Senators platform systems and motion his actions. As was expected he was recording the data on drive that was hidden under the controls to the platform. Jack instructed Cortana to change all information recorded. He did not need his allies Generals targeted before the war even began.

After the announcement that operations would begin in 10 months time the session came to a close. Now was the waiting game if the man sent this information to Neimoidia his fate was as good as sealed.

---Coruscant Jedi Temple two hours after Session---

Things had been going well for Vam. He was able to secure the plans of attack in the coming months with out issues. He was also able to get the names of many commanding officers for the war effort. He would not send all the names to his contact as killing off some many commanders would cause too much negative backlash for the war. He only planned to send the names of office that had good relations to the Mandalorians. To further destroy any good will they had built up.

The Jedi had notice the Mandalorian staring him down in session lording how superior he was to the jedi, and it made him sick. So however things would change and when the jedi took command he would make sure that most of the Mandalorians forces where sent to worlds were success was borderline impossible. He would destroy the Mandalorian power base from the inside out it was perfect. He had also managed to convince a few jedi to come over to his side. Vam knew what he was doing was against the jedi council orders but they would understand one day and if not then they would just have to restrained until the war was over.

Making his way through the temple Vam came across one of his loyalist and passed off the information to him to send off. Last time he had sent the information himself but that was too risky. He had to distance himself from as much of this as he could just in case it is discovered that information was leaked to the enemy. Vam planned to make look like a few greedy Senators had been selling the information to make a profit. He wanted no blow back to come to the jedi much less on to himself.

If things went as planned then in 10 months the Mandalorians force that would attack those planets would find their fleets out gunned and out maneuvered. The loss of those fleets would be more than enough for him to push a vote through to have the Mandalorians removed from command. Still with everything that was going so well he could help feel like something was wrong. He couldn't let that stop him though he had come to far to stop now. What he was doing was the correct choice atlest that's what he told himself.

Little did he know that all of these thoughts and feelings where not truly his. A certain Dark lord of the sith had been slowly influencing the foolish jedi over the past few months. Though Palpatine could no longer show himself in the Senate that did not mean he had lost his influence over that part of the government. He had meet with the jedi on more than one occasion not that the man would remember it. Sith alchemy was a pathway to power many would call unnatural. Mind control was one of such ability.

The sith had returned from Genocides in an attempt to get a meeting with the leader of the Mandalorians, and try and convince them to join his side for a glorious battle that would bring honor to him and his people. But try as he might none of his contacts could arrange a meeting between him and the Mand'lor so far. If Palpatine was anything he was patient he would bide his time in the shadows of the Republic until the moment was right and he could strike. It was only a matter of time....

---New Mandalor Space---

Jack left Coruscant a few days after the session until the information was sent their was no point in waiting around plus he had an appointment to keep with Satine Kryze and her lot in a few days. So he returned back home to rest and plan. He also would need to tell his mother about him and Shaak Ti getting married soon as he would pay the price if he didn't do it in person. He also wanted to make sure Blue teams armor was finished on time as if the message was sent they were going to be the ones who he would send after the informant. It would be a good shack down mission for the team.

While he was lost in thoughts his soon to be wife took the opportunity to snuggle up to her husband and run her fingers through his head. Placing her head on his shoulder she whispered in his ear," Jack I want a baby." All thought processes in Jack's head immediately shut down to reboot. After have a blank stare for took like for Shaak liking he turned to her, "You want a baby?" He asked to confirm what he thought he heard. She nodded with an infatuating smile. "Hmm ok but can you and I you know even make a baby...I mean we are different species and all would that even work."

She laughed, how could she forget that Jack and the Mandalorians of New Mandalor just recently entered the galactic stage so of course they would not know of everything ever spices was capable of. "Oh you need not worry about that all you need to do is stay awake after Satine Kryze and her lot leave. I dont plan on letting you leave the house until I am pregnant."

Jack could only sigh he was in for a long few weeks, but it's not like it would be all bad. Not with his wife to be at his side. Meanwhile planet side the people of earth where busy doing what they do best. Preparing for war. Hundreds of Canderous-class assault tank, and Scorpion Class Tanks were rolling out of factories all arcoss the planet. All assortment of weapons, armor, vehicles, and space ships were flying off assembly at lighting speed.

However Earth's crowning achievement did not lay on the planet not it floated in space in a fixed orbit always facing the sun as to not give away its creation. The former USNC Infinity now remained in this universe as the Ravenger floated fully constructed in space. The ship was a massive 10 kilometers long and was busting out of the seems with weapons. Its design was slightly modified to include retractable wings for landing fighter and bomber craft and launch tubes that were arranged at the top and bottom of the ship for launching its fighters and bombs out into combat. Their also was forward and rear landing hangar for the movement of larger landing and transport shuttles.

The ship had some of the most advanced engines in the known galaxy as like with Blue teams frigate the ship had the ability to jump from one point of the galaxy in mere seconds. However unlike the frigate with the ships advanced cooling system it too minutes not hours for the ship to perform another jump. The ship also had the ability to take one two full legions that's four battalions per legion for a total of 500 thousand troops with all their equipment. With numbers like that the ship could control three full stars system by itself alone.

The most unsettling thing about this scene for anyone who was not a Mandalorian was right behind the ship a person could see that 7 more ship like this one where well on their way to completion. The Ship director had told Mand'lor 9 months till they had a working prototype. He then told his people to do it in 4. They however surprised him and did it in 1 and a half. Then sent the plans to the Star Forge and the machine did the rest. In two months the most advance Star ship the galaxy had seen to date was created and in the hands of the galaxy's most fear warriors.

Might put out another some time today if not then I will see you guys on Wednesday

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