
The Arrival Of The Reincarnated Hero

The Arrival of a late hero has arrived... He shall wield the once heroic sword once again in his journey to remember what he was before.. Will he rise or will he fall? Will the deep swallow him whole? Or will he prevail and see what this treacherous journey has awaited for him.

TheEtrean · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 3, Amarico & The Isle of Vigils:

As the carriage was being carried, a guard was walking at the same pace as they suddenly spoke;

"So, Mizu was it? Think I heard that name before" The male guard said as they kept walking "You did?"

The guard nodded "Think I remember my grandfather told me it, he was the person that strived to unite every faction if it costs his life" He then sighed, which concerned the male.

"It's quite sad that he didn't make it out on the first-ever expedition in The Depths" Mizu then hummed.

"I wish I can be like him, just being fearless to everything and trying to save everyone in every way he can"

The guard grinned "I believe in you kid, you already look and sound just like him"

Suddenly the carriage finally stopped as the guard opened the door for it. Mizu hopped off as he then looked around.

"Anyway, you go down the slope and just keep going straight and you'll see the docks" He then closed the door "I'll see you around kid"

Mizu then looked at him "What's your name?" The guard then fixed his helmet "Name's Kenneth kid. Good luck"

The carriage started to move once again as Mizu then just slides down the slope as he arrived at a gate "Woah" Mizu marveled at the sight, there were a bunch of stalls with vendors selling all kinds of fish around him.

"Hey, you Umi Mizu?" Mizu then turned around as he saw a woman with tattoos covering her arms "U-Um... Are you Amarico?" The woman nodded

"You'll be in my care from now on in terms of training kid"

Amarico then signaled Mizu to follow her. Mizu who was reluctant just followed her.

"Alright kid watch us go Mach 10" A chime was then heard "What was that?"

Mizu asked as he then saw a yellow circle around her "Come in here quick" Mizu hopped on as then they were suddenly in front of a Palace.

"What was that?!" Amarico laughed at his confusion "Ah don't worry about it, anyways were here!" Amarico then entered the palace "Where?" Amarico then faced the male "Isle of Vigils"