
The Armour of a Phoenix

By the way I should probably say this, but English is not my first language so I'm still learning the grammar there will be time that I will just edit them because the grammar is bad, and a friend is helping me with it. I love stories and I was able to make friends happy with them. I want to do this or try to at least make someone happy reading the story that I come up with hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy making this story. (By the way there may be times that I use comment to change a bit of the story)

AntKinght · Fantasy
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The Armory Of A Phoenix

The Armory Of A Phoenix is a book that I wanted to make, it's not crazy good right now because I was never a good writer in the first place, but I wanted to share a cool idea that I thought would be good as a book, I like reading but only when something interests me so I hope I can make it interesting for you guys. This is chapter 0, it's just to give you guys information about this world and the things about it so let's start This is like the modern world where car exist, technology, modern buildings, government, and a civilization with society. The only differences between this world to ours is that this world there are two things, there are Gates and there are Gatekeepers, Gate is a phenomenon that has happened 100 years ago, the gates are the combination of gravitational energy and spatial energy as these Gate are very powerful portals connected to different realms. People found out that these Gates are created by a boss of said Gate, the bosses are monsters that have enough power and have the knowledge to be able to open these portals to earth and after 20 days these portals just let out all of the monsters inside of it and that leads to a Gate Raid where the monsters invade the cities. But not all things that come from these Gates are bad, after a while these Gates showed us different species of "monster" which are more civilized and helpful; these species include.

- Beastman

- Elf

- Half-Beastman

- Dragonoid

- Aquadn

- Aluman

- Darmanians

To explain these species, I will tell you what they are known for.

Beastman: as the name says they are beast like humanoids they have the body and shape of a human but they have animal features, their whole body having fur, they are faster, stronger and more durable, they are more primal people as they follow traditions, and have tribes of their own, one bad thing about them is that they have a beast side that makes some of them act like animals. Because many of them are not able to control their animal instincts in modern society they are not respected as much. If they don't become gatekeepers, they become physical labor workers.

Half-Beastman: They are the offspring of a full beast and a human, but they rarely happen. Because when an offspring is born from two different species they come out as one of the two species so there is rarely a hybrid but it's seems to be that is not the case with Human and Beastman as they are more common to come out as a hybrid. But because of the tradition of Beastmen and their ways, there are many people in the beast tribe that don't consider them as their own, making it so they are considered a different species.

Elf: Like many know, Elves have pointy ears and are known for being magical creatures, they are also known for their connection with the spiritual realm making them have a better connection with spirits from the spirit realm called familiars. In society they work in businesses with magic and familiars.

Dragonoid: Are Dragon like humans, they have scales on some parts of their body and have wings coming from their backs, they are usually very powerful and prideful people. In society they are very powerful businessmen and/or part of a strong organizations

Aquadin: Are called the sea people, they have the ability to see clearly and breathe underwater while also being able to communicate with creatures that are from the sea; not all but a lot of them. They are considered the most beautiful species as all of their members are way above average than humans. In society they are famous as actors or models; most of them work at places that show their faces to the public.

Aluman: Are called the bird people, but the only thing that makes them like a bird is that they have bird like wings, and they are usually taller than human being above 6 feet. they are known for having a lot of knowledge and being wise people. In normal society they mostly in work on quiet places and do things require their knowledge like shop owners, or bookstore owners.

Darmanians: Little is known about them, all that we know is that they are usually dark in color as their skin is literally black or shadow like, they don't have physical features. There are many theories about their species but, they don't say much so it hard to say if they are true. The people that have tried to read their memories have lost their lives and/or minds; it seems they hold some kind of knowledge that is unknown to everyone but them and even through torture they keep quiet as a rock.

Oh yeah one thing that makes these species different then monsters are that they have powers called keys and all of those species have it, only one of them is not a guaranteed, which are humans; not every human has a key, and these keys have three types to them.

Divine item:

Are people who are born with an item that have a power that only they can use, the power is bounded to the user and if they die those items are gone. 

Divine Power:

Are people that are born with power that others would say is supernatural; like the ability to create things out of nothing or manipulate elements of nature, things like that, as such they are supernatural abilities.

Divine Ability:

Are people with a skill that are more like super abilities like enchanting/enhancing the user's body and/or skill that they may have; or an ability that changes a bit of their body. 

Each of the powers have something called a lock that means they have powers they can unlock. There are 10 locks in total for each, and each of the locks is different depending on the power. There are some rare times that a power may have more then 10 locks or sometimes that the power has only 9 locks.

The powers are cool and all, but there's also rankings to them, they rank them the same as they rank monsters, the rankings are.

Rank 10: Goblin 

Rank 9: Undead

Rank 8: Werewolf

Rank 7: Chimera 

Rank 6: Hydra

Rank 5: Giant

Rank 4: Demon

Rank 3: Dragon

Rank 2: Phoenix

Rank 1: Angel

10 being the weakest and 1 being the strongest. 

But yeah, Phoenix academy is a school that are for people who have keys and they are there to become Gatekeepers, but one thing is that the school doesn't really care about who you are and what you fight, for they are just there to train you so you can be a Gatekeeper, how you do it is none of their business as such; the students have a hierarchy that they made, the strong are the ones that lead and run everything in school as the teachers just let them and yeah 

This is a story about one of the weakest Gatekeepers and his friends and how he became strongest. They start as a school student and continue their journey from there, let's see how far they can go.

(By the way I'm not crazy good at these things so yeah just hope you guys enjoy)