
chapter two

I was so excited to the extent my camp girlfriend Tina felt it.she is such a curious girl infact her second name is curiosity.she made an attempt to know why I was so excited,trust me I did not give her the chance to ask for a gist.I avoided the gist intentionally and decided to keep it to myself for the main time.i waited for David's call all through Friday evening and even on Saturday, all to no avail .I was faced with two options either to call him or not.i brought out my phone ,after searching for his number,one idea came up that there is no point of calling since we are going to see during parade.Activities in camp was so regimated that if care is not taken you will not even have time for yourself and if you do anyhow,you will be withdrawn from the camp or face purnishment. we have gone out for the evening parade , David was no where to be found in the parade ground.i used eyes to search for him,I couldn't set my eyes on him after parade I made an attempt to call him the second time.on a second thought I tried to discard the saying if Mountain did not go to Mohammed , Mohammed will go to the mountain"I came to a conclusion I will not call him,if he really want to see me,he should be the one to run after me not the other way round.


Handsome and smart guys can be desireing and Amazing im the way they approach things most ,I didn't know he intentionally kept me in suspense waiting for Sunday to reach when we can have time for handout with our best outfit outside the white fowl (white on white) uniform. while the Sunday service was going on I got a text from him immediately I was highly motivated in the spirit. If you had seen me at that moment singing and playing, you will think it's the holy spirit that overwhelmed me.i would have left before the close of service.For the face I have disciplined my self not to leave church before sharing the grace made me to compot myself.

After church service we were able to meet at the designated joint (Mami market) there we talked at length and were able to know some things about each other.i got to find out that he is from Delta State of Nigeria. That was how we became friends but it was on a mutual ground.it wasn't something so though I still have my fear that we might not be posted to the same place.

Going to camp (NYSC) to meet new friends has been one of my objectives , because it was told you can be lucky to meet a life time opportunity.people can meet Friends that might bring connection to them in future. Nysc haven been the integration of youths from different crook and crany of Nigeria,and youths from different background and class,it demands one needs to be careful as not to ruin the service year but to utilise it well. I was just being conscious not to fall hands,' so I told him we should just be friends considering that camp experience is just for three weeks.I also explained to him that we might be under infatuation. He didn't oppose,he accepted it and said "it's ok by me" Time shall tell