
chapter three

the three weeks orientation camp was fun with Dave,there was no dull moment.we were actually like Romeo and Juliet. I choosed to be calling him Dave ;now for short. One fact about Dave is that he is this kind of guy that will not allow you shy away from responsibilities.He made sure I partispated in our platoon activities,he was there to encourage me as a friend. He was also there to ginger my swagger. He gave me the vibes I needed and all those attributes made me to value him as a friend. most especially,he made me partispate in one of the competitions that brought victory to our platoon,and we were Celebrated and recognized. I am too emotional despite how close we were,I set boundaries so that I won't be completely hurt.Because three weeks is just too short for that Romeo and Juliet of a thing. As one of my defensive mechanism, I decided to avoid him the week of our posting. All his efforts to know what the problem was fail abortive . So one of the days,he sent his friend Charles to tell me " he has concluded his relocation process ,and that he is Sorry to tell me he is relocating. He also added that he has been looking for a way to tell me on phone but I have been rejecting his calls.when I heard that I bittered.the news was so shocking to me.We agreed not the do relocation, so at that moment I felt he betrayed me.i didn't Allow Charles to notice my reaction so I covered up and played along .I replied ok no problem,as for me I'm not relocating I want to stay back and know this peoples way of life peharps good fortune might be awaiting for me here.i tried to on a smiling face though it was faked anyways.After everything ,I couldn't sleep at night because I was restless sighing up and down because of the height of betrayal. when two elephants are fighting it is the grass that suffers it ....it is now my emotions that was suffering it at d morment .Tina on d other hand haven't read my expressions wasn't pleased at all.It was as her village people entered her that night she decided to act like my Big Aunty...

she started by saying ' see baby girl i won't tolerate any nonsense from you this night ..Jany what is actually the problem u have been acting up this night what is the problem ?? I have come to study u a little the only thing that can make u worry like this is anything that has to do with academics , family and relationship!!!!! so which of them?? she asked. At that moment i was short of words as I needed to talk.Before I could say anything ,she has already mounted on my bed .she continued,I noticed u have been unesy and unhappy ,I hope say u never carry belle for this oerientation camp?? I looked at her surprisingly...shirt up you alligator papper!! .on hearing that name she started laughing..as they say laughter is contagious we both laughed....


Dave is on relocation. guess what she said ?? eehnn it is a good news , please to which state?? do u have any issue with that??...

I began to feel if she was part of the plan ,I was silent for a second....

I couldn't take the the reply she gave me I went futher to ask her at this point I was so serious ...Tina are u ok?? hope u are not drunk this night .She smiled I'm not a drunk you know that ,I heard what you have said I was just trying to find the correct answer and advice to give you she replied.