
Learning more about the world

"Three days now and He still runs?" Steve said as he looked through one of the hospital windows. 

Just outside the window were a multitude of patients ranging from the elderly to even young children

Amongst them was  a familiar figure, it was the boy from within the room. Steve had absolutely zero idea how the boy had survived but then again, he was also within the same situation. 

"Wait, does he also have a holographic screen helping him?.... His rate of improvement is terrifying" Steve noted. 

Just the day before, he had seen the boy collapse nearly six times as he tried to perform some push ups. However, today he went through more than 50 at a single go. 

It definitely wasn't normal which meant that he surely had a status page with him… well a more complete version unlike his own. 

The only reasonable explanation for his quick adaptation to such intense excercose was that the boy had access to something like that. 

"Do I ask him about it?... Also shouldn't I be training here too" Steve asked himself

It was already pretty clear that the world he was in, wasn't one that he could easily survive in. There existed monsters in this world. 

The past few days had drilled that much into his head. The news was always on about the Gates and the Hunters who help secure the gates. 

The Gates were in simple terms, instance dungeons. They appear and when you defeat all the monsters within it, it disappears. 

Each one is graded according to how much mana or energy it discharges and as for hunters, they were super powered humans who awakened abilities that helped them fight against the monsters within the Gates. 

The Hunters in general were watched over by the Hunter Association which is where the inspector Kim Jin Chul was from. 

However due to monetary reasons, other powerful hunters created their own associations called Guilds. The Association can't exactly do anything to them so they let them be but still do their best to watch over all of them. 

There was the Hunter's Guild, the Tiger's Guild and two more that he didn't know much about. 

He had also learnt of how weak he was, the E-rank he initially thought granted some form of power truly was trash. It was nothing and worse, he was even weaker than a regular E-rank. 

"No, the best is to learn, the more I know, the better I can use my abilities" Steve decided

His ability was clear, the more he knew, the better he could manipulate something, anything at all. 

"Oh, I see You're up, how was your night sir? "

"Great, Miss Sung but I have a question. Can I leave the hospital? I want to go to the Hunters association to get registered, is that possible?" He asked

"Of course, sir, hunters heal a lot faster than normal humans, this is simply a compulsory wait period before discharge just so we can be sure you are truly healthy."

"Oh I see, okay then I may have to trouble you to direct me towards there" he asked politely. 

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