

Turning it blue just like the last time. Savannah looked at the liquid with obvious disgust.

"Do I have to drink all of it?" she looked up at me pleadingly.

"Yes," I scanned the surroundings quietly.

I had to be sure there was nothing nearby when she started this process. She would be vulnerable throughout the entire process. I could move her in an emergency, but it would be better if I didn't have to. These kind of things were better if they weren't jostled around. I flapped my wings once to push the surrounding snow, and grass away.

"Are you ready?" I'd thoroughly checked the surroundings once more.

"As I'm ever going to be," she sighed as she brought the cup up to her mouth, "I don't like this."

I wouldn't like it either if I were her.

"I heard that," She looked up at me over the rim of the cup.

I just shrugged, and waited for her to do what she needed to do next. She smelled the liquid only to gag at the smell.

"How did Ethan drink this?" she covered her mouth as she held the cup away from her face.

"Very quickly with minimal swallowing," I smirked.

She inhaled slowly. Pushing the disgust, and roiling emotions from her mind. She suddenly jerked the cup near her face, and tilted back. Swallowing as fast as her body would allow. She managed to get it all down before gagging.

It took everything she had just to keep it down. I looked back into my deepest memories. Bringing up memories of good foods like hamburgers. I'd only ever had one so the memory had kind of stuck.

"Stop trying to help," she shook her head as she looked down at the circle on the ground for a few minutes.

She really was trying hard not to puke. She seemed to think that the heat rising in her gut was the urge to puke, but she was wrong. She wasn't ready when the convulsing started. I curled my body up around her. My wing covered her completely.

I closed off my connection to Jax. Ethan requested not having his connection closed. I was a bit surprised to find that he could take on some of Savannah's pain as well.

{Don't take on enough pain for the humans around you to notice,} I warned him, {We don't want them thinking you're sick or injured.}

Ethan actually nodded physically. That made me want to chuckle, but the pain stopped any humor from making it to the surface. I kept my head on a swivel. Checking all of the surroundings for anything that could cause either one of us harm. I wasn't all that worried about what was going to happen to me.

The beasts here were much stronger then the ones around Calen's guild. Perhaps that planet was younger then this one. Maybe it was because the planet was smaller. I was beginning to think that it might be both. The density of the mana was much higher here as well.

I had to actively shield myself from the mana of this world. I didn't have to do that on the lizardmen's world. My natural air was enough to keep the mana away. Here I had to circulate my mana to fend off the surging mana around me. I flicked my tail in an agitated manner as I tried to remain calm.

Savannah continued to convulse for a few long hours. The heat in her body started rise sharply. Ethan had gotten a fever when he'd gone through this, but it was nothing like the fever Savannah had now. She was literally burning up. The heat was enough to make even me uncomfortable.

The heat wasn't causing her any pain. The heat was actually making her feel better. Her veins lit up as if they themselves were on fire. I'd drawn my wing back to release the heat from the tight cocoon of heat my wing had formed around her. Any, and all snow, and ice nearby had melted.

The flames continued to sooth her as her pain let up slowly. Eventually she stopped convulsing, and the pain went away. She lay limp in my grip as the heat, and red glow slowly faded. I recognized the feeling of elemental fusion within her pained body. I would have to congratulate her when she woke up.

She'd managed to fuse with her fire element, and properly awaken her darkness element. She was the first human dual elemental human in known human history. Regardless of what her father thought she was going to be famous. I scanned the skies using my foresight ability. I was using quite a bit of mana to look forward in time.

I was looking half an hour into the future whenever I scanned the sky. Flight moved creatures faster then walking or running ever could. The sight I spotted in the sky told me that half an hour from now three wyverns would close in on this position. I picked up Savannah gingerly. I couldn't wait here.

I only had a half hour lead on the wyverns. The more time I wasted here. The more time they'd have to catch up. I hugged Savannah in tight to my chest as I flew. She wouldn't recover for a few more hours.

I'd need that half hour to double back, and keep them away from her. Ethan was already ready for me. Even with an hour to wait. He wasn't going to let his guard down. He was going to stand at the ready for an entire hour.

{Warn them,} I instructed him.

He knew I didn't really know the reason I was brought here, and I didn't trust the people here so he didn't want to.

{Warn them,} I urged.

I wanted to appear to be the good guy. An advanced warning would look better then allowing them to be attacked. Ethan grumbled, but he listened. Going off to find Raul. I accelerated.