
The Arcane Masters: Nexus Arcane Academy for Masters

Sebastian's very existence seemed destined to unlock the latent potential of the Holy Tree. This ancient arboreal sentinel had long watched over the arcane realm, aiding countless aspirants on their journey to become revered High-tiered Arcanists. If this tree had yet to reveal its full potential, its purpose still veiled in mystery, what possibilities lay ahead now that Sebastian had arrived? Venture into the enchanting realm of The Arcane Masters and embark on a journey of discovery at the Nexus Arcane Academy. Here, myriad secrets of harnessing arcane power await, each offering a unique path to mastery.

TheStoryTeller34 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 25: LustraVive Juice

The snowstorm cascaded heavily upon the exterior, a persistent rhythm that accompanied the early awakening—a familiar echo of days past. A fortnight had elapsed since they were imparted with the arcane intricacies by a seasoned arcanist, a guiding force to elevate their status to the coveted Tier 1, the novice stage. Within this span, the experimental classes triumphantly transcended their initial hurdles, standing united at the threshold of new possibilities.

Throughout these fourteen days, the children immersed themselves in rigorous training within the confines of their respective clubs. The goal? To initiate a seamless integration of their acquired knowledge into the practicalities of their chosen sub-occupations. Amidst the backdrop of Whitewood Town, a unanimous decision resonated among the entire class—temporarily forgoing the comforts of home to nurture an unwavering focus on their evolving skills. Only after the protracted winter season would they return to their familial abodes.

Despite the palpable pangs of homesickness that afflicted some, Sebastian, with a sagacious demeanor, served as a reminder. Their collective endeavors were not merely individual pursuits but endeavors bound to shape the fortunes of their families and carve out a promising future.

In the tapestry of personal connections, even Sebastian, with all his mettle, couldn't evade the profound affection for his father. Within the biweekly timeframe, Jared, a font of wisdom, meticulously unraveled the comprehensive tapestry of the Eastern region's history. Grand Magister Tier 7 wielders emerged as notable figures in each kingdom, but their ascendancy found its apex in the enduring might of the Aetherie Empire.

Rather than being eclipsed, the empire burgeoned with unparalleled resilience, birthing two monumental sects—the Heaven Seal Sect and the Botanica Sect. These entities, like sentinels of power, augmented the empire's influence in the Eastern region, establishing an indelible mark on the annals of history.

The genesis of these sects, a narrative birthed in the aftermath of a colossal war five millennia prior, witnessed the Eastern region undergo a transformative evolution. Presently, the Dynasty of Aetheria stood as the paramount repository of legacy, its historical roots delving deeper than any other in the region. The great war, while weakening the once-potent monarchies, paradoxically elevated the Aetherie Empire to a status of unprecedented dominance.

Yet, even in their vessel status, a term denoting subservience, the monarchies retained a semblance of autonomy. A delicate balance, struck amidst the echoes of a bygone conflict, defined the territories' governance—a legacy that persisted in shaping the intricate dynamics of the Eastern region.

A recent discourse delved into the contemporary geopolitical landscape, unveiling a noteworthy revelation regarding the expansive domain of the Aetheria Dynasty. Astoundingly, its territorial expanse now rivals the amalgamated realms of eight distinct kingdoms. This remarkable equivalence stands as a testament to the Dynasty's unrelenting prowess and strategic acquisitions.

What adds to the awe-inspiring narrative is the ongoing trajectory of expansion propelled by the Dynasty's astute maneuvers. Their annexation efforts extend beyond the boundaries of their current dominion, encroaching upon neighboring territories with a systematic efficacy that marks the zenith of their geopolitical influence. Noteworthy, too, is the audacious reclamation initiative from the boundless sea expanse within the Eastern region—a venture that further amplifies the Dynasty's territorial footprint.

In this nuanced tale of territorial ascendancy, the Aetheria Dynasty emerges as a dynamic force, not confined by the limitations of the status quo but actively shaping and redefining the geographical contours of the Eastern region. The orchestrated combination of strategic acquisitions and reclaiming vast swaths of land from the Eastern sea not only underscores their dominance but sets a precedent for a narrative of unyielding expansion and influence in the annals of history.

Seated in a poised double lotus pose, Sebastian initiated a profound session of concentration, honing his ability to harness the intricate currents of arcane energy. The ethereal, mist-like energy gracefully permeated through the gateway of his glabella, weaving its way with fluidity and purpose throughout the entirety of his physique. This intimate communion with the arcane precipitated the materialization of his potent arcane power, exemplified by the emergence of the Aegiswood Wand at his rear—an enchanted conduit primed to deftly absorb and devour the harvested arcane energy.

A fortnight into his newfound status as a novice, Tier 1 arcanist, Sebastian commenced the delicate art of spellcasting. Presently, his mastery had evolved to a point where he could craft a modest yet effective defense. This prowess was brought to the forefront when he tested his arcane bulwark against the formidable "One Shot, One Bullet" onslaught of Alduos. To his pleasant surprise, the defensive construct exhibited resilience, enduring successive rounds before succumbing to the gradual depletion of its generated arcane force.

Undeterred by the challenge, Sebastian sought to further fortify his defensive repertoire. A subsequent trial ensued as he subjected his magical barrier to the relentless strikes of Darwin's "Lion's Fist." The outcome proved not only satisfactory but commendable, as the barrier demonstrated its capacity to absorb and withstand up to four formidable blows. Jared's insightful commentary echoed an acknowledgment of Sebastian's growing proficiency, especially lauding such defensive aptitude for an auxiliary practitioner in the arcane arts.

Emerging from a two-hour meditation that served as a transformative interlude, Sebastian gently roused Darwin, a silent signal of their collective preparedness to immerse themselves in the forthcoming club activities. While Jared's erudition took a brief respite that day, Cassandra would gracefully step into the pedagogical spotlight, offering a tutelage on a specialized technique— the nuanced art of brewing juice. Tailored for arcanists burdened with impurities in their corporeal vessels, this session promised not only knowledge but a holistic approach to enhancing their knowledge and understanding in alchemy.

"Hey, Darwin, wake up. Weren't you supposed to have a hunting session at the entrance of the Night Forest?" Sebastian greeted Darwin as he roused from his insect-like slumber, but Darwin remained unperturbed.

"Whatever, who knows, you might encounter some folks from the village."

Despite Whitewood having transformed into a Town, the natives still referred to it as a village.

Upon hearing this, Darwin immediately opened his eyes and sat up.

"Right, the hunting session with the senior brother in the Night Forest is today."

Darwin hastily prepared himself, recalling that their destination at the entrance of the Night Forest meant passing through the Whitewood villagers.

Despite the proliferation of new infrastructures in Town, the homes of the native villagers remained separate.

Before leaving, Sebastian handed a letter to Darwin to be delivered to his father.

Even with the frigid surroundings, Sebastian wore several layers of clothing to ward off the cold. Although a Novice Tier 1, his arcane energy was adept enough to deflect the excessive chill.

The entire landscape was blanketed in snow, yet in one area, vibrant and lively vegetation stood out—the garden leading to the medical facility. This was also where their club sourced various ingredients.

Upon entering the laboratory, Sebastian found Cassandra already in her position, with all the necessary ingredients prepared. The cauldron remained in the center of the laboratory.

He also noticed that his comrades, Alana, Lysander, and Remi, were present earlier than usual.

A few minutes after Cassandra finished her preparations, she began discussing the process before brewing the juice.

"The 'LustraVive Juice' is a potent elixir crafted with precision by the skilled alchemists of Nexus Arcane Academy. This mystical concoction, born from the harmonious blending of rare herbs and arcane-infused fruits, possesses the unique ability to cleanse and purify the inner essence of an arcanist.

As an arcanist consumes the LustraVive Juice, the elixir delicately weaves its way through the arcane channels, targeting impurities and disturbances within the individual's energy field. The juice's elemental resonance aligns with the arcanist's core, creating a harmonious dance of energies that dispels any lingering negative influences.

The process is not only purifying but rejuvenating. Arcanists often report a surge of revitalized energy, heightened focus, and a sense of clarity after partaking in this mystical juice. It has become a ritual for those seeking to enhance their arcane abilities and maintain a pristine connection with the elemental forces.

The LustraVive Juice is administered with great care by the Academy's healers during special purification ceremonies or on an individual basis as needed. Its creation is shrouded in secrecy, with the alchemists guarding the recipe as one of the Academy's most treasured and powerful elixirs. The juice symbolizes the commitment to purity and balance within the arcanists, fostering an environment where their arcane prowess can flourish without the hindrance of impurities."