
The Hollow Woods 

"Finally," heaved Reve. 

Closing his room door, he dragged his poor body on his bed and took a deep breath.

Right now, the only thing he desired to do was to sleep comfortably. The rest could wait till tomorrow. 

However, could it be that easy…..?

Just as he was about to fully shut his mind, he heard knockings on the door.

"Oh, for fucking sake," cursed Reve. 

He unwillingly stood up from his bed and moved toward the door. Opening it slightly, he saw the close-up view of a lady in her nightgown looking back at him. 

Recognizing the lady, Reve fully opened the door, "Lady Lithia, can I assume the purpose of your visit is to play the part of a succubus?"

"Surely, your mind is still as adventurous as ever," smiled the blonde-haired lady as she walked into the room calmly with an object in her hands.