
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Welcome to the City

"What do you mean by his time's up Lucia?

Tonye asked in an upset tone and Lucia kept quiet as they both had a moment of silence while staring at each other in the eyes.

Some moments later Tonye stood up and walked up to Lucia without any fear nor remorse.

"Did I get too close?"

Tonye asked playfully trying to ease the mood

"I see you recover quickly from shock"

Lucia replied with a straight face

"It's called getting over it Lucia, besides I am sure Teacher wouldn't want me to be sulking"

"You Talk like you've lived with him for a very long time"

"Nope I'm actually just putting myself in his shoes"

Tonye said with a nervous face

"Don't do that, You haven't experienced a quarter of what he's lived, it'd be wrong to do that"

"You can say that but I wished you'd motivate me more, I mean you definitely don't want me keep sulking forever"

"People who need motivation are people who lose focus of their goal and lose hope, those who know what they want will do what they can for it"

"So where are we headed to next?"

Tonye asked Lucia after looking at the empty village full of little to no memories of few people thinking at least he got to encounter them at least once.

"The City, we will have to be 19 years of age and enroll in some formal academy for some months to at least be allowed to move freely between cities and hunts outside boundaries"

"And why are we doing that again?

"So we can get familiar with the environment and blend in smoothly without getting any eyes on us"

"Won't we get eyes on us from just coming out into the city like that?"

"Don't worry about that, I already prepared for that"

"Really? so we're gonna have a change of clothes and some fancy food?"

"Well I didn't account for you initially but you'll survive"

"That doesn't sound funny what do you mean I'll survive?"

"Exactly what you heard"

"Tch, I know I will"

Tonye said arrogantly like he was proud of himself and felt no threat towards his existence yet.

"I've been wanting to ask you Lucia, Do you ever plan on revealing your backstory to me?"

"What do you mean"

Lucia asked with a straight face as though she was sad and surprised at the question

"Don't look at me like that, it means exactly what you heard"

"Then No I didn't plan on revealing my past to anyone"


Tonye asked in excitement as he clinged to her

"Don't cling to me that way you perv, how does someone's backstory make you happy"

Lucia said while slamming me to the floor. Ah yes I forgot she had this side to her as well.

Trying to trip him off balance wasn't easy at all, it was faint but I could sense that I was able to do that because he allowed me, and secondly he didn't take any damage, I like the way he's progressing.

"Could you please help me up Lucia?"

"Help yourself up"

Well I liked the fact that she was slowly getting adjusted to me but still way too cautious and so we walked straight down to the city while I was still asking myself about the mysteries surrounding this dome.

Along the way Lucia headed into a shack and had a change of attire while I was still basically the same, we both walked through the city, it was the first time I'd seen civilization so bizarre and organized at the same time.

"Don't stare too much"

Lucia told me through telepathy. Damn I need to learn this, I'll ask her to teach me later on. I tried pretending to not care about anything and only watched in awe.

Approaching us was a person who looked very official in clothing and seemed to be watching us closely, I didn't care though because he was weak until he called us.

"Good day Sir"

Lucia greeted the officer in a very calm tone like she was a little girl which made me chuckle, and that drew the attention of the officer to me.

"Is something funny kid?"

The officer asked me

"Not really sir"

I replied nonchalantly, but the officer didn't seem to care and scoffed

"Kids these days, may I know where you're coming from that you're dressed like this?"

He asked me

"Excuse me sir, my friend here lost his parents some time ago in an accident and has been missing for some time, I just happen to hear rumors of a person roaming around the forest so I went there to look for him and got lucky, he's like a brother to me"

Lucia interrupted him and said like she had everything all planned, which stunned me like a bee and brought out many questions in my mind but that will be for the latter.

"Oh really? No wonder I don't see manners in him, but I'll let it slide for today, I'm sure you know the rules about going to the forest?"

"Yes sir"

"Then you may go now, and please treat and tell him about how we do here, pretty girls like you aren't supposed to get in troubles for kids these days"

Wait what? Pretty girls? Kids? What's going on? I asked myself while we walked away from his presence

"What are the forest rules that were talking about here? and why does this city seem fishy you shouldn't leave me out on things like this"

"Let's go get some food first I'll tell you then on the way, the things you need to know now and the one you'll eventually know as our journey goes on"

We then walked further to an inn and called for some food and other requisite items needed like a change of clothes and a bath, funny enough we went into the inn as a couple so we had to share a room, also food and other requisite items were sent up to the room.

I'm looking forward to what Lucia will tell me but lemme take a shower first.

Sorry for not uploading on time, I was bedridden for a while, still recovering though, pls leave your thoughts

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