
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

New Town; Old Man Chris

Soon after, I slept off trying to recover but ending appearing that this is another dimension/void. Seeing as how I appear here when I am unconscious In reality and I don't hear those voices anymore, however I can vaguely feel their presence.

I've been walking inside this void for sometime to see If I can get any clue on how here works but as at now I'm blank totally, but I guess it's a void, maybe I expected too much.

"Keep walking..."

I vaguely heard a voice like it whispered directly into my ears not apart of the other voices I heard. I kept walking since exploration was my goal here in this void, the let's explore to the fullest.

Soon the presence of the other beings that I felt staring at me looked away like it was drawn from me and a great sense of relief was what I felt, so I kept walking more since it was a relief to have those Eyes of me.


I fell into what felt like water but repelled me backwards to the surface.

"Well this isn't the void, another subspace?"

I said to myself.

"Yes, unfortunately I cannot disclose the location " ???

"Didn't expect much, Who are you?


"Okay Why am I here?"


"Okay no answer also? um are you going to....."

"Tonye .... Keep Walking"


"Keep Walking "

The voice continued repeating the same phrase, as I woke up from the bed I laid at in reality with al my fatigue totally gone.

"What a relief"

I said to my self as I could immediately get up from where I laid at comfortably just to stretch my body that felt like I've been lying down for weeks.

"My body feels so sore"

"That is because you've been asleep for 5 days straight and you need food of course"

"Old man could you pls stop doing weird stuffs while your trying to test me, I believe this was part of the questions you wanted to ask?"

"Oho, you also have a good sense of danger ehh, I will need to check how good it is later, for now you should eat"

"why are you the one serving me food?"

"Because I was so generous to do so you brat?"

He said as he gave me the tray of food in his hands and I are plentiful.

"Meet me outside if you're done eating"

"This is the old man's voice in my head, is this sound transmission or what?"


Lucia said as she walked in to take away the empty tray of food.

"Tch, I still couldn't talk to her again"

I said as I kept walking towards the outside of the tent I was in, looking at this place again, it isn't too bad, where's the old man though.

"Over here, follow me"

"Hey old man ?"


As we walked another twenty minutes into the forest away from prying eyes.

"I said I had questions to ask you kid, and now it's time to get down to business"


"Firstly who are you?" the old man asked as he stared directly into my eyes

"I wish I knew the answer to that question

"Secondly, rather than asking I think I should show you"


The countenance on the old fans face changed immediately to that of a murderer and attacked me barehanded.

"This should be easy"

I said in a boastful manner as I tried to focus on the old man so I can dodge his attacks but his speed was unbelievable and damage just keeps increasing overtime.

Even though I just wanted to defend against him, it's getting difficult to stand properly on two legs, and I have no combat proficiency, what should I do I pondered swifty.....

I'm loosing way too much blood, I can't go down like this.

"If you cant even defend against me then hold no grudge against me after you die" the old man said

"What are you doing fight back!!" he continued

"Are you a girl?"

"Show me what you got"

"With this strength you can't protect anyone"

"Do you want to be like them?"

"You saw it while we were coming here didn't you"

"The people working hard so as to make a living and die living like that "

"Tonye show me your Power"

"Or do you have none "

"Is this just a waste of my time "

The old man continued taunting me as I wondered why he is doing this since it morally makes no sense, I tried to find a way to stop him but each time I attack it's just a failure, what do I do!!!!?

"Keep Walking" ???

"No, I can't die here I need to think"

"Keep Walking"???

"Stop it, just shut for a second"

"Keep walking"???

"If I recall correctly, he said everyone has got abilities of their own so what's mine?"

"Think Think Think, Tonye Think!!"

"What can I do?"

"Keep walking "???

"Aaah just shut up!!!!"

An explosion occured where I am repelling everything away from me

"So that is your ability? Seeing as how you pushed everything away from you and then settle them down.... I see"

Was the last word I heard from old man Chris before I passed out of exhaustion and he took me back to the tent trying to recover, it was something Lucia could do with her abilities easily.

I recovered from most of the injuries in half a day, well the void wasn't much different from before with only emptiness this time.

"You're awake?"

The old man said to me as he was sited besides me.

"No I'm not" I replied

"That was the second question, what was your abilities? Well besides that I could already tell you were going to be powerful but you still need alot of training to begin seeing as you've only have raw talent and no actual power to back it up...."

"...Tonye from today you'll be seeing more of what you just experienced at the forest for this week to train yourself."

"Train myself for what "

"I can't let you stay here"

"Why is that ?"

"It's just a hunch but I think you don't belong here"

"Is that all you came to say?"


"Then what was the third question you wanted to ask?"

"who said I had a third question?"

"They always have three questions"

"Well the third question is up to you....."

".....What path will you take?"

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