
The Application Wire

Where is the world now? So many are connected to screens. Programed to walk in shadows, but something is coming a darkness over the world that will bring in the reality of what the world is. Can you turn your phone off and read? Or is too late as the next step is at hand.

AladdinAli777 · War
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The Application Wire

Chapter One

The sound of explosions, cover the world. Many fell in to a notion of World War III but what fell from the sky was more terrifying. Charter planes crashed into to building all over the world. Cities became a warzone of dead bodies, building fell to the lack infrastructure in non-develop countries, some planes crash into Australia's dry outback and causing instinct blaze a fire that started to engulfed the country wildlife… Screams were heard in the world, as if scream to universe for help but what the universe gave in verse was something much worst… A silence in static filled the air and no device of any kind work, this shadow noise gave way to complete black out.

The most surveillance cities in the world, so oppressed by Digital ID were the first cities where the crime came out in onslaught of hatred, many so pressure by the economy and the government force instant collapse, it could not be stopped… It spread a chaos of hatred… Anger and frustration built up, from their legal rights strangled, many veterans that where in the streets, poor and cold in California were first given shelter, as many felt that there was no turning back for their beloved country that so many fought for and killed each other. Their country did not protect the people… WE THE PEOPLE!

Christian, Muslim, Jews… United because they felt the pain of this endless wars, that affect their mind and their society. It was so long and had already taken a toll on both sides, their root was Abraham and from this root they are all united.

Nevertheless, other cultures united for the simple fact that, a lot of people all over the world had died of heart attacks, for too many fathers buried their sport driven teens. Betrayed and falling to the propaganda that was filled in their eyes for so long, injection tested on many caused unsung burials. Nurse came out to help the frustration as the riots and looting set a blaze of all major cities, and the truth began to spread, that doctors were paid to have the sick in the hospital and even evil secrets that made many women cry and men in rage, they were put in cage to be tested.

Was the world built on lies?

Was it built on the bodies of slaves…?

Many broke into the grocery stores and stole all the food and they began to store it in churches, and temples it was spread equally. These ideas where plan from veterans who not a few days ago were in the street, scratching their arms. For now, they were once needed again, left in the history books as a dusted stone. For this era, they will be the heroes of this new world's songs.

Days turn to week and police and military could not stop the wave of so many; this led to desertion of many to protect their home and families. The United States and all the power houses of the world fell in one swift cut, no communication could be reach, as the white house looked for plans for radio wave to old mores code system but the static in the air, something abnormal cause all and any kind metal to fall still. As if every device was rewired and sending all information in a spectrum of rainbow to space.

No market, no wall streets… Many who were in Armani suit in tie were begging for food in the days, to selling themselves in public bathroom for protection and food, sadly many fell to suicides of all kind around the world were heard by word of mouth and seen. As the rich did not know what to do, lost in the web of wealth. All Banks crashed; money was not accepted by anybody; money became a symbol evil to the new era people! Many who had a lot became pressure into pulling the trigger to their brain.

Even the cars did not start, everything stop… The world was finally silent and yet the anger of masses spread, they stuck supply in all regional churches, and temples for once the hated church, and holy temples became lighthouse of hope as many nationalities gather together and began to share their experience in their life and culture, as grandmas gather to keep the kids safe being from all different back grounds, they help in the kitchen by sharing their cultural foods and healthy ways to eat.

In this darkest time, many began to unit, and the men protect their home form thieves and bandits who try to steal supply.

Yet, Washington DC, was hit the hardest as they could not protect the White House, they set it ablaze and they rename it the "Black House". The president could not be protected. For many realize that he was always a pawn in something bigger but something unexpected happen, files were found called "Black Cerberus", it was bible thick files on how the world would be put in total darkness for control of the masses, down to control the energy output one must have, program camps for mental ill, and minority to separate from society; into mega hospital where they would be test with new drug to manipulate their DNA… But the odd thing is timing was off, someone out there, an unsung hero advanced the timeline and destroy all technology that could replicate this secret weapon and what happen next that copies had been place in front every church, temples by unknown riders, it all came out at the same time, as if a hidden current of holy water was always there waiting for the right time to reveal the darkness.

There was no turning back, what happen next, as the time of French Revolution… Both the President and Vice President were hung in from of many, it was a sad sight for many who believe in the United States Flag, to be fooled and to finally see with their wide-open eyes! So many deaths, so many tears, so many screams for what… Riches and wealth. They were played in a global move into one system, but everything was gone no crypto currency, no cash being printed and finally a band of detectives heard odd rumors, so they force themselves and broke into Fort Knox to find that it was as if Die Hard Three happen. There was no gold…

As weeks turn to months, violence began to subside because stealing was met with militia cold steel, for the new currency was food. Many began to help each other out, realize to survive they must coexist in harmony.

Some were carpenter, some taught people how to forge metal and even music became something of a passion, for many songs were written freely at this time, freedom of speech was met with handshakes and hugs.

How could the world go into so much blood drench streets of all cities to broken down roads no one expected this and no one knew what was next but what most knew, they could not go back to the old way, they must build a bridge to peace. With the world so wild and free, the silence still continued and many began to live in the day, kids began to play in the field. Father and mother began to farm for first time but nature was always there, God gave their eyes back. Everything was still and finally the rage of so many cages began to subside as prison were opened. Many in prison could not adapt for so much time in closed in, most stayed as nuns began to help reeducate the depress inmates and the violent criminals were the first to commit crime but oddly it was met with swift judgement. Everybody knew what had to be done, Lady Justice must be taught with the same moral compass it was based on. Finally, months passed and wind of change settle the world was to be still, as if God said stop and the world stop.

But it did not stop for a college student in Brazil.