
the apotheon

a scientist and an estranged fellow die in an accident and finds himself reincarnated in a different world with his private ai system he journeys through the world looking for the secrets of the world eventually towards godhood

redlord_open · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 23

Tristan continued his research into this topic. The habits of another worldly researcher began to show itself the days that followed by Tristan began to understand more about the awakening techniques. After borrowing the awakening method from his brother Tristan began to read more about this he went to his father and asked to read other scrolls on the shelf. As if expecting this his father agreed.

In the days that followed Tristan began to gather more research into it such that he shut himself in his room.


Miscilla was always a curious girl. She was the type that looked into all sorts of things ever since she could remember. She liked to spend time with her mother but then again it's not like her mother was always around. She'd seem busy all the time shut In her room. These times that she was away was depressing for her. She had a twin brother two older brothers and a sister.

She barely sees her older sister as she's always busy helping her mother at whatever that she does. Sometimes she becomes jealous of her sister who gets so much time to spend with her mother even her brothers are not so close to her mother as her sister. Miscilla was bored and shed been wandering in the mansion as of late.

That is until she came across her second brother.

That day she was in the library picking a book. Her mother always disliked reading the idle storybooks she read she'd always say that it is a waste of academic pursuit in choosing these storybooks so she was inclined to pick one of the ones that detailed another subject like history or geography instead of the coloured and attractive picture books.

That time she was browsing for a book to read from their library when she saw her older brother reading a picture book at first she was curious about what he was reading then she remembered her mother's word and ignored him and searched for another book. But her brother did not ignore her and turned to her and asked " Miscilla what are you looking for?"

She turned and looked at him and said " not a storybook"

"Oh...why not?" He asked with a curious light in his eyes.

She replied "not a productive thing"

"Oh really you think so," he asked

When he asked that she hesitated. She liked stories, reading these always amazed her but because she wanted to impress her mother she always read other books.

When she was hesitating to answer her brother then said" what about this I'll tell you a story you listen to the story and then say whether it's productive or not what say?"

She nodded her head to this.

And thus she began to listen to stories from her brother.