
Chapter 5: The Christmas Carnival

**December 25, 2024**

Ayush sat in the back seat of his sleek 2023 black BMW 530i M Sports, the leather seats providing a comforting contrast to the tension gnawing at his insides. Beside him sat Ravi, his most trusted commando, eyes scanning the surroundings with practiced vigilance. The BMW was shadowed by a Toyota Fortuner, carrying three more commandos. They were on their way to the Christmas carnival, an event Ayush had attended every year since he was a child, but this year was different.

The streets of Delhi were adorned with festive lights, and the air was filled with the sound of carols and laughter. Yet, Ayush could not shake off the feeling of impending doom that had settled in his gut over the past few months. Ever since he had begun preparing for the unknown apocalypse, his life had changed drastically.

As they approached the carnival grounds, Ayush's grip on the seat tightened. The commandos in the Fortuner took their positions, with two staying in the vehicles, ready to whisk him away at the first sign of trouble. The other three, including Ravi, stepped out with Ayush, forming a discreet yet effective protective barrier around him.

The carnival was a riot of colors and sounds. Children ran around with cotton candy, couples strolled hand in hand, and the scent of various street foods wafted through the air. Ayush's eyes scanned the crowd, searching for familiar faces. He spotted his friends, Ayaan and Rajveer, near a game stall. With them was Samaira, the campus belle of their old school, and the girl Ayush had been infatuated with for as long as he could remember.as he is about to head towards them he heard a voice in his head

System Notification: Activating…

The sudden announcement caught Ayush off guard. "What? Now?" he thought.

System Notification: Preparations complete. System going online.

Ayush felt a rush of information flood his mind, the system awakening with a surge of power. He managed to keep his composure, though Ravi noticed the subtle shift in his expression.

"Everything okay, sir?" Ravi asked quietly.

Ayush nodded. "Yeah, just… processing things."Ravi tell the others to be prepared

Ravi gave a subtle nod, understanding the weight of the situation. "We've got your back, sir. Always."

**POV Switch - Ayaan**

Ayaan noticed Ayush approaching and waved enthusiastically. "Hey, there he is! The man of the hour!" he called out, drawing the attention of Rajveer and Samaria.

"Hey, Ayush!" Rajveer grinned. "We were just talking about you."

Samaira turned, her eyes lighting up when she saw him. "Hi, Ayush. It's been a while."

Ayush smiled, trying to hide his nervousness. "Hey, everyone. Merry Christmas."

**POV Switch - Ayush**

As they chatted, Ayush couldn't help but steal glances at Samaira. She looked radiant, her laughter ringing out like a melody amidst the carnival chaos. His friends quickly picked up on his distraction.

"So, Ayush," Rajveer said with a smirk, "we were just talking about how you should ask Samaira out."

Ayush felt his cheeks heat up. "What? No, I wasn't—"

"Oh, come on," Ayaan interrupted. "We all know you've had a crush on her since forever. It's Christmas! What better time to make a move?"

Samaira laughed, a playful glint in her eyes. "Is that true, Ayush?"

Caught off guard, Ayush stammered, "I mean, I... uh..."

**POV Switch - Samaria**

Samaira found Ayush's awkwardness endearing. She had always liked him, but their interactions had never gone beyond casual conversations. The idea of Ayush being interested in her in a romantic way was intriguing.

"Relax, Ayush," she said gently. "We're all friends here. But... if you ever do want to hang out, just the two of us, I'd be up for it."

Ayush's heart raced. "Really? That'd be great."

Ayaan and Rajveer grinned at each other and quietly slipped away, giving Ayush and Samaria some space.

**POV Switch - Ayush**

Ayush couldn't believe his luck. He had always been too nervous to approach Samaira directly, but his friends had given him the push he needed. As they continued to enjoy the carnival, Ayush felt a rare moment of normalcy. For a few hours, he could forget about the nightmares, the preparation, and the impending apocalypse.

The two wandered from stall to stall, playing games, eating snacks, and taking in the festive spirit. Ayush even managed to win a stuffed animal at one of the games, which he shyly handed to Samaira.

"Thank you, Ayush," she said, smiling warmly. "This is really sweet."

As the evening progressed, Ayush felt a sense of ease he hadn't felt in months. However, as the carnival lights twinkled and the laughter of his friends filled the air

Ayush turned to Samaria, taking a deep breath. "Samaira, I... I've wanted to ask you out for a long time. Would you—"

He suddenly stopped mid-sentence, his eyes going wide and face going pale. Over Samaira's shoulder, he saw a man biting into another person, the victim's screams quickly turning into guttural growls as he transformed into an infected.

Ayush quickly grabbed Samaira's hand, his other hand moving to his holstered gun. "We need to go, now," he said urgently.

"What? Why?" Samaira asked, confused and alarmed.

"Just trust me," Ayush replied, pulling her towards the exit. Ravi and the other bodyguards immediately fell into formation, understanding the gravity of the situation from Ayush's tone.

**POV Switch - Samaira**

Samaira's heart pounded as Ayush led her through the chaotic carnival. She saw the fear in his eyes, the determination. As they moved, she glanced back and saw the carnage Ayush had witnessed—people attacking each other like rabid animals.

"Oh my God, what's happening?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

Ayush didn't answer, his focus entirely on getting them to safety. Along the way, they grabbed Ayaan and Rajveer, who were bewildered by the sudden urgency.

"What the hell, Ayush?" Ayaan demanded.

"No time to explain," Ayush said tersely. "We need to get out of here. Now."

The group moved swiftly, the bodyguards shooting at the infected that rushed towards them. Samaira flinched at the sound of gunfire, clutching Ayush's hand tightly. The once festive atmosphere was now filled with screams and chaos.

As they neared the exit, Ayush pushed Samaria, Ayaan, and Rajveer towards the cars. "Get in!"

Samaira , still holding Ayush's hand, climbed into the BMW along with Ravi. The other two bodyguards and Ayaan and Rajveer got into the Fortuner.as Ravi opened the door to driver Side the other commando quickly went to the shotgun and took out his pistol looking for threats from the window. Ravi started the BMW, the engine roaring to life.

"Drive, Ravi!" Ayush commanded, his voice steady despite the turmoil around them.

Ravi hit the gas, the BMW speeding away from the carnival grounds. Ayush glanced back at the Fortuner, making sure his friends were following.

As they sped through the streets of Delhi, Samaira finally found her voice. "Ayush, what is going on?"

Ayush looked at her, his expression grave. "Something terrible is happening, Samaira. Those people back there... they were infected with something. We need to get to safety."

Samaira nodded, trying to process everything. She clung to Ayush, feeling a mixture of fear and gratitude for his presence.

**POV Switch - Ravi**

Ravi navigated the BMW through the streets with practiced precision. His mind was focused on the mission: keep Ayush and the others safe. The situation was escalating quickly, and they needed to reach a secure location.

"Ayush, where to?" Ravi asked.

"Head to the safe house," Ayush replied. "We need to regroup and figure out our next steps."

Ravi nodded, pushing the car to its limits as they raced through the city. The Fortuner followed closely, maintaining formation.

**POV Switch - Ayush**

As they drove, Ayush's thoughts raced. The system's activation, the sudden outbreak at the carnival, the safety of his loved ones—everything was happening so fast. He squeezed Samaria's hand, silently promising himself that he would protect her and his friends no matter what.

They had prepared for this moment for months, but now that it was here, the reality was even more harrowing than Ayush had imagined. The apocalypse was no longer a distant threat; it was here, and it was up to him to navigate through it


AN-hey there guys here's the next chapter and please don't leave before giving some suggestions and power stones also guys please join me on discord

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