
The Apex hunter

Every environment has an apex. A beast is perched atop the throne, watching every living thing below. They have no competition and can do whatever they want. No one could mess with the apex. However, there exist people who could hunt these invincible beasts. After achieving such a monumental task, they will be awarded the total of the Apex hunter. Bullied by his peers for being weak. Michael set out on his quest to become an apex hunter! 1 Chapter per days

Divichan02 · Fantasy
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92 Chs


Every environment has an apex. A beast is perched atop the throne, watching every living thing below. They have no competition and can do whatever they want. No one would dare to mess with an apex.

However, there are stories of people, hunting these Apex beasts. They decided to take on an impossible challenge. Killing these mighty creatures. Some returned as corpses, but some succeeded in their endeavors. Having tales told about how they fell these mighty beasts. They exist in song, in books, and even in a statue for their bravery.

Michael always dreamed that one day he would hunt the apex. That one day he would have a song about him killing this mighty existence.

Sadly, his dreams are just wishful thinking, for he was born with a weak body.

"Get up Michael!"


A kick caused a twelve-year-old child's slim body to fly into the distance. Michael dropped to the ground after his body slammed against a boulder. He tried to get up, but his effort was stopped by a foot pressing down on his head.

"Micheal! Get back up or else your head might get squashed!" Graha said mockingly

As his friends laughed at Michael's powerless body, Graha applied extra pressure to his foot with a broad smile on his face. Michael tries to stand up, but his strength is insufficient. He was helpless and could do nothing except wriggle and beg them to let him go.

This is a daily occurrence in the Boniha tribe. where the powerful bullied the weak. however, For Micheal, this is far worse than normal.

The Boniha tribe has lived on the island of Boniha for many centuries. This tribe has a long-standing custom of honoring strength and power in battle and punishing the weak. Michael, who was born with a frail body, naturally succumbed to this custom.

But that's not the only reason. Another thing that this tribe hates is the white people, also known as mainlanders. The Boniha tribe has a bad history with this group of people. Oftentimes, these mainlanders will capture them as slaves, making them a tool for dangerous work.

The Bonihas hate this group of people to the bone. They even actively hunt them when they spot one. And Michael, who bears the two biggest sins on this island, could do nothing but lay down and take the hit. He's truly unfortunate to be on this island.

"Michael, get your white ass off this land!"

"Get out, you freak!"

"Let's throw him in the water like last time!"

"Let's do it!"

Beaten and powerless, Michael could only be dragged around to the pound nearby. TOn their way, they discuss how to hunt these mighty monsters on the island and a trial that's about to happen. It's a trial that young hunters between the ages of ten and eighteen can participate. Every 4 years they held one of these.

In order to pass this trial, they must hunt a little, low-level monster on the island. However, one might gain a higher reputation the further up the food chain they are. The reward for passing the trial is that you can commission one weapon or one set of armor from Gurara, the village's sole blacksmith.

When they reach the waters. Graha instantly pushed Michael's head down without waiting for him to get better. Along with his head, Michael's black hair is submerged in the water. His green eyes sprung open wide as his body jerked about in an effort to escape Graha's hold.

However, the heavy hand of Graha could not be broken so quickly. He is among the tribe's most outstanding youths of this generation. Born with innate strength, he could outmatch any child of the same age. He is also the son of the tribe's chief, therefore, he is free to act whenever he pleases without fear of repercussions. Providing he doesn't go overboard.

The children nearby continue to giggle and joke about how they might catch the Futal dragonfly or the Gumal slime as Michael struggles. These little monsters can be seen in the Boniha forest as low-level threats and easy monsters to hunt.

"bwet bwe bwot" Underwater, Michael screams, but all that comes out is gibberish. As he struggled, the air bubble suddenly burst out of his mouth. Michael is beyond frustrated. The water soon started to enter his body and his body started to give out.

"What are you kids doing!?" A low voice with a hint of anger rang out loudly.

"It's Gurara!"


Shouting his name, one of the kids ran off, and soon another one followed. Only Michael remained motionless in the water. The old man's name alone could strike fear in some children. Gurara approaches Michael and picks him up with only one hand.


Gurara kicked Michael in the stomach. The young boy began to cry and let out a body of water. Gurara set him down and gave him a pitiful stare. Michael sprang awake from the painful kick, looking up. He notices the big man who is bearded. Wearing an unclean brown apron. He seems quite menacing, with his torso bulging with muscle, a rectangle-shaped face, red hair, and a bronze complexion. Despite missing his left arm, his towering height of 2 meters could even scare a beast away.

"Get up!" He commands with a stern voice.

Micheal quickly pushes himself up and looks down avoiding Gurara's gaze.

"Look at me!"

Michael shivers as he reluctantly looks Gurara in the eyes. Gurara does not appear to be happy with Michael.

"Micheal! How many times do I have to tell you that you have to fight back!"


"No, but! If you can't fight back, at least try to put up resistance! If you keep letting them fling you around, then you will always be bullied like this! I can't be here every time!" Gurara scolded Michael.

He's been doing this almost every time Michael has been bullied. telling him that he gets to fight back. Michael initially tries to fight back. He could even escape sometime, but the effort is futile. Since they live in the same village, they're bound to meet. And as they grew, the gap between his power and that of the other kid seemed wider and wider.

Gurara stomps off in anger as Michael follows. Since he was six years old, Gurara has been taking care of him. He couldn't recall what had happened at the time. Micheal could only confirm that he was now residing with the old man and his daughter.

Walking past a huge mangrove forest they arrive at the village. The village is usually safe, and the kids frequently play outside because there are so many animals. If they encounter danger, they'll often leave Michael as bait. His body was quite tough due to constant bullying. It's not a good time for Micheal.

Reaching the Village he could see a house built into the tree that elevate by a level. Other houses in this area follow the same trend. Being high up is a requirement after all. Michael follows Gurara up a relatively high treehouse. The long stairs built inside a tree are very long and with his body condition, he felt like it is as steep as the Boniha mountain.

In the brown house built inside the tree, Gurara pulls out a small size weight and gives it to Michael.

"Do another 100 sets. If you can't do it by the evening you don't get dinner."


Michael must perform a set of exercises every day that include jogging, waging, and pushups. He does grow a little bit from this activity, but eventually, he can no longer get better. Although Michael is extremely depressed by this circumstance, he isn't aware of the cause. His body is reaching its limit.

His best speculation is that he's white. Which he thinks is stupid, but his years of effort with no progress say otherwise.

- 4 hours later -

"Dad, I'm back!" A door opened with a sweet voice.

"Oh, Layla. Are you hungry yet?" Gurara poked his head out of the workshop.

"Yes! Dad, here I just hunted an Alma lizard with my group of friends! I even got the last smash!" A girl entered the brown house and set down a slab of meat with anticipation on her face. She carried a massive metal hammer on her back and wore light leather armor.

"Really!? You hunted the Alma lizard?" Gurara open the bag with sparkling eyes "Wow you're even better than me at your age!"

"It's to be expected!" Layla boast

Gurara laugh and say "That's my daughter! Now be a good girl and go take a shower and I will prepare the dish for you."

"Don't wanna!" She can't wait to eat her hunt, so she protests.

"Layla! Go get a shower."

"Don't wa...." She doesn't want to do it but seeing her father's face changes her mind


"Fine....." Layla pouts and obediently takes the shower. Not wanting to enrage her father. She was kicked out of the house the last time during winter. Just thinking about it made the air feel icy. She immediately removed her gear and walked past Michael as if he didn't exist as she entered the bathroom. Not concerned about his condition.

Michael sighs with disappointment when he sees her response. They used to be much closer. Playing and training together, but Layla grew stronger over time. They separate as he stagnates. She made some new friends who warned her repeatedly not to approach Michael. either claiming that he is a demon or a huge pervert. In addition to his lack of strength, this makes their separation inevitable.

A while later

Layla exits the shower and is greeted with the aroma of sizzling Alma lizards. She hurriedly laid the table and excitedly ate her meal. Alma lizards have a flavor similar to that of an alma-flavored lizard without the alma. It is a common dish among the Boniha tribe and is delightful because of its sweet and sour flavor.

Alma is also a popular fruit that grows only in the Boniha environment. It's used in many different foods and drinks. It's also a lot of herbivore monster food. Layla finishes eating and licks the plate clean like she's starving. The taste of this common meal is enchanted by the hunt. This prey is hunted by her thus making it more delicious.

Although they both enjoy the meal, Michael continues to exercise weights despite being hungry.

- Late at night -

Michael completes the weightlifting. Due to his day's tragedy and injuries from bullying, it took him some time even for him to complete it. He doesn't know why he has to do this when he got bullied. This is just more bullying for him.

"Come on, kid." Michael's dinner is being prepared by Gurara as he emerges from the kitchen. despite the fact that it is so late at night. He motions to Michael to join him for the dinner he has prepared. Michael complies. He eats the meat from Alma while sitting across from the table.

Michael starts eating in silence.

In his mouth, the meal is quite hot. Michael looked up to see an elderly man with one arm menacingly glaring at him. This kind of thing has been happening for years. He is unsure of Gurara's feelings for him.

'He punishes me one second, yet just moments later, I may enjoy a delicious dinner.'


He is completely lost in his 12-year-old mind. Too scared to ask the old man.