
The Apex Hero: LionHeart

U.A. University, the top hero school in all of Japan is about to receive its most interesting class of students. A young man who can can take out any enemy with but a single punch... only to break every single bone in his arm... a young man with a quirk that can blow you to smithereens... who also happens to have an uncontrollable temper... and a young man with the power over ice and fire... with the emotional intelligence of a teaspoon. All three of these students are aiming for the top. But unfortunately for them the [King of the Pride] has arrived. #MHA #BNHA

DreamTheInsomniac · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Entrance Exam

"GOOD AFTERNOOOON, FUTURE HEROES!" The man who was single handedly trying to bring back Punk Rock, Present Mic, boisterously greeted the now filled auditorium.

Today was the day of the U.A Entrance Exams. A day filled with so much hope but also angst and a day in which thousands upon thousands of young Highschool graduates had placed their hopes and dreams on.

I was no different. One of my earliest memories was watching my mother and father on TV fighting off a group of villains that wanted to take over the great Sovereign Country of Texas. My father using his beastification quirk while my mother used her own sound-based quirk to beat the villains into submission.

When people asked me who my heroes were, the answer was always simple, Momma and Pappa. I wanted to be just like them. A symbol people could look up to in their time of need.

My dream was always to become a Pro Hero.

Which is what led me to where I am today. In Japan, taking an exam to a school that everyone wanted to get into, but few ever got the honor.

The U.A entrance exam was broken out into three parts. The first part was a theoretical test that would test your knowledge when it came to the Laws that surround being a Pro Hero as well as benchmark your knowledge against general studies like math, science, and language arts.

The second portion would then be a one-on-one interview with a member of the staff. Said member would test you by giving you multiple scenarios and gauging your response. The questions varied from mundane questions like 'who's your favorite pro hero' to philosophical ones such as 'If you had to decide between saving your mother and saving a school bus full of children, which would you choose?'

I had just completed the interview portion and was instructed by my interviewer to head to the main auditorium, where we would be given instructions about the practical portion.

So far, the whole process had been pretty straight forward, and although there were some questions during the interview that were more of an opinion-based nature, I felt quite confident that I was doing well.

'At least I hope I am. Lord knows mom would rip me a new one if I got anything less than a 90% on the theoretical portion.'

I think to myself while half-heartedly paying attention to the instructions of the man dressed in far too tight of black leather pants. His whole ensemble is that of a punk type rockstar but oddly enough, paired with the obnoxiously tall mohawk, it works.

Half listening to his explanation, and only picking up the main points like the fact that there are three type of opponents that will give us points towards the exam and that there is a strict rule of not interfering with the other applicants, it's only towards the very end of his presentation that my attention is grabbed once more.

"Yes, little listener, with the glasses. What's your question?" Present Mike exclaims in the flamboyant manner that's probably his hero persona but might also just be his default.

Lazily turning my head to look at the young man who stood up to ask his question, I can't help but quirk an eyebrow at his rigid posture.

'Probably nervous out of his mind' I muse to myself. After all, it takes quite a bit of balls to ask a question in this large of an auditorium, packed full of people.

"Sir, on the participant information card that was handed out to us after our interviews, there are four types of villains listed. With all due respect Sir, this contradicts with what you have just said and that is simply unacceptable. U.A is seen as THE example when it comes to what a Hero university should be. It is quite shameful that such a glaring error was allowed to occur." The uptight, blue haired, glasses wearing young man says with a stiff air about him that has me rolling my eyes.

His outburst then continues when he calls out a green haired young man who seems shocked to be addressed. The whole play is quite amusing, and it adds some much-needed entertainment for the group at large since the tension in the room had dramatically increased while Present Mike explained the practical exam.

After the short outburst that caused the auditorium to devolve into quiet snickers, Present Mics gets everyone back on track and explains the perceived error.

'Essentially there are three robots that will give us points to count towards our score for the practical portion of the exam. Each robot gives either 1,2, or 3 points so I presume the difficulty of the villain goes up as the value does.' I begin strategizing after hearing Present Mic's explanation. 'Then what's the point of the 0 pointer. As stuck up as the glasses kid was, he's right, there's no way U.A would just have a fourth Robot running around for shits and giggles.'

"Any other questions?" The blonde, sunglasses wearing hero asks but is only met with tense silence. "None? Great! Then please look at the back of your cards and follow the signs towards the bus with the same designated code."

Not finding an immediate answer to my question, I lazily look around at the other participants before looking at my own card that reads {Battle Ground – Alpha}.


With the dawn of quirks, a pandora's box had been opened when it came to the human genome. Although a majority of the population retained the traditional homosapien appearance, a small subset had evolved past it.

Much like myself, who instead of having the traditional human like appearance, I had three unique incongruities. Two of the three differences being the fluffy feline like ears on the top of my head, which I gently covered with the hood of my grey hoodie I had changed into after being dismissed from the auditorium.

I had no problem with my beautiful golden fluffy ears, but the annoying heart filled eyes of the women population who fidgeted with the urge to pet them while I made my way to the sign with my battle ground on it, was another story.

The third difference was my dexterous lion like tail that was lazily swishing from side to side behind me, thanks to the hole cut in my custom grey Champion brand sweatpants. These three peculiarities were due to my quirk, [King of the Pride], which gave me the attributes of a Lion.

Other than these three differences, the rest of me appeared entirely human.

Carmel like brown skin and a height of 6' 9" helped with the whole Tall, Dark, and Handsome thing. My chocolate brown eyes that looked disarmingly innocent would from time to time glow a red amber when the light hit them just right, changing my whole aura from the boy next door to that of a dangerous predator. My body was nicely filled out with 18 years of growing up under 3 muscle head parents and a quirk that quite literally made me an apex predator.

My mothers would often tease me about how heartbreakingingly handsome I was, but with genes like my father's and that of my biological mother's, I blamed them for the number of stalkers and confessions I received growing up. I did willingly do my own share of heartbreaking but what can I say?

I'm young, horny, and full of love to give.

Anyways with the evolution of the human race things like discrimination against race, sexuality, and gender quickly became less and less. Although it obviously still exists, because humans are stupid, the focus unfortunately shifted to those unlucky to be born with abnormal mutations.

My mutations where quite mild, so the worst I was ever called was a pussy or kitty but never twice to my face. Unfortunately, not everyone was as lucky as I am.

Much like the scene I'm currently witnessing.

A group of young adults, around my age, surrounding a tank of a guy who is doing his best to ignore them. His physique would suggest he leans towards power, if the monstrous calves and tree trunk like arms are anything to go by, but his oddly shaped head has me curious about his quirk and why his presence seems… calming.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask the peculiar looking young man who meekly shakes his head from side to side while uttering a silent denial that I only picked up thanks to my enhanced senses.

My sudden presence has the bullies stumbling in their actions, thrown off by the indifferent glare I send their way, quickly turning in their seats and acting like nothing happened.

Sensing the discomfort wafting off my seatmate, I forgo striking up a conversation. I had originally wanted to ask him about his work out regime and quirk, but hearing him quietly sike himself up, I leave him to his preparation. The calming effect he seems to release starts changing though and instead I find myself growing slightly amped for the upcoming challenge.

Instead of confronting him about the phenomenon, I choose to use my calming mental exercises and clear whatever effect it is that his quirk potentially allows him to impose on other's.

'In the field you wouldn't have the luxury to ask your opponent what effects their quirk cause, so it's a good practice to always stay vigilant.' I think to myself, imitating the strict voice my dad would use when training me.

The bus ride to the testing site my group will be using, passed by quickly. Nothing extraordinary happened since once the initial pleasantries were exchanged most of the aspiring heros began focusing on the task at hand.

There were those that continued to goof off or boast about how sure they were about being chosen to join the prestigious institution of U.A, but I paid them no mind, allowing myself to get in the proverbial zone.


My seatmate and I were the last ones to get off the bus, since our seat were all the way in the very back but stepping off the bus I was once again reminded of the stupid amount of money U.A seems to have.

'I mean I get that the hero business is a lucrative one but geez, how do they have enough money to build entire mock cities. Not to mention the aftercare that the destruction of these types of tests probably bring.' I think to myself, dumfounded at the absurd expenses bill U.A probably spends each year. 'The janitor must hate his job.'


Without much fanfare, a voice I barely register as Present Mic, announces the moment the ginormous double metal doors blocking the entrance of the mock city finish opening.

Not needing to be told twice, my chocolate brown eyes adopt a more feline like shape, before I sidestep the socializing group in front of me and head straight into the fake city at full sprint. Present Mic goes on to chastise the various scattered groups who hesitated across the various battle ground.

By this point though I'm too homed in to care about the competition I'm leaving behind in the dust. Instead, I relish in the sudden spike of adrenaline my full sprint has mee feeling as the wind whips through my longish hair.

"Alright, let's see if the 0.2% acceptance rate is just for show." I mumble to myself as my lips curve up in an excited grin at the sight of the first mock villain. "Good, a one pointer. What better way to gauge their strength then by starting with the supposedly weakest one?"

I wasn't the only one that noticed an incoming threat though.

"HoStIlE DeTeCteD. SyStEmS ClEaReD FoR EnGaGeMeNt. PrEpArInG To ElImInAtE." The army green militaristic type robot voices out in a synthetic androgenous tone.

Seeing me charging head on, the robot copies my plan of attack, burning tar mack as its tank like treads grind against the road below it, propelling itself towards me at what I assume is its full speed.

The average person would be shitting their pants right now. Having a military grade robot charging at you with an intent to harm is no laughing matter, but as the quite frankly bad ass looking robot cocks its fist back in an attempt to one hit KO me, my blood boils in anticipation.

Deciding to give tit for tat, my own fist cocks back and right as it unleashes its opening attack, I mirror its movement.


I felt it more so than saw it. The metal deforming against my fist and the robotic arm collapsing into itself, detaching from its body altogether.

Not giving the one pointer a chance to process the now missing limb, my fingernails seamlessly morph into feline claws so sharp, that as I leap into the air and my hand passes through where the robots head and its neck connected, there was zero resistance.

Vaulting off the robots headless falling body, I catapult myself onto the next target like a predator hunting prey.

All this happened in mere seconds and as the minutes began to tick by, all that was left in my wake was a carnage of metal scraps, exposed wires, and puddles of oil.


"As good as a workout as this is, I was hoping for a bit… more." I grumble to myself while sitting atop one of the mock skyscrapers, taking a brief break from the utter annihilation I was bringing upon the so-called villains and wiping some of the oil from my nails. "There's no real challenge in this test. I mean I love smashing things as much as the next guy, but where's the intricacy? Shouldn't a Hero be able to do more than just smash?"

Looking upon my peers, with my enhance feline like eyes, as they move about the battle ground all engaged in their own pursuit of greatness, my frown deepens when I see a familiar young man being cornered in an alleyway by three other applicants. It was clearly stated during the explanation of the rules that acting against another applicant would result in an automatic disqualification, but it would seem that the group of bullies I had scared off earlier where even more stupid than they had originally looked.

Not waiting to see if their intentions where as ugly as their faces, I allowed myself to fall forward from my position on top of the skyscraper I was perched on.

'I wonder if this will look like a self-deletion attempt to the proctors… Ooops, probably should have taken the stairs.' I bemusedly think to myself as the wind caresses my face.

Answering my unasked question, out of the corner of my eye, I see a flight capable robot with a red cross painted on its chest hauling ass in my direction. Manically grinning at the sight, I let the robot get within touching distance of me, before acrobatically twisting my body over its extended hands while mock saluting towards it's face as I continue falling past it.


"This is my favorite part of these exams. Watching the next generations of heroes struggle in what often times is their first taste of adversity.

Imagine, knowing that you need to defeat enough villains to get a high enough score to get into your dream school but having no idea how many villains there are, where they're located, or how many points would secure you a spot. Hahahahaha"

A humanoid like animal that resembles a mixture between a mouse, a bear, and a dog sadistically explains while he gleefully watches the contestants go through their exam.

"My, my, this year's applicants sure look like a scrumptiously capable bunch. Mmmm, look at their cute little faces, so eager to please." The voice of a seductress cuts in, derailing what was probably about to be an informative analysis.

"Yes, well the exam isn't even halfway done yet. They still…" Another voice tries to get back on topic but is interrupted by one of his colleagues panicked shouts.

"Shit! Nezu, we have a jumper!" A shirtless man, with a yellow metal excavator like helmet proclaims, simultaneously slamming a button on his tablet that activates one of the medic robots on standby.

"Nathaniel Lionheart. A Texan applicant with a Pro Hero Family. Midnight, during your interview did the young man show any…" Nezu reads from the young man's file, immediately having it pulled up when he realized what was happening, only to be shocked by the teens midair shenanigans.

"Pheeeww, cheeky brat. Looks like he was just showboating." Midnight, the seductively dressed woman Nezu was addressing before, speaks up after grinning at the salute from Nathaniel towards the camera. "Deliciously cocky that one. He oozed confidence during our interview. Didn't even blush once."

The rest of the group was still waiting with bated breaths, and it was only until the brown-haired lad reoriented his body, so he could land in a crouched position that left him on all fours, that the group at large let out a relieved sigh when he got up without a scratch or a single sign of injury.


"Well, looky here boys. If it isn't the ugly mutie from the bus." The ringleader of a group of average looking students calls out to the guy I sat beside on the bus ride here.

The group hadn't noticed me yet since my landing had been drowned out by the sounds of battle going on around the city. 'Good, let's see how this plays out. If I strike to early, they could claim that I was the instigator.'

"Freaks like you and that cat bastard that's taking all the robots for himself are why good and normal folk like us can't get into U.A. You lot are nothing but abominations!" Continues the blonde-haired idiot leading the apprehensive looking group.

"Come on Goro, how about we just go look on the other side of the battleground. This place is huge, we're bound to find other robots someplace else."

"Yea Goro, this trash isn't worth it. We got plenty of time to catch up"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The now named Goro snarls at his two lackeys, successfully shutting them up. "Don't you get it, if we… put this little shit in his proper place… and show him not to stand in the way of his betters… then that would be one less freak we have to contend with." The guy somehow rationalizes on the spot, a sadistic smile forming on his lips.

Looking down at the white gold Day-Date with a blue dial on my wrist and seeing that we only have 12 mins left in the exam, I look over to the medic robot that had followed me after I landed and give it a universal shushing gesture.

"please. just leave me alone." I hear the guy around my age softly whisper to the group who seems to have finally reached a decision.

"Y-yea I guess you're right. Less competition is good for us."

"Besides it's not like U.A will care about a freak like him!"


"Disgusting. To think that it's this day in age and people like that still exist." A deep gravelly voice grits out through clenched teeth.

The man new what discrimination felt like. His whole life he was treated differently because he was born looking far different than all his peers.

"It seems to be the human condition, Cementoss. Silly little creatures seem to dislike whatever doesn't conform to their idea of normality." Nezu adds, no longer jovial but instead deadly serious while looking at the screen.

He too knew how cruel humans could be.

"They haven't technically broken any rules yet Nezu, should I send one of the enforcer types?" The shirtless man that had originally brought attention to Nathaniel, questions, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"No, their little stunt has already insured their disqualification. Let's see how young Nathaniel handles this situation." Nezu concludes, getting varied responses from his staff. "Unless someone disagrees?"

"Altercations between participants are strictly forbidden. Even if his intentions are admirable if he engages them, then he too will be disqualified. Allowing this to continue is simply irrational." A lazy voice belonging to a man who had yet to speak during their observations, cuts in. Disapproval apparent in his tone.

"Heroes are faced with impossible decisions on a day-to-day basis. How they handle those decisions is what separates the truly great from just another of the masses." The comment coming from one who stands at the epitome of their profession stops all the side conversations.

Before anyone else can truly process the words of the man, one of the bullies goes to hit the demure young man they were bullying. Said applicant does nothing but raise his arms to guard his head from the incoming attack. But as the fist that was suddenly covered in spikes, gets mere inches from the young man's guard, a grey blur pushes the teen out of the way, successfully taking his place with a medic robot in hand, blocking the punch with its metal body.

"AGHHHHH FUCK! WHAT THE HELL!" Goro, the would be assailant screams out in pain, the spikes at the end of his fist bending at odd angles.

"Listen you fucking beta cucks. This is going to go one of either two ways. Either you walk out of here and leave my friend here alone or… or I make you regret even waking up this morning." Nathaniel threatens in a deep masculine voice, the U.A staff intently listening to his every word as they now sit on the edge of their seats.

"W-w-who d-o you think you are? You mutie freak. If you even lay a single hand on us, you'll be disqualified. Besides, it's three against two, s-so walk away or else." The blonde-haired delinquent threatens back. The beginning of his speech a lot less confident than the ending.

"Alright. Option two it is." Nathaniel practically growls out before taking a deep breath, his eyes dilating while glowing a menacing amber, successfully scaring the three teens surrounding him.

"W-w-wait you can…"


Before one of the no names can complain further, Nathaniel let's out the most frightening roar. The act has everyone in the battle ground pausing in fear. In that moment, the pressure he released with just his voice was felt by everyone around, each handling the perceived threat in very different ways.

Unfortunately for the group that took the brunt of the pressure, the way their bodies decided to cope with the threat was to urinate and defecate themselves. Strength leaving their limbs and each one passing out from fright.

"Oh no. I simply wanted to say hi, woe is me. Why did the All Mighty make my greeting so intimidating. Well, they're all yours, Mr. Robot guy." The dark-haired youth deadpans to the still floating medical robot that was observing the events.

"What happened? The sound cut out just before the kid did whatever it is he did." One of the teachers in the observation room complains, all of them staring at their monitors with slacked jaws at the shamelessness of the teen's explanation.

No one noticing Nezu, who discreetly clicked the mute and unmute button on his master tablet, quickly having rationalized the teens intentions.

"Who knows. Looks like they were intimidated by his domineering physique." Midnight concludes, earning herself a scoff from the man who had voiced his displeasure earlier before. "Mmmmm, he's going to be a fun one that's for sure. I hope he makes it in so I can discipline him when he acts naughty."

"You must be right Midnight. Well, all's well that ends well, I always say. Power Loader, please take those… students… to the front entrance of the battle ground. After all we still need the medics on standby so we can't see to them until after the exam is over." Nezu instructs, getting various looks from the faculty but none voicing an opinion one way or the other.


"You alright their bud? Sorry about the noise, probably should have warned you or something." I extend a hand to the crouching teen with the uniquely shaped head. "Names Nathaniel. Nathaniel Lionheart by the way."

"U-Umm. Yes. Thank You. M-My name is Koda. Koda, Koji." The shy tank of a man offers while taking my hand as I help him up to his feet.

"Listen man, I wish we could talk more but we only got… damn… 8 minutes left in this thing so shake it off and go kick some ass." I offer in ways of encouragement. Patting the now named Koji on the shoulder, before turning around and heading out the alleyway. "Good Luck man!"

My one good deed done for the day, my sensitive nose wrinkles as I pass the spot where the guys had fainted, my attention drawn by a sudden noise that causes my ears to twitch. "If I where you I'd head right. Looks like a lot a robots but no people around." I call back out behind my shoulder before sprinting to the building directly in front of me and scaling it with my claws and raw strength in mere seconds.

"so cool!" The stunned Koji whispers out as he watches me effortlessly climb, his own resolve building before he takes my advice and starts running right.


Author's Notes

Hiya Readers 🤗 , I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of a story that has been bouncing around in my head for a while.

To level set, I intend this story to be a more mature take on, in my opinion, one of the best anime's of the new generation of anime's. Instead of the background taking place in High-school, in my AU, U.A will be a university, meaning that as of day one of school, all students will be living in the dorms.

I have some, at least I hope they are, fun and cool ideas when it comes to exploring the actual school part of U.A. Meaning that this story will, hopefully, be equal parts Slice of Life, Action/Adventure, and.... Smut ☺️.

This will be one of four stories that I'll be rotating through. I know that might sound like I'm dividing my time between one too many stories, but unfortunately my brain doesn't like focussing on the same thing for prolonged periods of time so this is my solution to make sure that the inspiration well doesn't dry up.

Please feel free to check out the other three stories on my page and let me know what you think.

Now lastly, I don't plan on putting any of my stories behind a pay wall.... but ya boy's gotta make some money 🤑. So instead of plugging the-website-which-must-not-be-named, I'll be plugging my eBay store.

Apart from a part time amateur/delusional Author, I'm also a part time reseller of vintage clothing/items. So, if any of you are interested in sick vintage throwback steaze, then hit up my store and cop some items.

eBay: holy_grail_vintage

With Warm Regards,

👑 Lord Otaku 👑