
The Answer Is Still No

All Eva, as a dark Elf wished was to be wanted and loved. However she never expected to be the target of an eccentric and obsessive Vampire Arch-duke that doesn’t know what "No " means. Now under the protection of Don the Hero; Eva learns what she truly wants from life as she comes to understand the meaning of be careful what you wish for. (Perspective changes between ML and FL) Artwork is not mine and was found on Pinterest, all artwork goes to respective owner. ————————————————— Story is currently under revision. Thank you for reading.

TheJackOfHeart1 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 12: Receive punishment

"B-But I" My protest was cut short by a white and lace covered handkerchief being stuffed into my mouth.

"Did you know I picked that just for you? Lace really suits you.. " His voice sounded gentle but a somehow happy and twisted expression played on his face. Was this what madness looked like?!

I felt a sudden searing pain on my left arm; upon examination I found a deep gash. Alarmed I squirmed and tried to pull away.

"You smell so sweet." Said Amos wrapping one of his arms around my waste; he leaned in pressing our bodies together.

He began to kiss at my neck causing me to forget the pain in my arm; only to be reminded of it by the sudden appearance of another gash right below it. I let out a muffled scream and Tears started to pour from my eyes as I watched more and more gashes appeared simultaneously on ether of my arms.

I looked at Amos as he licked the blood and bits of flesh off his claws.

"What a cute expression you have." He said as he unbuttoned my shorts and began to pull them down along with my panties. I whimpered pitifully and he looked up at me with a sadistic and sexy smile; He licked his lips and that's when I noticed he had an abnormally long tongue. He isn't about to do what I think he is -is he?!

"I said I would be tasting you didn't I?" He said as if reading my mind. My eyes widened and as if that was the cue he began to lick and prod at my vagina with his tongue; enter changing between sucking on my clit and shoving his long tongue into my entrance. I let out a gasped and muffled moans as pleasure over took the pain. I could hear him chuckle a bit before I felt searing pain in my sides I looked down again and saw fresh blood trailing down my sides and legs. My head swam with the confusion of pain and pleasure. I didn't know if I should cry out in pain or moan in pleasure. This kept on until everything felt good; the pain no longer seemed to register. Every time I was cut I was also hit with an insane amount of pleasure from below. His tongue worked it's way deeper probing and teasing until I expected and even longed for a new cut. I could feel myself beginning to reach a climax my muffled screams increasing In rhythm. Just as I orgasmed I felt sharp stabs in my back and a wave of euphoria and dizziness hit me all at once. I knew I could be dying from blood loss but at that moment I couldn't care less. I shivered as his tongue recoiled from inside me and into his mouth. I watched somewhat at a loss for words as he removed the handkerchief from my mouth and kissed me deeply for a moment.

"Don't worry I'll be sure these don't leave any scars" he said lovingly into one of my ear. He bit into his own wrist and sucked a bit of blood; He then proceeded to use it as a strange adhesive with his tongue. Everywhere his blood covered tongue touched healed shut. I shivered feeling it's wetness on my skin. When did I become so lewd? I was enjoying his touch?! Why?! My mind swarmed with questions. By the time he was finished with me I wasn't even sure I knew who I was anymore.

"Amos..?" I said it slowly in a somewhat lost voice. He looked up from my now buttoned shorts; a charming smile on his face.

"Yes little elf?" He snapped his fingers and the knights released me as they melted back into the shadows; My arms dropped weak and raw.

Amos trailed his clawed hands down my sides and pulled me into a hug.

"Why me?" I said weakly. I wasn't sure what I felt towards him anymore. How should I respond to his advances? Why did I enjoy his touch? I hate what he did to me but I can't say I didn't enjoy it!

Amos chuckled as he nuzzled my neck. I shivered feeling the vibrations play on my skin.

"Because you got away." He said it like it was obvious. But I honestly couldn't figure out how or even when that could have happened other than the incident with Don; but he seemed too have known me even before then. Just like now no matter where I went or who I was with he always knew; He continued.

"Every time I thought I had you; you'd slip through my fingers. Every plan I had somehow, some way you'd ruin it or do the unexpected." He pulled back then and looked straight at me. It was the first time I think I ever saw someone look at me with such love. His red eyes shimmered like jewels against his ivory skin; the moon shone on him with luminous rays that made him look almost ethereal and as if to kill all reason one had to oppose him his smile was soft and almost childishly innocent

" The things you make me feel are so new to me. I'm both confused by and enamored with you " he said it without reserve, and as I stared on dumbfounded from being confessed to for the first time; I could see his cheeks redden.

"Please come away with me." He said it softly as if begging me. He really meant what he was saying and though I had no idea how I felt or what I felt for him. I found it really hard to say No under his soft and genuine gaze. My mouth began to dry as I tried to find the words to turn him down again.

"Eva!!" I heard Don call from a distance away. How long had I been out anyway? I looked in the direction of Don's voice.

" Are you so taken with him I'm simply an after thought..?" Amos's words drew my attention back to him and his eyes were angry. The sudden change in attitude scared me and I jumped back hitting the wall with a yelp. Amos spring forward and began to kiss me roughly; I could feel the possessiveness and desperation of it. What was his issue?!

"You! Let go of her!" Said Don the next thing I saw was a stream of white light flying passed me; then Amos was gone.

"Damn it! that bastard got away again." Said Don seeming extremely irritated. He looked me up and down; then at the blood stained floor.

"what happened..?" He said confused. I squirmed feeling embarrassed and ashamed. Not sure what to tell him I looked down sheepishly.

" Come on you can tell me all about it at the Inn." He said taking my hand and guiding me back.


Don sat on the bed and I sat on the floor in front of him. Why did I feel like a child who got caught doing something they shouldn't?

"So what happened?" He repeated himself. I wanted to tell him nothing happened but that would be an obvious lie.

"Eva is it true he is pursuing you?" I looked up at the sudden change in direction. And responded

"I believe so." Not all countries saw vampires as monsters; Some even had vampire knights, Nobles and famous adventurers who were under protection of the Adventurers guild. However the Naverok kingdom wasn't one of them that did; Here It was considered heresy and beastiality. Don went incredibly quiet for a moment; We sat in silence staring at each other until finally he broke it.

"And do you want to be with him?" I replied quickly and loudly.

" N-no! I-I hardly know him.." I trailed off feeling a bit of guilt; The image of his vulnerability beneath the moonlight filling my mind. Don eyed me suspiciously then said one word.

"Strip." His voice held no room for argument and I looked up at him in shock.


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