After collecting my things and heading west and leaving the safety of the mangroves that help hide my presence. The survival and combat training of the harlequin along with acrobating and overall movement has been amazing. I am dashing through the mangrove at an impressive speed for even a regular elf. Unfortunately I barely compare to my brother at the speed and grace he shows when moving. Even his battle flow is dance like and would put ballerinas to shame at the flow spins and twirls he can do but all with deadly accuracy. The dance of death , a scarce art taught only to the harlequin and willing members of the Royal family. I have been working on acrobatics to be able to gain the strength to what Calidan called, battle float. Braking form my though I hear a scream and Immediately move toward the sound.
Arriving closer to the scene I see a small child running from a crocodile and one kid who had fallen and the beast was closing in. Drawing my sword and leaping from the branch of the tree and landing with the blade squarely in its jaws. The croc hisses and tries to trash but my strength stops it for doing its famous death roll to try and break free. Looking behind me I see the kid on the ground with a swollen ankle and cuts for the brush that they fell on. I use my magic to put the croc to sleep and through it back to the river. After doing so I turn to what looks to be a little girl. As I approach the girl seems fearful of me but I point to her ankle. She looks at her now further swelling ankle and tries to move it but cries out in pain. I sigh and kneel before her and extend my hand over her ankle and use some diagnostic magic to see the damage. Luckily it was just a sprain so I could use simple magic to fix quickly. Moving my hand over and pushing out magic to begin the process of helping fix the issue. My hands glow a light of gentle emerald green enveloping her lower leg.
I look at the girl to see if she is ok and not in pain. Looking at the girl she has the widest eyes I've ever seen as she just watched the light play around her leg. I give a soft chuckle at the sight and continue to work. As I finish I hear shouting of men approaching this way and hurry up to be done so that I don't scare any locals with magic. "All done" I say to the girl and she nods and starts to get up and puts weight on her foot and feels no pain and smiles and hugs me and runs out of the thicket towards the shouting. I hear in the distance "Aea by the gods you're alright". A man's voice speaks and what I assume is Aea responds " Yeah Papa a man stabbed the croc and threw it back into the river and then light glowed from his hands and he fixed my foot that I twisted when I was running." I simile hearing the girl tell her dad you could hear an audible sigh form the man. I jump back into the trees to continue west to my target, the Dragon temple.
After almost 2 weeks journeying at this point I arrived at the outskirts of the ruins. High up in the mountain range the runs between the borders of what would become Iran and Iraq. A drop in the landscape reveals a bastion that is quite large with smaller towers and fortifications dotted on the peaks when the main building lies down in the basin below. The towers seem to be the same light gray and brown the rest of the landscape has almost belding into the environment. The main bastion Below though is made of Black stone with many spires and walls but it seems to not be all directly for defence. Most of what can be seen, seems to be ornate and decorative then actually there for defence. Seeing this confirms that it is probably a temple or tomb for if it were to be a fort it was poorly constructed.
I move down into the basin towards the main building. As I survey my surroundings I notice a smell of burning wood that is on a easterly wind. I look to the west to see where the wind would be picking up the smell and I see a group of people around a fire. The sun was setting so I was hidden pretty well from them and started moving to get a better view of the group. Getting to a ledge and using scrying magic showed me that they are elves! 'What are elves doing here? This can't be good.' I thought about trying to figure out what was happening. On closer inspection they all are wearing what looks like odd sigil as a necklace. On the necklace was an aquila or two headed eagle or what I thought looked like an eagle.
I use my magic to conceal myself and move down the large embankment. As I move slowly I spread my mana thinly across the ground spreading out nearly 20 meters. My mana detects wards and other barriers and so will take time to open a hole in them to sneak through. This is not something I've ever been very good at but I hope this goes well. Getting through the barrier and keeping watch on my surroundings I move down the embankment and towards the temple at the bottom. Getting closer I hide my presence and cloak myself as I have been taught. In the distance I hear speaking " The master is not pleased with the progress but if he wants it faster then he can come here himself and fight through the traps and different mechanisms." another voice speaks up " To think the dragon cult was so advanced that they could build this and ward it so heavily makes it a testament to their power." "Baaaahhh! they still died out. Their victory was pyrrhic nothing more." Interesting to think that they have been working on this place for a while and know its history but that needs to be left for later.
Moving into the entrance I feel a great power inside the temple that was not there before and its leading me to a different path. The interior of the entrance was 15 meters high and 60 meter long with 6 arches spaced out. Effigies of the dragons and phoenixes doing battle and the war they fought. I feel a draw not from the door at the end of the hall but 10 meters west of the 4 pillar. I begin moving that way but freeze when I see people coming this way from the door that was at the end of the hall. I quickly moved to the first arch to take cover.I hear them speaking but I can't make out the language but it sounds very angry. One is shouting at the others and his pace picks up rapidly and passes by. A Human what are they doing here I think. I saw other elves outside what is going on here. The two others passed my location hidden in the shadows and one was an elf the other a goblin. This seems outside of a normal thing to get a goblin, a human and an elf to work together. I need to move quickly and get out of here. I push quickly to the location I can feel. I arrived at the spot and spoke 'open' but what comes out is different "Bex" that was odd but a door opens and I slip inside and a stairway is to my left but its pitch black i feel around and find a candle holder but it seems to have long burnt out.
I use my magic to make a light to move forward down the stairs. "Well this is a creepy long staircase." After moving along for quite a bit of time I reach the bottom and I enter the hall. The light glistens of statues of armor on both sides of the hall with large halberds and swords. 'They look like Custodes from 40k' as a chill runs down my back at the thought of 40k also being involved ( Please God NOOOOO!). I push forward into the next chamber as a single book on a pedestal in the middle of the room elevated on a platform. " Well trap or not here we go" saying sarcastically. Ascending the stairs I reach out and grab the book.
I wait and then feel a force throw me off the platform and golden staff arises as well and floats towards me. " Umm, is this from the old man" a note appears with it and reads ' Hello Usum enjoying your time. Ha I know you are here are the last pieces of your gift. I would suggest that you do the ritual soon and create your new world asap. Oh and as an extra bit of entertainment I will give you Alduin as a summon and soul bound Dovah. When you are done in this world we will speak in person again I have a proposition for you. Until then have fun."
I just stare at the note and shake my head. 'To think the one above all is like this is so odd but I can't look a gift ROB in the mouth now can I.' Looking at the book it's a book written for me in the Dovahzul so that makes it unreadable to others at least. A massive earthquake rocks the temple and I notice pieces falling all around me and begin to run away as fast as I can to the stairs but it's blocked. I turned and saw the Golden warriors are moving and one has moved towards me. " Come my lord we need to leave" "Ok lead the way" I follow the Golden demigod out through a wall.
Yes he ran straight through a wall and another corridor was there and made a left and began hauling ass down the hall and I kept up as best I could. Then through another wall he went and we were back outside. " This is where I will leave you my lord we will meet again later." With that he runs back into the collapsing temple and disappears and I'm left confused with the WTF face. After collecting myself I begin my journey home hopefully in time to avoid the war.