
The Ametrines of Allurion

Synopsis: Upon coincidental encounters and already established friendships, a group of 6 friends and their own friends are unified by a force of opposition. The story follows the Ametrines gang around along on their goofy but sometimes serious adventures that they go through together. It’s never known what they’ll get themselves into, and often times the issues they get into are accidentally provoked while others have hidden reasons. Follow them and see what’s in store for The Ametrines of Allurion. join in my discord to see whats going on also https://discord.gg/3B9xaA6KZN

_Sesame_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Spring Special

Everyone was doing their own thing, getting accustomed to the new way of living, with the whole group. San got up and looked at Lens calendar and gasped, "You guys! It's the first day of spring!" "Okay and?" Dev said, "We should go out and enjoy nature and celebrate the coming of a new time" "eh," Len said, "oh come you guys" "it could be our first group activity?" Crozz said, "exactly" "there's this nice little spot out in the forest where we could go if we wanted to," Ash said "well, it can't hurt to go out and get some fresh air for a bit," David said "yea I think we all need it," Molly said. "Great, I'll go prepare us some sandwiches," Crozz said as she ran into Lens kitchen, "and I'll go and some blankets to lay on the ground" Ash followed, running upstairs, "and I'll go quickly to the market to buy some fruits and vegetables that are of the spring season," San said as he ran out of the place. Half an hour passed, San came back with some stuff, and Crozz came out of the kitchen with the food. "We ready to go?" David asked everyone, everyone just nodded, and David teleported them to the forest entrance. "I know the way," Ash said as she started heading in. "It's all about peace today. This walk should be peaceful and relaxing," San said as he took a deep breath. And they headed into the forest "it's so lovely," San said, trying to maintain calm while all the others were going crazy. Kit kept trampling Dev, Len kept yelling at Crozz because Crozz kept trying to hold her hand, and David was just screaming to scare off hikers by having them think something was around. "Crozz, I swear if you don't stop trying to hold my hand, we will be losing someone on this hike" "what! It's a beautiful hike and would be a nice date too" "we are not going on a date!" "Hey, where did San go?" Molly said, "ah fuck did no one keep an eye on him?" David said, "we'll there goes one," Dev said while still being shaken around by Kit, who has a hold of him by his shirt "Kit, go look for him!" Molly said, "Ash wait up, we lost one," Crozz yelled to Ash, who was still going. "GO! LET GO OF DEV!"Molly yelled at Kit. Kit went retracing their steps. He found San, who was in a ditch with a stream flowing through it all muddy. "Oh good, someone noticed finally," San said to Kit, who was now dangling a long stick for San to use to pull himself up. Half ways up, Kit thought it was funny to let go of the stick to make him fall in the muddy stream again. "You fucker!" San yelled out. Kit finally just made a little portal for San to go through "you could have done that first, you bitch". They both made their way back to the group, who by now was just tackling each other and causing a ton of destruction. "What the fuck, you guys!?" San said to the group who froze in their positions "what happened to you?" Molly asked. "I was pushed down a ditch that had a stream flowing" "I thought you would grab on to something before falling," Len said. "I DID! I GRABBED ON TO YOU!" "Well, now you know to not do that next time" "AND YOU DECIDED TO NOT CHECK TO SEE IF I DID GRAB ON TO SOMETHING ELSE!?" "That was going to take too much effort" San just glared at Len. "Can we fucking continue with the hike? We're almost there?" Ash asked "we should contin- OW!" Dev was cut off by Kit, who lunged at him and grabbed him by the shirt, and started to drag him around again. "Well, you heard Kit, let's continue," David said to the group who was just staring blankly at Dev being dragged away. The group finally got to the area. It was pretty and green with flowers that had just barely bloomed; the area was a big circle surrounded by just trees. "This is beautiful!" San said; Ash set up the blankets on the ground, and Crozz set up the food on one. The rest all sat down and took in the rays of the sun. "Wow, this is the best time to meditate and relax," San said as he sat down and shut his eyes. Kit sat down with a sandwich in his mouth; he put it down to try and relax for a bit before eating it. His relaxation was soon interrupted by Dev, who took the sandwich he got and began eating it. "Aw, thanks, man, I was starving" Kit took offense to that and switched to his human form "you fucking bitch" Dev got up to try to run away but wasn't watching where he was running and tripped over San. "YOU FUCKING BITCH! What the fuck was that fo- KIT NO BE CAREFU-" San didn't get the chance to finish his plead because Kit punched him, knocking him out on accident because Dev moved out of the way. Kit switched back to fox form and grabbed Dev and began to throw him around in the air and pounding him into the ground face first. "Oh, we should light a fire!" Crozz said excitedly "leave that to me," David said as he began to bring wood that was around on the ground, "time to light it up" David pulled out a flamethrower and caused a whole wildfire to happen "hella yea now this is peaceful" he said as he stood there admiring his creation. San woke back up and began to freak out at the forest that was now in flames. Molly began to secure the area, not allowing the fire to spread more than it already did. Crozz was sleeping on a blanket, and Ash was trying to separate Kit from Dev. "I just wanted to have a peaceful celebration of spring," San cried out on his knees. Len was all the way in the back under some tree "well, this was fun in the end, the happy first day of spring."

-Happy spring y'all!