
The Amazonian Prince

Born in the cold night of raging light and the howling storm Sorren was born. But he was no normal mortal he hid the son of Zeus and Hippolyta and the brother other of Diana. It was prophecy states that the Demi-God Sorren would bring about the destruction, so he was locked away in the depth Themyscira. Where he’s was tortured by the guards for being a man. Whit each passing year his haters for his mother her people grew to unimaginable heights..... he’s seeks power so he can destroy the one who in-prisoned him. A.N. I do not own the cover or anything in this fanfic besides my OC. I am writing this just for fun... Let me know if I should MC should have a haram

ArcAng3l · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Beginning Of The End P2

(A/N. This is the first time for me writing this kind of battle scene. It will improve as the book goes on. Feel free to give thoughts one this. With that being said hope let's get into this chapter!!)


As I watch the Amazons charge at be a blood thirsty smile etched onto my face. Drawing my sword I get into my stance and wait for them to come into my range.


As soon as the first few Amazons get close enough. I see three swords approaching in my direction. One was aimed to my head, another at my heart, and the final not nearing my arms. To any normal person the speed at which these weapons would seem like blurs. But to me it seemed as if they were in slow motion.

In quick movements I dodged the closest one and sent my blade straight through her stomach effectively slicing her in two. Moving onto the next I grabbed her by the throat and used her as a meat shield for the already in motion sword that is approach my heart, causing her to kill her own comrade. She the followed her to the after life as I quickly sent a lighting breath attack in close range reducing her to ash.

My "mother" seeing how easily I was slaughtering her people started to shake in rage. Seeing this I decided to add full to the fire. "Is this all the so-called warrior race has? I'm severely disappointed. Your no more that sheep rushing to the slaughter." I said in a mocking tone. At that point the remains warrior besides from Hippolyta and her sister remained back. Seeing the rest of them charge I couldn't help but smile at how simple it was to bate them. Sheathing my sword, a ball a lightning stated to form in my hand as letting off sparks. Hippolyta sensed death emanating for the orb and instantly yelled for them to fall back but it was too late.

"TIME TO DIE!" I yelled as I hurled the lightning bomb in approaching Amazons direction. As soon as it hit the they where engulfed by it. Right after it hit I could hear there screams in pain...and I relished in it. The paint that they'd experience being hit by it is undesirable. As there are experiencing first hand what it fells like to get hit by millions of volts of electricity. Soon after the screams stopped and the lightning dissipated quicker that it arrived, and there lifeless bodies dropped to the ground. They were burned beyond recognition and the i the smell off burning flesh quickly enveloped the area.

The feeling of fear and loss quickly assaulted the two remaining warriors with a cold gaze that sent a shiver dow there spines. "Two to go." I say as I quickly entered my light my form and disappeared from my position only to reappear with something in hand...Hippolyta looks at me in shock as her eyes turn bloodshot as tears start to stream down her face, she looks to wear her sister stood only to see her lying on the ground with blood flowing out of her neck. He decapitated her sister!!!!

As he looks back at me I throw the head in her direction as trice to catch it, only for me to sent a lightning spear directly throw it completely obliterating it.

"I told you I'd destroy what you've built and make you watch all you people perish...now that I've lived up to that promise...it's your turn to die. Don't worry you'll see them when you pass the gates of hell." I say to her a I slowly start to towards her. We then start bolting at each other. The final clad of the night.

[with Diana]

A few hours after she fell asleep she felt a huge amount of bloodlust erupt out of nowhere and she bolted to her feet. Looking around the room she could see anyone. After a while of contemplating she saw a red hue coming from the direction of Themyscria. That when she picked it all together. The island is under attack!!!! She quickly called Bruce and then him know if the situation so everyone can head to her homeland to provide aid.

(10mins later)

Currently you can see superman, Wonder Woman, Hawkman and Hawkgirl flying just ahead of the Bat-jet. They were a few minuets out from Paradise island due to the urgency of the situation. As the where flying, Diana wasn't able to hide the concern on her face. "Mother please be alright."

[back with Sorren & Hippolyta]

Back on the island. Queen Hippolyta and Sorren was locked into a fierce battle which has quickly become one sided. She managed to hold out for a minute or two before she started to become overwhelmed by the amount of power of Sorrens attacks. She was covered in cuts most were minor but some where deep and still bleeding, whilst her "son." Looked completely fine. Her thought where then cut off as he rushed up to her and sent a devastating left hook to her face, sending her flying into rubble.

Slowly rising to her feet. She looked back to In my direction. I then raised my left had and gestured form her to come at me in a taunting manner. She the raised her sword and feuded to rush at me with her body swaying back and forth. When she finally reached me she swung her sword directly at my head only for me to swing mine with so much force that it cut it in to. I then grab her by her neck and raise her off the ground looking at her dead in the eyes.

"Well it was fun while it lasted. But now it's time for you to die." I say as my sword rushed towards her stomach only to be stopped by what looked to be a golden glowing lasso. Looking behind me I see a woman in Amazon armour and look at her with intrigue. Yanking back my sword I returned it to its sheath while maintaining eye contact with her.

Looking behind her is see. Flash, Batman, superman, Hawkman & girl, aquaman and cyborg.

"Looks like we have some party crashes. Well that's fine just give me a minute and you'll have my undivided attention." I say as I look back to Hippolyta.

"What have you done brother?" Diana says as she looks at what used to be a beautiful island that now looks like a battle and smells of death. "How could you do this to our home!" She said as she starts to raise her voice.

"Our home you say. Ha!, this was YOUR home. My home was a little cell deep beneath this little shit whole where I rotted for the better part of 5000 years. By this woman and those bastards." I say as I tighten my grip over Hippolyta's neck. "What did you think I'd do after I left. Simply forget about how they treated me from birth?" I ask as I looked at her with a cold glare.

"You killed an entire island worth of people. Your going to have to come with us?" Interjected Batman a he scowls directly at me.

I then looked at him and started to leak my aura around him as his then opens in shock at the ferocity of it. It felt like he was starring at an untameable beast. "In case you haven't noticed, this is family business. So kindly fuck off."

"Let her go please Sorren you can't kill her." Pleaded Diana with desperate eyes.

"Set her down and come quietly. Or we'll take you by force." Superman said. He was angry that someone would heartlessly kill this many people in cold blood.

"Ok. I'll let her go if she apologises." I say and look directly into her eyes In anger. " apologies for locking your son up since birth all because I was born a man and some stupid prophecy. Apologies for keeping in the deepest whole in this place without even giving me a chance. APOLOGISE!" I yell as the pain of what I went through started to show in my voice.

"I'm...sorry." She says in a half hatred manner. Hearing the i blade of lightning formed in my right hand and went straight into her chest, watching the life drained out of her eyes. Looking back at the shocked group I spoke. "I don't know about you Diana, but that apology...didn't sound very sincere."


A/N. That's the end of this chapter ladies and gents hope you enjoyed. I had fun writing this chapter. Let me know how you liked it in the comment section.

Next chapter will be released on Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm gonna try and give you 2-4 chapter a week depending on how the book progresses so do keep on reading if you are enjoying this book so far as now will be when MC will start leading his own life.

Author out ✌🏽

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