
The Alterra Project

A hundred years from now the Earth is now reduced to several domed cities after the last war raised the temperature across the planet thus raising the sea level. The most common escape for everyone is virtual reality. A new game, Alterra Online, is set to release and promises to be the most realistic mecha/military/political simulation to date as well as the first full dive virtual reality game. Gray Wilhelm, like so many others, wants to be one of the first to play. What is Alterra Online's secret? Why do players feel more alive in the game than in real life? And why is the government and Alterra Corporation working on it together? Features: - NO Systems, Reincarnations, Supernatural Powers, harems, or brain dead females that chase after MC. - Monty Python references and many others. - Believable characters I will be posting the fixed version of this story on RoyalRoad.com

LordSputnik · Sci-fi
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130 Chs

Teaming up

In the real world, Gray was born and raised in the domed city of Washington, named after some important guy from the 18th century of a country once known as the United States of America. Long before Gray was born, these domed cities were constructed on elevated areas of land that were still large enough to support them. Twenty domed cities still exist around the world. Each one was run by a major corporation as politicians had proven themselves time and time again to be incapable of managing them effectively. Of the original fifty cities, ten had been lost due to accidents or sabotage by extremists. The other twenty in the eastern hemisphere had all been lost due to negligent leadership, hence why the remaining cities used a corporate republic governance system.

Gray's family was involved in a shuttle mishap when trying to move together. He avoided the parents dying cliché, but he was still separated from them due to a miscommunication. He could only holochat with them now due to the city they returned to being partially submerged. The cost of relocating either of them was astronomical. This was not uncommon as people did what they needed to survive.

"I know Mom, I'm taking care of myself." Said Gray to the holochat of his parents.

"Son, we just worry about you like all good parents worry about their children." Said Gray's mother with a worried expression on her face. "I know you like to game a lot and I've heard stories about some that go without eating or sleeping for days due to addictions."

"Mom… those things haven't happened in decades, where do you get your news from?" said Gray while shaking his head at his Mom.

"Son, your Mother is just worried is all, as long as you are happy and doing well is all that matters... but your Mother and I are both in agreement that we need grandkids so stop playing games and go meet a nice girl!" said Gray's Father with a slightly indignant tone.

"Listen, playing Alterra Online is going to be a great social outlet. I've already met a few nice girls so let's just leave it at that."

This is usually how Gray's conversations went with his parents. It may seem annoying and such, but it did at least show that his parents cared about him, or at least his ability to give them grandchildren… Gray barely remembers his parents physically since he was separated from them at age three. Fortunately, technology has advanced to the point where they can still interact fully.

"Mom, Dad, I know you spent a lot of your savings on me when I went to college, I want to try and buy you both a VR bed each."

"What for honey? We do not play video games." Said Gray's Mom.

"No, but with full dive VR technology, we can still meet up, and it will be almost 100% the same as if we were together in real life." Gray had only considered this after experiencing full dive VR for himself. It felt so real to him that he could understand how some people become obsessed and never log out.

"We appreciate the sentiment, but you do not need to worry about us, we're happy just seeing you doing well. Save your money for yourself and maybe take a nice girl out some time." Said Gray's Dad.

"Yeah yeah, I'm working on it, there are just so many girls that desire me I can never decide which one to pick!" said Gray boastingly.

"We never raised you to be liar so don't try and pull that with us, just be yourself and you will find someone that accepts you for who you are."

"You make it sound like I'm a charity case, Mom…."

"You know what I mean, Gray!" said Gray's mom, flustered.

"I know, but it's still fun to mess with my parents every now and then!"


The following day Gray logged back into Alterra Online. Apparently, Geoff had had the same idea as Gray and took time off from work to play. They both agreed to meet up as soon as possible in-game and considered meeting up in real life. They figured that was pointless for now since they can only play Alterra Online from their VR beds.

"I was thinking, if we create our own team, we need about as many female members as male members." Said Gray to Geoff.

"I do agree that we should maintain a balance." Geoff replied.

"Screw balance, I just want us all to have at least one girlfriend!"

"At least one Gray?" said Geoff, slightly exhausted from Gray's short-sightedness.

"If I had it my way, you and any other guys would be my lackeys. The girls would be part of my harem," Gray said passionately, looking off into the distance like some anime protagonist.

"While you are undoubtedly as dense as a male protagonist in a harem anime, I'll be impressed if you attract even one girl."

Gray and Geoff frequently got into these types of boasting 'competitions' with each other, which just showed how well they got along.

"Anyways, let's ask Stacia and Yurika if they want to join us. Only eleven of us are in this camp, so we should pick from our own camp until we can better gauge other's skills through matchmaking," said Geoff.

"On it!"

Gray tapped his Armlet and searched for nearby friendly players. He saw that Yurika and Stacia were already together online and were near the simulators. They seemed like a strange pair as Stacia was very calm and down to earth while Yurika was very loud and loved to be the center of attention. Still, girls like to form groups, so Stacia and Yurika teamed up, and the other two girls that Gray never got to know had created another group.

Gray walked up to Yurika and Stacia and said with a very confident tone. "We have deemed you worthy of joining our group. You are welcome." Gray flashed his best playboy smile while flicking his hair back in a typical cocky playboy manner.

Both girls stared at Gray, then looked at Geoff next to Gray and watched as Geoff slowly crept away from Gray.

"I am sorry Yurika and Stacia, it seems my friend here forgot to take his medicine this morning." Said Geoff apologetically. "What he REALLY means is that we were hoping to be able to work together with the both of you as we believe it is in all of our best interests to work together."

Stacia whispered something to Yurika, and then Yurika nodded back at Stacia.

"We agree, we just want to play the game so if guys hit on us too much or make us uncomfortable we will leave." Said Yurika pointedly at Geoff and Gray.

"Agreed, we just want to play and win as well!" said Geoff while holding Gray in a headlock to keep him from saying something stupid.

Gray wriggled free slightly and said breathlessly, "She said 'too much'! That means we CAN hit on-"

Gray's sentence was cut short when Geoff squeezed the headlock tighter.

"Have room for one more?" Caleb asked after overhearing their conversation. "I admit I am at a loss on teammates until the game fully launches and we get more people here."

Geoff and Yurika both looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure, let's give another quick introduction about each other and what we want to specialize in." said Geoff as he finally released Gray.

Caleb spoke up to the group. "Wanting to specialize and actually being able too are two different things. I would suggest we let our AI trainers suggest our roles based upon our performances in matchmaking."

"It is different, but it's a game, we can just do what we want and have fun. If all of us want to be assaulters, then we can all be assaulters!" said Yurika excitedly while making shooting gestures with her hands.

"Well, let's just jump into matchmaking and go with our own preferences and see what happens from there," said Gray to everyone. "I might end up liking a different role than what I first wanted to be."

Geoff stared at Gray in awe. "That's the first normal thing you've said!"

"I am perfectly capable of being normal!" yelled Gray.

When he looked back at the other 4 in his new team, they had ignored him and were already walking away to the matchmaking station to find a match.

5/24/2022: Tons of fixes, slight dialogue expansions

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