
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 4

He showed his restraint by backing away from me. I was so into the moment; I do not think I could have. The will to break this off just simply was not there. I smiled at him with my arms still around his neck. We stood there staring at each other for several moments. I do not know what he was thinking. But I was thinking that, "This was all an amazing dream. It is too bad that it has to end. I will probably wake up in my security office. Hopefully I do not slam my head on the key board or fall out of my rollie chair. What an amazing dream. I wish I did not have to wake up!"

I pulled away slightly, turned, and unlocked the house door. When I turned back around, he was still there smiling at me. I had two steps up to go into my house door. I stepped up on one step backwards. He stepped up to me, placing his arms around me. My face was perfectly aligned with his neck. I still had to look up slightly. He stepped to the side of the steps and I stepped up one more step. I was now looking him eye to eye.

This uncontrollable urge came over me. Before I could even think twice about it, I was now kissing him. he was smiling and had a low rumble vibrating his chest. That low rumble had my whole body tingling. I mean what a dream! It does not really matter what you do in a dream right. With that note in my head, I jumped at him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist.

He pushed me up against the wall. I could feel him forcing himself not to move. His hands were exploring my sides, butt and legs. He forced himself to stop and breathe. "Darlin, we are playing with fire here." I kissed him on the cheek. He smiled, "Don't get me wrong! I want to! But I want to wait and do this right." He looked away breathing out hard, then looked back at me. "Also, you were drugged tonight. This is also new to you. Let's wait until we both know you have a firm grasp on this situation. I do not ever want you to think I took advantage." He ran his thumb over my bottom lip and shivered, "No matter how much I am wanting to right now. GOD BLESS! This is really hard!"

I giggled and kissed his other cheek, "Okay, I will agree to that. But you have to let me down first."

He looked at me like he had not realized what was going on. He shook his head and put his hands under the crook of my arms picking me up. He sat me back down on the top step. For the first time in my life, I felt like a little girl being carried around by someone. The thought made me chuckle as I half turned to go back into the house. He had turned to leave, and quickly turned back around, "I do not think I can wait until Saturday! How about breakfast tomorrow. It might even be a good time for me to meet your parents."

Okay, that proved it! This is so a dream! No guy is anxious to meet the parents! I nodded, but I knew I was agreeing to something that would never happen. He took my hand and kissed it. Then he turned and began jogging up the road. I shook my head as I walked in and locked the door behind me.

I went up to my room. The first thing I wanted was a good shower. It was such a good thing that my room had its own bathroom. I came out wrapped in a towel. I also had wrapped my hair in a towel too. I sat down on my bed and unwrapped my hair. Boy my hair was getting long. I may have to think of cutting it one day soon. I began blow drying it and brushing it out. My hair came down to the bed when I was sitting down. I figured that meant it came just past my butt. My hair was a bright blond on top and a darker sandy blond underneath.

As soon as I got it all dry, I dropped my towel and walked up to the bathroom door. On the back of my bathroom door, I had a full length mirror. I looked at the "mark." Right now. to me, it just looked like a bruise the size of a silver dollar. I thought, "Well, it is just a dream. It will not be there come the morning."

I went back to my bed. Pulled the blanket back and climbed in. I never was one to sleep in any clothing. I do not like the way the sheets grab at you. It feels confining. I got bundled up with the blanket and my pillow. Before I even knew it I was out cold, and snoring softly.

What I did not know though, was that the tree in my front yard was just tall enough to give access to my window from the outside. Well to give access for a werewolf. Abel had climbed the tree and jumped over to the houses rooftop. You see my house was two stories tall. My window faced the front lawn. There was a small ledge between the window and the roof top edge. Abel had crouched there and watched every move I had made.

While he watched me he was thinking to himself. He was not doing this to be creepy! He knew that other members of his pack had seen her now. He did not want to risk any of them following her scent home. Then there would be a territorial battle royale. He had already picked his woman. But until they consummated their marking, the scent that she would let off could drive any other alpha males crazy. Other packs could take her just to cause a war. An untaken marked mate, could be taken, and then re-marked by other packs too.

He had every worst case scenario going through his head. He knew he would have to keep her close. He had already gotten that fixed up. She would be starting with his Beastmen company on Monday. But I was going to have four days without him. He has tomorrow morning taken care of, and all day Saturday. But what about Friday and Sunday?

He had already called Chris and told him not to be expecting Joyce back into work. She would be working for the alpha solely now. Would she be mad he quit for her? Hopefully not! Chris did kind of leave her high and dry, in the middle of ladies night. Abel knew he would have to explain ladies night to her on a more intimate level one day in the future. But at least for tonight, he did not have to worry about going back for the cleanup.

Him keeping watch of Joyce, also gives him four days off, from his regular paperwork. He was raised to be the Alpha of his pack. His father was Alpha, and his father before him. This went back many generations. He was brought up knowing how to do all the Alpha's responsibilities. Just like how he will raise his son's to be. (The thought of having sons made him grin.) There is too much for a crash course in being an Alpha. The Alpha runs everything, including the family business. That is what a pack is. It's the family. The pack has their own family business.

His pack is the major supplier of venison, duck, rabbit, quail, and other meats to the local market. They even do bear, bison, and fish from time to time. It just depends on what the supply and demand is for the local area. They pack hunts down the meat, brings it back, packs it, and ships it to the suppliers. They have even begun to do some international sales. They use a large portion of Oklahoma as their hunting grounds.

They have begun to venture into selling pelts as well. The pack is actually doing very well financially. That is why they bought the ball park. They began coaching little league, and they use the baseball fields for their mating rituals. They even own the hotel next to the ball park. Every full moon, the entire hotel is filled with wolfs from his pack.

It is quite an undertaking. But one that he truly does not mind. But to be his mate, she will have to understand and help in her new role. He was quite the genius, making her his secretary. His old secretary Lamia, was to in his face. He thought the pack had done this to get him to choose a mate. But he has known for many years now who he wanted. He had just been shy about it.

No more being shy now though. He has to take this bull by the horns. If he does not, another member of his pack or another pack could attempt to step in. If only he could do the ceremony sooner. He felt that he could not though. He did not want to scare her, or force her. However, she could handle the mark. She will become a full werewolf. His mate, his bride, his! That is if he plays his cards right.

Right now, she probably thinks that tonight was all a dream. Convincing her it is real, is going to take some time. He looked out into the drive, at her car. She was driving an old beat up Malibu. As soon as he could, he is going to replace that car. She deserves to be driving around a decent car. That's it! The first task he gives her will be that simple. His house needs to be redecorated. The sky is the limit. Let her redecorate his entire house to make it comfortable for the two of them. Maybe they could even have the wedding there. He was a genius! This will help them get even better acquainted. Maybe even give them some time alone. He blushed at the thought.

He watched her climb into her covers and curl up on her pillow. He got comfortable out on the roof. It had stopped raining and the clouds were clearing away. It was going to be a good night to be out under the stars. Besides, he was going to have a full month of sleeping out here. He had better find the best spot to sleep. He found a comfortable position right by her window, and fell asleep while dreaming and thinking of his new mate.

Interesting, I have been trying to think up of some great places for them to go on a date. I have many places in mind. They range from ice-skating to swimming. There are so many things to do around the local area. I think I know just what the first date should be. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them. Your idea could be what happens with the next date.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!


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