
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 3

Abel growled, "I know! She was not wearing gloves. All that white on her hands was Cocaine. I think she honestly found it by accident. She tripped and fell into the creek. When she came out, she was covered up to her elbows. She was higher than a kite and almost hurt you. I can help with the effects though. I am sorry it is rather short notice. But we will have to be quick if it is to work. Let me explain, all you have to do is agree to be my mate. I will do the rest. Please do make up your mind quickly though. I am afraid you have been overdosed. There is not enough time to make it to a hospital. We cannot call an ambulance here, for obvious reasons. The life of all is more important than the life of one. But I promise if you agree, it will be painless and quick. We can discuss it more once you feel better."

I was getting to the point that I could not even hold my own head up. He was refusing me help, and in the same breath, this Abel was offering to attempt to help me. Was this a trick? Do I have an option? I looked at his face. Apparently I had been thinking out loud. He wined slightly. Which gave me my answer. "What do I have to do?"

He perked up immediately. "Just lay there, and tell me where you want it at. Most women do not want their mark to be in a visible spot. I can do it invisible. It is up to you."

I laughed sarcastically, "What is it a tattoo!"

He smiled, "Yep!"

I froze for just a second, when my whole body felt heavy I said, "If it actually helps I do not care where. Just please not on my neck or face. I do not have any tattoo's. I can't stand needles."

He very gently placed his hand just above my heart, "I do not have any needles. If that makes you feel better. How about right here? The closer to your heart the quicker it will work."

I nodded. He slowly pulled up my shirt and pulled down my bra. He licked me right between my breasts at first. This caused a ripple that reverberated throughout my body. I would have slapped him, but my body was nothing but led weight. Then he bit me hard. I cried out in pain and in pleasure. It is hard to explain, but it felt like I was getting 30 to 40 needles injected into me at once, filling me with warmth and pain killers. I could also feel the drugs leaving my system. All in the same area.

The sound of rushing water filled my ears, I could feel my face go flush. I could feel him growling. As the pain was ebbing, and replaced with ecstasy, I was able to control my arms. I wrapped them around his shoulders. I was still in his arms. He stopped walking. He turned me to face him, but never let go of my chest. My shirt was hanging over the back of his head at this point. He pulled my legs apart and to either side of his broad chest. He kneaded my butt while he had me mid-air like that too. This was a whole new experience! It was very erotic to me.

Gradually, the sound of rushing water went away. It was replaced with the sound of music, cheers, and praise's. I came back to myself and realized somewhat, what was going on. By then Abel had pulled back. I had to pull my shirt back from over his head. Which caused me to chuckle and blush. He was grinning at me like he had just ate the best tasting snack ever. I pulled my shirt down blushing and very shy. Abel came in and kissed me. Amazingly I kissed him back too. It was not a quick thank you kiss either. This kiss felt like it had been chased for years.

Again, all the people around us cheered. I buried my face into his chest. I was so embarrassed. It was raining hard; I doubt anyone could see how embarrassed I was. But then again, I glow in the dark when I blush. Abel kept walking. I saw both of the other two women that had come to me for help. They were just fine apparently now. They were standing and making out with two other werewolf men. Maybe an ambulance did not need to be called right now anyway. From the looks of things, it may have been a drug induced hallucination any way. But what does that mean is happening to me?

Abel carried me all the way back to my security office. He shut down all the cameras in there and the monitor's. He did it one handed. He still had not put me down. When he did put me down it hit me that I was cold and very wet. I went over to my coffee. It was cold. I put it in the microwave to warm it up really quick.

Abel came up behind me. He put his arms around me and turned me around slowly. When I was facing him he bent down kissing me. Now I am not normally someone that would go about kissing strange men. But for some reason, it was like my body was craving his. We were two magnets that were attracted to each other and nothing else. Let me tell you he and I both in that moment had laser focus.

He was so much taller than me. He picked me up setting me on top of my microwave and kept kissing me. He pulled off my shirt and began kissing down my neck. He stopped when he reached my chest. He leaned back and observed the mark he made there. It was beginning to look like a bruise in the shape of a wolf. He looked pleased and kissed it lightly. Then went on down my stomach. When he reached my pants he lifted me just enough to pull them down. Then he sat me down long enough to pull them off.

He held up one finger to me. He grabbed my shirt and pants and went out the door. I was completely exposed. Well except for my bra and panties. I actually felt somewhat disappointed. I had never been with a man before. I had fooled around sure, but I had never found someone that I wanted to be this close to. I shivered on top of the microwave. Then I remembered my hoodie.

I hopped down off of the microwave. Which beeped when I hit the floor. It scared me so badly I nearly fell over trying to get my baring's. I turned around and got my coffee. Oh! Boy! If felt so good going down, and did the trick of warming me up quickly.

I grabbed my hoodie and slipped it on. Even if it only covered my underwear, it was something. That is when it hit me. I mean really hit me. I do not know this guy! Here I am making out with him. I let him get me down to my underwear. What was I thinking?! Oh, that's right! I wasn't thinking! I could lock my door! I stood up and headed to the door. But as soon as I touched the lock, the door knob turned. Here is my hero, Abel! I gasped! I was too late.

Abel slid in the door, closing it gently behind him. "Honey, I really do not want those devils out there to see you like this. Your clothes are in the dryer in the locker room. As soon as they are dry, you can go home if you wish. Chris has already sent in your hours for tonight. It is 1am. You do not want to see the blood bath that ladies night is about to turn into. I want to get you out of here by 3am. If you will let me, I would like to drive you home. There are many things I think we should discuss. One of those being living situations. We are a compatible couple. Those are so rare. I knew it Joyce, I knew it from the first day I saw you. Do you have any questions for me?"

I swallowed hard, "Um, what do you mean by compatible couple?"

This was the first time I really took a moment to really look at Abel. Abel was a large man, he stood maybe 7 foot tall or taller. He was broad chested, and with his black hair, muscular build, and utterly sweet demeanor, he made quite a handsome figure. He was wearing a soaked gray muscle shirt. You could see every ripple of his muscles through that shirt, and he was wearing Black blue jeans. The jeans did an amazing job at hiding his muscular legs. But again, he was soaked, so every line was showing. I was beginning to have problems not staring at him. Which he took full advantage of. He was making sure to smile showing off his pearly white teeth every chance he got.

Abel ran his hand through his short, black hair. As he did so, I could see every muscle move in its own fashion. It was mesmerizing to watch. He cleared his throat, "I do not want to assume anything. Let me explain this to you in the best way I can think of." He gestured to my rolling chair. I sat down and he got down on his knees in front of me. "Werewolf's are a dying breed. Female werewolf's are not born anymore. We can only make them. Hence the tattoo. If you survive the marking, it means we are a compatible couple. If you had not survived the marking we would not be having this conversation. You would not have survived the night from your overdose for one. Then for two, the marking would have acted like a poison, in and of itself. Like being bit by a snake. Except you would have died almost instantly, being that I bit you right by your heart."

"Well thank you for saving me than. I am glad, I, survived, I think. What does the marking do, if you survive?"

Abel chuckled, "You can think of it like a wedding ring of sorts. It is permanent, as in it will not fade or be removed, until I die. Then you are free to remate. It also binds you to me. You did not know me. But it is already amplifying the feelings you are starting to develop for me. In time, you too will turn into a werewolf. Then we can have children of our own. It takes about a month for the bite to do the trick."

"You are very forthcoming with all this information. It is a lot to take in. So let me get this straight. The mark you gave me saved me right?" He nodded his head. I continued, "Okay so that is great! Now, the mark is permanent." Again, he nod's. I was having a sick feeling in my gut. "We are married now through your culture? And you have turned me into a werewolf?"

He smiled, "Yes, that is why I think we have quite a lot to talk about. I have kept my eye on you. I have been attracted to you for quite some time. That is very rare for me. I just do not want most of the women who come around. You on the other hand, are a different story."

"Wait! Did you know that I had gone out to check on that fencing?"

He looked very sheepish, "It was my idea of how to meet you. Chris did not like the idea. He fought with me on it. It is why I was late getting to the hole in the fence. I am sorry for that. I imagine you were pretty scared. I wanted to wait until just the right time. I felt tonight was perfect. My timing may have been a little off."

"I thought you said he was one of the pack elders? Don't you have to do what they say? Isn't that how pack life goes?"

He laughed out heartedly and loudly, "My dear, you have watched to many movies. I am the alpha of the pack. Chris may be an elder, but I tell him, what to do. Not the other way around. Chris has never been an alpha. He is an elder however. But I don't think he has ever been more than that. Before he turned sixty I think he was only a beta."

"Why didn't you just date me first. I promise, I would have gone on a date with you."

He ran his big burly hand through his hair again. "That was the original idea. The effects of tonight were not planned. But I hope we can work our way past it."

My eyes went wide, "How do I tell my mother! I was so out of it did we? Oh, my! Did we? Is that why all those people were clapping and cheering? Did we, in front of everyone?!"

He put his hands up in a defensive manner, "Calm down, Calm down, calm down! We did not do anything but give you your mark. Everything about you is still intact. Now if you were to attack me right now, I make no promises. But I will not take advantage of anyone. Not even my own mate." He chuckled, "Wow! This feels really amazing to say. My own mate. My own mate! MY OWN MATE! WOOHOOO!"

"Wait, doesn't mate mean wife?"


"We are married?"

"Yep! We will have a real ceremony soon. In my culture, the husband pays for everything. However, I would like us to be together for at least a month before that."

My brain went stupid, "Why?"

He smiled, "Because, like you, I will only marry you for love. Not just because you are marked."

"What happens if we do not fall in love?"

"HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! If I am unable to get you to fall for me, I will find you the perfect mate. I will give up my claim on you. You will be free to do whatever your heart wants. But if you fall for me, I want the right side of the bed. Do we have a deal?"

I was blushing from head to foot. This is the oddest way I have ever been asked out on a date. "Okay, I agree to date you. But I will agree to nothing more. Is it true that everyone has to do as the alpha says. Can you force me to stay with you if you desire?"

He stood up, "That is a loaded question. Yes I can force people to do as I wish. But I will never force you to stay with me. You cannot force the heart to beat when it wants to stop. But I promise I am very charming. I may surprise you."

Boy I have a lot to think about! "Can you go check on my clothes. I would very much like to go home now."

"Will you let me drive you home?"

"Yes, but how will I get back for work tomorrow?"

He rubbed his chin, "You no longer work here. You will be my secretary from here on out. There, situation fixed! You will go to work with me every day starting Monday. Today is Wednesday. That will give you a four day weekend to do as you wish. It gives me four days to clean up this mess here. Oh, I know, how about Saturday you spend the entire day with me. There is some shopping I need to do, and I would love company. It can be our first date. If you enjoy, we will go out with your girlfriends Saturday night. That way I can meet them. What do you think?"

"Um, Okay. It's a date."

He cheesed at me as he slid out of the door. He came back just a few minutes later. I had drank all my coffee, and was warmed up from the inside out now. I had packed up all my stuff. Chris had called and asked how my meeting with Abel went. I gave him the short run through. He congratulated me on becoming the Alpha's Mate. He also made a point of telling me, he wanted an invite to the ceremony. Then he apologized for the circumstances of our meeting. Chris had told Abel that having me down there on a mating night was dangerous. But Abel insisted that I learn who and what he was immediately. He did not want to beat around the bush. He thought that was how people got hurt. But now here I am a marked Bride, when the intention was just to get to know me.

I told Chris I was not mad at either of them but I had a lot to think about. I thanked Chris for watching out for me. But now I needed to finish packing up my things for the night. I was just hanging up when Abel came back in the room.

He smiled at me as he handed me my clothing, "I will tell Chris to find a new security guard tomorrow. I am sure he has plenty of applicants. But he needs to hire a werewolf for the full moon cycles." He stood there staring at me as I put my pants back on and my shirt. "Let's buy you some comfy undies that match on Saturday. I like it when they match."

I was sarcastic, "Well! Excuse me! I was not exactly planning on being stripped by the alpha of a pack tonight was I?"

He chuckled, "Well, you might want to expect that in the future. At any time. Day or night. Did I mention I like your body."

I threw my hoodie at his head laughing. He caught it and smelled it. "I like your perfume too! Yes, I think this whole thing is going to turn out rather nicely."

I picked up my car keys. He quickly plucked them out of my hand. He held the door open for me. There were three people in the press box and all three were staring at me. Abel growled at them and they turned their attention back out the window. "Just ignore them sweetheart. They are not used to their alpha having a mate."

We walked down the stairs, and he pulled my hoodie over my head. Then turned me into him picking me up. He carried me all the way to my car with my head buried in his chest. I did not really know what to do. I had never had a guy act this way with me before. All I knew for sure was, for some reason he did not want me to see what was going on. He only sat me down, after opening my passenger side door and putting me into the car.

He walked around the front and got into the driver's seat. Then he drove me home. He went the same rout I normally drive too. He parked me in my normal spot in front of my parents' house. He even walked me up to my front door. He handed me my keys. He stepped a little closer to me. "I will be here at eight A.M. sharp to pick you up Saturday morning. Don't eat breakfast, I want to take you out." He crooked his finger under my chin and helped me to look up into his eyes. "I would like to kiss you one last time before I go. A kiss to remember you until I come back for more on Saturday. Is that okay with you?"

I barely nodded. Then his lips were on mine. It was like we were both starving, and had a buffet laid out before us. I could not help it. I brought my arms up. I did it with every intention of putting them around his neck. Instead, they gravitated to his rock hard chest.

I could feel every muscle through his clothing. He pressed in that much harder, and my arms sprang into action. One of my hands was in his hair, the other was around his neck. He was growling, low, sweet, and sexily to me. Our tongues were dancing to a tune I knew nothing about. But boy was the dance fun. Okay, if he keeps this up, he will be right, I am a lost cause. I think I may already be falling for him. What an interesting turn of events!

I do not have really any notes to add for this week. This is a new story I thought I would try out. I have to admit I like it myself. I am enjoying coming up with the new twists and turns for the upcoming chapters. I may not always put a authors note on my chapters. But I will try to. Please keep enjoying my writing. Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!


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Also, please do remember I am dyslexic, and I do not have a professional editor. If you see a mistake please politely point it out. If I agree (which I agree 99.9% of the time), I guarantee I will fix it as quick as I see it. I do not care how many. All I ask is that we be respectful of others. I love my readers interacting with me. I want everyone to enjoy the story. Also, PLEASE REMEMBER I AM ONLY HUMAN.

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