
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 23

Abel had only been home from the hospital for a couple of days. In that time, he had walked through his entire house and cleaned it out of all of that woman's (Lamia's) things. She had done a good job for the most part. He had only been in the hospital for a few days mind you. But she left their soiled bed (soiled because he slept in it with her), and some other small things.

He had a whole professional crew coming in to restore his house to its former glory. Restoring the hardwood floors, and returning the painted walls back to normal hues. I mean really checkerboard! Maybe in the gaming room. When he walked into the gaming room, he nearly threw up. Nope not even in here. The entire house had to be renewed.

He had known he had been unhappy for a long time. He just had not known how unhappy. First with the head injury, then the drugs. No wonder he let her make a complete mess of his life. Just imagine if she had ended up pregnant. He had to stop. He found the closest restroom and threw up!

He was not ordering new furniture until Joyce moved in with him. He was letting her pick every piece and where it went. He loved her opinions. He had been watching and monitoring Joyce for years. How could he forget such an amazing person. I am going to make it right.

When he got back to his office he called and hired a moving crew to come in and take her things to her father's house. The old man tried to accuse Abel of being crazy to the council. The council had had a secret meeting in this time. It was the council's decision to take back control. The way they did this was by reinstating Abel as the single Alpha of the pack. Therefore, this granted Abel his annulment without him even having to ask. Then they took steps to repudiate the entire Fisher family from the pack. They left the final decision with Abel.

Abel agreed! So now the entire Fisher family was discarded from the Adalwolf Pack. Mr. Fisher swore revenge. But no one cared. Mr. Fisher and his family are being left to their own devices now. He at least get to keep his lands and properties. His family can still work at the factory. But they will never be allowed in Pack business again.

The packs were now combined. The Luainians have adopted into the pack like a river to the ocean. There would be no troubles. The Luainians thought of the Fishers as a disgrace at this point as well. You just don't drug someone and claim the bond. That is actually a form of rape. But no one will speak of it. No one would dare put the Alpha of the pack down. He was held to highly with great esteem. But still everyone felt for him. Due to this farce, he could have lost his true mate to another Alpha. It appears that the feelings have transferred.

Abel had the plant manager running everything at the moment at the warehouse. He just had to much he had to get in line. His fight was tonight. He would get to see his Joy again. He could only hope he was in time. When he had left the ship last week, they had not yet set any dates for anything. That is that he knew of. But he was still under the control of the drugs he had been force fed.

Would Yuan understand? He did not want to be the one to break up his best friends weeding. What was he going to say and do? All he truly knew was that somehow he had to win her back. He was going to in some way!

He was in the middle of packing his bag for tonight's trip. His guards were packed and standing by the door with their one small briefcase each. He looked at them and wondered how they could be packed with the one brief case. It always took him at least one small luggage bag. But he guessed they just re-wore clothes.

He zipped up his bag. Then he threw his bag to one of his guards. As he walked through his empty house his thoughts went wild: Of course, the guard caught it. They were always pretty alert. I wished I had kept them on me a few months ago. Then I would not be in this mess. I could be on my honeymoon with Joy. I wonder if she had changed yet? I hope not! I want to be in her for her first change. Climaxing right at the change, would definitely mean she would get pregnant.

His phone rang just as he was getting into his limo to go to the airport. He answered it with one leg in the car and one leg out of the car. It was Thomas. His second and the Beta of the pack.

He answered: Hello!

Thomas: Man are you on your way yet?

Abel: No! I was just getting in the car.

Thomas: Bro, bring a tux. You will be going to a wedding. If you get here in time maybe you can crash it. You know what, don't pack one. We will buy one when you get here. You are on the guest list. Yuan made sure of that. Just get here now man.

Abel: Do I have time? The flight is about four hours long.

Thomas: They have not arrived in the main castle yet. Yuan has set everything up remotely. They just got off of the ship today. Yuan is preforming the usual parade with her. He is carrying her almost all the way here. They stopped at a bathhouse to clean up before the nuptials. She will wear a traditional Furisode dress. She will be all in white. He will carry her all the way up to the alter. They will pay their respects to the nature, the family ancestors and deities. Then his father will have them sign the wedding agreement. The ceremony does not start until 8:00pm here. It is what noon there? Just get here man!

Abel: (white noise)

A few seconds later Thomas's phone rang It was Abel calling him back: Dude! What happened?

Abel looked down, at ground, at his obliterated phone. He had smashed, and thrown it on the ground while talking to Thomas. Right after his main guard handed him his phone. Abel called Thomas back as soon as he sat down in the limo. As Abel finished getting into the car: Thomas I will be there shortly. Stall if you have too. I am on my way. I am coming in the private jet. Make sure they have a runway ready for me. (click)

Abel handed back the phone to his guard. "Thank you Amir. Now get us to the airport as fast as possible. I have a wedding to stop!"

The guard speed all the way to the airport doing around one hundred miles per hour. Instead of getting on a commercial flight. They got on Abel's own personal private jet. His Pilot had the plane out on the runway ready and waiting. As soon as Abel and the guards were on the plane and seated. The plane was taxiing down the runway. Abel was finally on his way.

Thank you to all my special readers who have made it this far. I am so sorry for having to take this last it of time off. But I have written a few chapters ahead. So maybe I can start keeping up better. I really enjoy my writing and would like to one day make a living out of my writing. I really hope that you enjoy reading my stories. I do my best to take you to a different world. Thank you for reading and I intend to try to keep up better with my chapters from here on out.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!

Joy Phoenix

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Also, please do remember I am dyslexic, and I do not have a professional editor. If you see a mistake please politely point it out. If I agree (which I agree 99.9% of the time), I guarantee I will fix it as quick as I see it. I do not care how many. All I ask is that we be respectful of others. I love my readers interacting with me. I want everyone to enjoy the story. Also, PLEASE REMEMBER I AM ONLY HUMAN.

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