
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 22 (> <)

The carriage took us through the little town and through a couple of fields before it stopped. Yuan stood up and exited the carriage. (Mind you I am still in his arms. This felt very awkward to me. But he did it just fine) The carriage turned around and headed back the way we came.

Yuan began walking. I thought this was odd? "Yuan, sweetie, how much further do we have to go?"

Yuan hugged me to him, "Not to much further. My family's house is just beyond those mountains over in the distance. The carriage driver took us as far as he could go. Now we walk to the next village and we can get a real taxi there. The vehicle taxi will take us the rest of the way."

I shook my head, "Yuan that is too far for you to have to walk! Especially while carrying me. Put me down. I can absolutely use my own two legs."

Yuan smiled, "Tiánxīn, my Tiánxīn, I am Werewolf! Carrying you is no trouble. Besides if you can look down and see my feet and legs you will understand. The roads here are not paved. I am already covered in dirt and grass. I want you to stay looking like a beautiful China doll. Okay?"

I smiled and cuddled into him. I got my nose right up in his neck. He smelt really good. I might as well enjoy the ride. This may be something that will never happen again. He is so sweet. I wonder what cologne he has on. You cannot smell his sweat at all. It is actually kind of surprising. It is so hot out here.

About the time I was ready to ask him we entered into another town. There was not one person that spoke English here, or at least, none that I met. Yuan sat me down on a tall stool in front of a shop, "Now my love, I have a surprise sit here for a moment." He popped into the store in a few seconds later he and the shop keep were popping back outside.

The shop keep walked around me with his hand on his chin. He kept humming at me. I felt very judged. He yelled something, and a woman, I can only guess was his wife, came out. She walked around me in the same fashion. She pulled me off of the stool so viciously, I thought I was going to land on my face.

Yuan broke in telling them off. He checked me to make sure I was okay. "Tiánxīn, this is the local match maker. She is upset I picked a foreign bride. However, she is sorry for bullying you. She wishes to take you for a bath and to redo your makeup. She wishes to at least make you look like a bride for my sake. If she bully's you any further, or messes up your makeup, she will not be making any more matches. My family will take it as a slight. She will not live to see tomorrow. Please go with her, and tell me after words."

Unfortunately, my poor Yuan does not understand the position he has just put me in. Now I am going to have to put up with torture, both visible and unseen, and not say a word. I cannot send someone to their death for disagreeing with Yuan. Death is a more severe punishment than that. Now if I outright feel like they try to kill me, that is a different story!

I smiled, and followed the older lady. She was grumping and grumbling as she led me back. Yuan was pulled off in a different direction. The room she led me to was smaller. It had a big wooden tub in the middle. There was a nice steam coming off of the water. The water had a blissful aroma. She looked at me and directed me visibly to remove my clothing.

I attempted; however, Yuan had tied my bow in the back. She grumbled and untied all of my kimono. When she took my vail off, she gasped. She ran her hands down my hair several times. She bowed deep to me, and spoke in low whispers. Almost like she was praying.

Once she had me completely naked, I went to get into the big wooden tub. She was picking up my clothing. She dropped everything she was holding once she saw me getting in. She walked at me tisking and waving her finger. She wrapped a towel around me and took my hand. She pulled me down some long steps. Then we were at a natural spring. The steam rising from the water gave me chills.

I walked over as I held my towel and looked down into the clear water. The water smelled so fresh! Whoops!!!!!!! The old lady pulled my towel completely off of me! I sat there stunned, as the old woman laughed. Then she waved at me to go on into the water. I wished so badly I knew what language she spoke in that moment. But I still do not know what I would have said. Instead, I smiled. I held onto the banister and walked down into the nice hot spring.

Boy, the water felt so nice! I washed off the makeup. I leaned back and was enjoying the warmth of the water, when all of a sudden I heard someone! It sounded like Yuan talking in mandarin. The worst part was when I heard him come down into the water in my pool. I do not think he could see me. There was a small doc in the way.

When I heard the older man walk off, I felt so relieved. I whispered, "Yuan!"

Yuan jerked and began looking around, "Joy I hear you but where are you my love."

I hugged the leg of the doc trying to stay hidden, "Yuan please do not look for me. The old lady took off with my towel! It is not right for you to see me before we are married."

Yuan laughed, "My dear things are a bit different here. If you do not want me to see than I will close my eyes. But can I at least kiss your hand."

I was so embarrassed! "Just my hand?"

Yuan chuckled, and spoke in a deep calming voice. "My eyes are closed."

I scooted around the leg on the doc. I looked at Yuan. It was the first time I had seen him without a shirt. I did not look down. I felt wrong looking down. I did put my hand out, but he was too far out. I have it. "Hay Yuan, Dear your too far away, how about we play a game. It is called Marco Polo. You keep your eyes. I will call out Marco until you find me. When you have found me, you call out Polo. But you can't open your eyes!"

Yuan smiled, "this sounds like fun!"

Okay then, Heart get under control! "Marco!"

Yuan turned around listening, "It seems to me though, if I have to keep my eyes closed. I should be getting more out of this deal." He walked a step closer to me.

I was not falling for it, "Marco!"

Yuan took a couple more steps towards me, "I think if I catch you, I should either get to open my eyes, or I should get a kiss."

He was so close! But I was not born yesterday. I moved! I made sure not to make any noise. Now I was behind the opposite leg to the doc. I cupped my mouth and looked away. "Marco."

He turned his head, "Wait no fair! You moved!"

I kept my mouth cupped and tried aiming my voice again, "You tried to change the game. You can just keep looking. Maybe I will just be quiet."

He grinned and dove under water. It looked like he had swam out towards the middle of the pool. I scooted around the dock's leg again. After a minute, I called out, "Marc…"

Yuan came up out of the water right in front of me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. He bent down and whispered in my ear, "Polo."

We were both giggling now. Yuan leaned in and all of a sudden we were in a, to the moon and back, kiss. He rubbed my back delicately. He ran his fingers through my hair. He followed my hair all the way down to my butt. Then he began to caress my butt. He moved his other hand down and when he reached my butt, he grabbed both handfuls of my butt and lifted me up.

He walked out a bit deeper in the water, and sat me on a rock. This rock put me just at his waist high but my breasts were covered by the water. He stood next to me with just the tops of his shoulders showing too. He opened his eyes then. In that moment, everything between us was said with our eyes.

He bent over and licked my neck. I wrapped my arms around him that is until he directed one of my hands a bit lower. When I felt of his passion for me, I had to show him I felt the same way. As soon as I wrapped my fingers around him his whole body trembled and he was gone. He took my nipple into his mouth and began sucking. It was when his fingers joined the fun, I thought I was done for.

He rubbed his hand up and over my leg, and he began rubbing until he found my throbbing entrance. As soon as he found it he pulled his head back just long enough to look at my face. He watched my face as he very slowly pushed in one of his very meaty fingers. He began to pump and it was too much for me. I tried to push back on him but he sweetly said, "Now you got me, I will get you." He pushed in another finger and I came apart in his hands.

He had a deep rumble to his chuckle. "You have been holding out on me. I called my mother before I got in the bath. Your parents have arrived safe and sound. My assistant has explained to them about our feelings. If you are willing, your parents have given their blessing. Tonight, upon arriving at home we will be married. I refuse to live much longer without calling you my wife. We can continue this," He wiggled his fingers, which were still inside me. It caused a whole new flow of liquid from me. I groaned! He smiled and continued, "conversation after the wedding. What do you say? Will you become Miss. Lunalightski (Luna-lights-sky)"

I was feeling so good in that moment. It felt like everything was turning in my favor. My parents were even onboard! Again, what a dream I was having. I leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Of course, I will marry you. I do not ever want this dream to end. I love you Yuan!"

Yuan held me closely to him. "Nor I my love. What a dream this romance has become."

We stayed there holding each other for several minutes. But then Yuan leaned back. "Joy, forgive me dear. I know I am over thinking things. But you said this dream right?"

I smiled, "Oh Yuan, I do not want to have a fight. This is such a beautiful dream. Let's not do this. Let's just enjoy this beautiful moment."

Yuan stepped back a little, "Joy, This is very much reality. I know that you have been bit. You were not born into this world but it is real. I am a werewolf, and so are you. I tell you what. What can you do in a dream that you can't in real life besides flying. I do not want you hurt."

I thought for a moment. "Pain, most people say you can't feel pain in a dream."

Yuan cringed, "Okay, if I can prove that you are not dreaming, will you believe me?" I shook my head. Yuan took my hand and put it below the water. Then while looking at me, "I am sorry, but this is going to hurt. I am going to break your finger and reset it in one movement okay."

I giggled, "Alright, prove me wrong…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Yuan grabbed me and cuddled me into him. I was panting really hard. Trying my best not to scream again. Yuan then explained, "I warned you my dear. As a werewolf now though you will heal incredibly fast. I just wanted you to realize that this was not a dream. This is very much reality."

I sobbed into his shoulder for a moment. But after about five minutes the pain had all but gone away. I leaned back. Yuan got me a washcloth and washed my face for me. He inspected my finger. "It is still a little swollen. But if you keep it below this water it will heal a little quicker. The bone is already healed."

I sat in deep reflection for a moment. Thinking about all my adventures. The fact that they were real blew my mind. But if this is real, how can someone be forgotten so easily? I know that the brain is a muscle, and basically the central operating software for the entire body. I also know that the slightest damage can cause major physical and mental difficulties. But he loved my smell. He said to start, that my smell attracted him. He had been watching me for years. He was afraid to change me because he did not know if I could handle it.

But here is Yuan. Just a few weeks of knowing me and he wishes to marry me. He has never snuck into my room. He has never done anything that would make me wonder. He is not a stubborn, pushy, and at times arrogant lover. Yuan takes his time. He walks into things open minded and lets you come to your own conclusion. I also think he set up this whole bath thing! I giggled to myself.

I looked at Yuan. The love and worry in is expression was almost more than I could bare. This was real! All of this! It was all real! Now I have the perfect man in front of me asking me to marry him. It is no dream! I threw my arms around Yuan and pulled him into me. He growled lowly in his throat. I hugged him tightly. "Thank you Yuan. Yes I believed you. I am not dreaming, and Yes I still wish to marry you."

Thank you to all my special readers who have made it this far. I am so sorry for having to take this last it of time off. But I have written a few chapters ahead. So maybe I can start keeping up better. I really enjoy my writing and would like to one day make a living out of my writing. I really hope that you enjoy reading my stories. I do my best to take you to a different world. Thank you for reading and I intend to try to keep up better with my chapters from here on out.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!

Joy Phoenix

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Also, please do remember I am dyslexic, and I do not have a professional editor. If you see a mistake please politely point it out. If I agree (which I agree 99.9% of the time), I guarantee I will fix it as quick as I see it. I do not care how many. All I ask is that we be respectful of others. I love my readers interacting with me. I want everyone to enjoy the story. Also, PLEASE REMEMBER I AM ONLY HUMAN.

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