
The Alpha Prince's Forbidden Love

As my eyes remained locked into Jordan's, a sudden rush of memories flooded my mind, transporting me back to our innocent childhood days to the day Jordan told me that he would be the first and only man I would ever mate. Overcome with emotion, tears of both happiness and pain trickled down my ear as I held Jordan's head firmly. "Sweetheart, you know I love you, right?" Jordan whispered, his voice deep and sensual, breaking the cold silence that had enveloped the room. "I know and I love you more," I responded in a broken whisper. "I have fantasized about this moment for years. A moment you would look me in the eyes and tell me how much you love me as you deflower me," I said as tears continued streaming down my ear. I had always fantasized about a sweet moment with Jordan. A moment that was free of pain. I never knew it would be the sweetest and most painful experience I had ever experienced in my life. "My heart beats solely for you," Jordan's sensual voice lured me into a relaxed mood as he continued trying to penetrate me.  ________________ Jordan, the Alpha Prince, fell in love with Thalia, a common maid and a human who served in his wealthy family. What seemed like childhood affection blossomed into an unbreakable bond. The more the werewolf community tries to stop them, the more they uncover lots of buried secrets that make them realize that Thalia is not actually who they think she is. [Warning: Mature Content]

Kelsey_ · Urban
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114 Chs

Second Discovery

"Lia, did you read the marriage license you signed?" Orion asked.

"No," I murmured, still shocked by what he had just told me. Being a virgin at twenty-three, I was old enough to know what it felt like to be intimate with a man. And with Orion's irresistible charm, I knew it would be hard for me to resist him.

"Why didn't you read the documents?" he asked.

"I didn't see the need to," I whimpered. He fell silent for a while before speaking again.

"When I was still at Harvey Mudd, I contacted you and told you so many things, even though you doubted me because I cracked a lot of jokes. Lia, everything I told you was nothing but the truth, and I don't feel the need to repeat it. The most important thing now is that you are my wife, and I'm glad you still love me. No matter how hard you try to hide your feelings, it is still written all over you. 

When you blocked me on social media, I knew why you did it. I was feeling overwhelmed too. At first, I was sad and devastated. But then, I started to concentrate on my studies again because our late-night intimate chats were already reflecting in my academic results. It reached a point where I began to contemplate two conflicting choices: abandoning my studies to come down to Stockholm and be with you. Honestly, it was hard to choose between my studies," Orion whimpered, his low tone added to the confusion that was swirling in my head.

"Jordan doesn't know anything about sciences, and he wouldn't be a doctor. He loves reading and writing, and besides, he is fated to Kayla Damien, and they have... mated," I slurred sadly as the word felt so heavy on my lips.

"I told you that I want to be a writer and you said you love doctors!"

I did not remember telling anyone that I love doctors. So I kept my mouth shut.

"What else do you know about Jordan Greens?"

"Everything except that his name is Orion."

"My name is not Orion, but Jordan reminds me of a girl I'm obsessed with that I couldn't save. Each time someone refers to me with that name, the memory of your desperate cry for help in the basement ten years ago, when you called out to Jordan for help, continues to haunt me like a ghost.

 I had to go with a pseudonym while my real name is always in my official documents. Thalia you are very stubborn. If Jose had mentioned 'Jordan' you wouldn't have followed him so easily," he chuckled, and my tears increased. The more he talks, the more everything sounds difficult.

For years, I waited for Jordan. I longed for him, but I didn't want to believe he was the one standing in front of me because with this current revelation, Alpha Benjamin would never support my initiation into the werewolf community, and I would spend the rest of my marriage staring at the love that would never be consummated. Kayla Damien would also make my life miserable.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I sniffled. "Jordan Greens is fated to Kayla Damien, and they are getting married next month," I said, with tears flowing down my cheeks, to convince myself that he is not Jordan.

 "You are not Jordan," I cried.

"Alright," he whimpered, with a sad tone too.


"Stop! Let's stop talking about Jordan, let's talk about you and your decision. Four years ago, I told you that I'm a human without an identity, right?" I asked.

"Yes, you did."

"And you also know my guardian hates me because of what transpired between my biological mother and them, right?"

"That's not why they hate you," he said, and I turned and frowned.

"Why do they hate me?"

"It's a discussion for another day," Orion said.

"Alright, but you know they hate me and would never stand in for me in the initiation into the Feral Brotherhood, right?"

"I know."

"You know all this, so why did you marry me?" I asked, tears already streaming down my face because that which seemed like a beautiful life had been shattered again with the recent revelation.

Orion moved closer to me and slowly slid his hand across my waist, and I collapsed into his frame. He was right about me still being in love with him.


"Being with you and having you in my arms everyday more than enough for me," he whispered, his words caressing my skin as his hands tightened around my waist. I could feel the rapid beat of his heart against my back, syncing perfectly with my own.

His intoxicating scent overwhelmed my senses, making me lose all ability to form coherent words in his presence. A profound silence enveloped us for what felt like an eternity, the only sound being the rhythmic ticking of the wall clock hidden somewhere in the closet.

"Join me in the bathroom," he finally murmured, gently taking hold of my hand. I shook my head in response, my hesitation apparent.

"Don't worry, Lia. We will conquer any obstacles that come our way, and together we will create a beautiful legacy," he reassured me with a soft conviction in his voice. Reluctantly, Orion released his grip on me and headed towards the door.

As he walked away, I couldn't help but gaze at him once more. In that moment, I saw a marriage that may soon be destined to end, but Orion seemed unfazed by such thoughts. I collapsed onto the sofa bed that was in the closet, staring out through the window into the encroaching darkness that was gradually enveloping the pack. A lone tear teetered on the edge of my eye, as I refused to succumb to the reality of the second shocking discovery. 

As I stared at the sky, lost in thought and wondering why nothing good had ever come my way, I felt a gentle hand on the zipper of my gown. A shudder ran through me as I slowly turned my head.

"It's time for dinner, and you need to take a bath," Mrs. Haverford said with a smile. However, her expression quickly froze when she saw the tears welling up in my eyes. After a few moments of silence, she took her hand off my gown and sat beside me.

"Your first night in your husband's house should be filled with joy," Mrs. Haverford remarked gently.

"I am only human," I murmured. The surroundings suddenly became quiet once again. Sensing where my thoughts were going, Mrs. Haverford let out a whimper.

"Are you afraid of the initiation, or are you afraid that your parents might not be there to support you?" she asked, concern evident in her voice. 

"No, I'm not afraid of the initiation."

"Then why are you crying?" she pressed.

"I don't have parents," I whispered.

"Oh, my Goddess!" Mrs. Haverford let out a soft whimper.

"I saw my mom last when I was six years old," I murmured.

"What happened? Is she dead?"

"I don't know. I woke up one morning and found out she sneaked out of the pack. I waited all day hoping she would come back, but she did not. Weeks passed, months flew by, and years went by, but my mom never returned."

"But you have a guardian, don't you?" Mrs. Haverford asked, trying to offer some comfort.

"Their daughter is Jordan Green's mate," I replied, still attempting to deceive and convince myself that Orion is not Jordan.

"Oh... that's a major problem. But don't worry, I'll talk to Jose. He seems to know much. Just cheer up and stop crying," Mrs. Haverford reassured me, wiping away my tears before beginning to undress me.

Just then, my phone began to ring. I brought it closer and saw that Alpha Benjamin was calling. My heart skipped a beat. Since Rachel had bought me that phone, Alpha Benjamin had never called me. He did not even know my phone number. My hand continued to vibrate as I held the phone, staring at the name displayed on the screen.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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