

In Underword, the dispute between the Thunder Pack and the Aurora Pack dates back thousands of years. History says the two clans fought a fierce war over territory. The two clans agreed not to enter the enemy's territory in order to maintain peace. Then, what happens if a young Aurora Pack girl gets lost in the Thunder Pack territory? "Spies." Accused Aloysius, the Alpha at the girl. "I'm lost." said the girl. The Alpha was about to argue with the young woman's words but the wolf inside said, “Mate.”

Eva_Rivera_2019 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Fill SHOULD have heard what Neoma said. Go. But she couldn't move her legs. Fill sensed something that made her want to stay there, see what was going on, and find out who was behind the battle. She looked around, sharpening her ears. There was no one there, which meant the battle wasn't happening nearby. Fill could hear the howls of the werewolves more clearly than before.

We're not safe-Neoma is doing mind links again.

I don't know where to go. Do you have any suggestions, Neoma? Fill continued walking and hid in one of the large trees. From there no one would be able to see her tiny body. Her clothes that matched the color of the tree branches gave her the advantage of camouflage. Fill clutched her chest, her heart beating quite fast.

Neoma was silent for a while. The howl came from the west. Then we go east. It will be advantageous for both of us because the sun rises from the east. You won't walk in the dark anymore.

Ah, Neoma's advice very helpful. Fill checked the surroundings. After feeling safe she started to come out of hiding and walked away from the tree. I've never made it this far. Then Fill step is getting faster and faster. If she returned home via her secret passage, Fill would be in big trouble. Her family might see the tunnel he'd been hiding behind her closet door. Fill chose to stay out of trouble, returning home was like committing suicide. While he remained there, she might get into much bigger trouble with the other werewolves.

Go east. Repeat Fill in mind. Three hours from now sun will rise. Fill could only hope that she could find her way home. Because if she gets lost, Fill doesn't know who to turn to for help. Fill speeds up the pace. She didn't want to turn into a wolf for fear of attracting suspicion from other werewolves. With her human body, Fill will be easier to hide. Later, if anyone intends to interfere with it, the Fill will change. For now, none of that is needed.

For a long, Fill ran, then she fell her knees were bleeding from hitting tree roots. Fill endured the pain. She had to run as far as possible before the werewolves found her. Fill in seeing the birds starting to wake up to greet the morning. The sun slowly began to shine. Now Fill can see the streets around her. She paused, staring in amazement at the bis trees that seemed as if no creature had ever touched them.

Three hours passed quickly, Fill no longer heard the howls of the werewolves. Fill clutched her chest was puffy from running too long. Fill decided to stop running and sit in one of the very shady trees. Her throat was dry. She is needed a drink. Quick.

However, instead of getting up and looking for a water source, Fill took off the shoes she had been wearing all this time. Simple shoes were made by her grandmother as a birthday present last year. The shoes were made of animal skin that Walmond had hunted. With a simple design and light enough, these shoes are perfect for situations like today. Fill named them the shoes of the fairies because that's what they look likes. Sometimes, Fill also felt that she could fly just wearing those shoes. It's ridiculous.

After her tiredness faded, Fill decided to get up and find a water source. She took his shoes and started walking again. Fortunately, the land in the forest is quite friendly. Her feet are safe even if she is barefoot. Dimly Fill heard the sound of gurgling water. She followed the sound and how surprised Fill was when he saw a river so clear. Excitedly, Fill brought her feet to the river. She laughed happily with her feet blending into the water. Fill tossed her shoes over to the river bank to keep them from getting wet. She bent down to take the water with both hands. "Oh, how fresh!" she said after successfully filling her mouth with water.

When her thirst disappeared, Fill decided to wash her face with the water. She let the bottom of her pants wet. "They'll dry on their own," Fill told himself.

Satisfied with playing in the water, Fill decided to pull over. This time Fill wanted to examine her injured knee. Fill sat by the river, took off her trousers, and looked at the dried blood. The wound wasn't that deep, for Fill it wasn't a big deal. In two or three days the wounds on her knees would definitely dry up.

A drop of water from Fill's hair fell just above her knee. At first, Fill didn't really care about it. But upon closer inspection, the wound slowly faded. The stunning Fill was almost drooling. She did not believe that the water could heal her wounds.

After regaining consciousness, Fill got up. She wanted to make sure what she saw just now was really a miracle or just a coincidence. Fill were took water and then washed the wound with the water. She waited for a while and… wow! How surprised Fill was when she saw the wound heal in seconds and leave no scars at all.

Fill remembered the scar on her left arm. She rolled up her sleeves so she could see the scar. Unfortunately, Fill's clothes were too tight, sher efforts were wasted. Suddenly Fill had a brilliant idea. Fill returned to the river bank and took off her clothes. She folded the clothes and placed them on a large rock. Now Fill is not wearing a single cloth on her body. Fill walked briskly toward the river and plunged into it. She drowned her whole body in the river water. It feels… amazing. Fill has never felt this fresh before. Her tense muscles slowly became more relaxed. It was bath time. Fill felt lucky to find a creek there. With a not too strong current, magical water that can heal her wounds, and a peaceful forest atmosphere. All of that completes Fill's morning. She promised herself that the day after tomorrow, Fill would return to the river.

Minutes later, Fill was still swimming to and fro in the stream. Fill examined all the cuts and scars. They had all disappeared quickly. Occasionally Fill drank river water when she was getting thirsty. Too happy, Fill didn't feel that someone was stalking her. Fill submerges the body into the water and emerges to the surface. Her stomach started growling. Fill had to get out of there and find some food.

Suddenly Fill felt someone's presence. Her back stiffened as the scent forced its way into her sense of smell. She also felt the presence of Walmond who was not far from her. Fill rushed to sink again into the river water before anyone saw her naked. A second later, she heard the distinctive howl of two werewolves fighting.

Fill's heart went out of control. She can not forever hide in the water. Fill was starting to run out of breath. If she forced herself, she might lose her life in less than an hour. Carefully Fill out onto the surface and turn towards the source of the sound. She saw her brother with a werewolf. Fill used the opportunity to swim to the river bank. She quickly took her clothes and put them on. Her body was shivering because her clothes were wet. However, Fill ignored all of that.

Fill found the shoes and put them on quickly. Then Fill hid behind a large tree and watched Walmond from a distance. Half of his heart she wanted to catch up with her brother and help him. But Walmond never forbade Fill to interfere in every fight. With anxious anticipation, Fill waited for the two werewolves to finish their battle.

Time passed, there was no sign of the two of them stopping. Fill realized one thing; both are equally strong. She made up her mind to help her brother. Fill came out of hiding then ran towards Walmond. She was ready to change into her wolf body but, Walmond just glared at him. Walmond stood facing Fill, howling so loud it scared Fill.

Unfortunately, while Walmond was focusing all his attention on Fill, his opponent attacked the man again. As a result, Walmond fell to the ground. Walmond's position, which had been on top, now had to settle for being stepped on by another werewolf. Fill who saw the incident screamed in horror. She knew Walmond was the strongest werewolf in the Aurora Pack, but here who knew? Neither of them knew who this werewolf was and where it had come from.


Apparently, Fill's scream was able to divert the werewolf. Walmond used the opportunity to get rid of his opponent. She transformed back into his human body and hugged Fill from the side while his opponent was still lying on the ground. "Are youokay?" he asked in a panicked tone.

Fill nodded. "How about you? Oh, Walmond. I'm scared." She hugged her brother tightly. "I'm afraid something will happen to you."

"We have to get out of here immediately." Walmond was about to turn into a wolf but Fill held him back. "Fill, get on my back so I can get you home faster."


Before Fill could finish her words, they heard someone clapping. Fill and Walmond turned towards the source of the voice and found a man standing proudly with a crooked smile. The man had an athletic build and was about two meters tall. Short hair, fine hair on his jaw and an alluring scent. Fill grabbed her brother's hand and hid behind the man's back. "Walmond," she squeaked.

"What are you guys doing in my territory?" asked the man in a haughty tone.

Just hearing his voice made Fill shudder in horror. She believed Walmond would protect her but this situation was not easy for either of them. It could be that the man brought his troops to eliminate them both.

"We were just passing through," said Walmond with the humility of a Pack dreamer. "Now can you let me get out of here?"

"Go?" repeated the werewolf chuckling in amusement. "You said you wanted to leave after attacking me? What do you think you just did?"

Walmond's grip on Fill's hand tightened. "I apologize for my impudence. I didn't mean to attack you."

"Then?" the man asked again. "You attacked me."

Walmond tried to calm himself down. "I admit my mistake. I thought you were just a Rogue aiming for her."

The man was silent for a long time. He watched the frightening Fill behind Walmond's back, "there are no Rogues in my territory. All the werewolves in my territory are tied up!"

"Once again, I am sorry. I will never set foot in your territory again," Walmond was about to turn around but, the man held back with a disgusting accusation.


Upon hearing this, Fill instantly became furious. She doesn't accept that her brother, The Alpha, is called a 'spy' by foreigners who don't even know where he comes from. "I'm lost!" said Fill at the man.

Instead of believing what came out of his mouth, the man looked down on both of them even more. "You think I'll just believe it? It's not that easy, Young lady."

Fill was about to argue the accusation again but, Walmond held himself back. "We got lost. Fill and I didn't mean to spy on your territory. I think it's about time Fill and I got out of here. Sorry for my impudence,"

Walmond turned around without waiting for a reply from the haughty man. He put his arm around Fill's shoulder from the side, rushing to take his sister away before their opponent summoned his troops to attack the two. "Don't mind him, Fill. We have to get out of here immediately,"

Fill agrees. She didn't want to face someone who had accused her of being a spy. Fill and Walmond was born to the strongest Alpha and Luna couple in the Aurora Pack. Their parents are respected by all the people. How could a foreigner consider the two of them that low? If only Walmond had been willing to reveal their identities, perhaps things wouldn't have turned out like this. Whatever it was, Fill always believed that Walmond only wanted the best for the two of them.

"Wait!" suddenly they heard the werewolf's voice earlier. Fill and Walmond was forced to stop. But they didn't turn around. Walmond tightened his grip on Fill's shoulder. "I wonder where you guys came from?"

"Let me take care of this, Fill." Whispered Walmond in his sister's ear. "We're travelers," said Walmond curtly.

"Wanderer? I do not believe that."

"What do you want?" Walmond knew the risks of dealing with an Alpha on his territory. He didn't want to take the risk by arguing with the Alpha. "Let us go. I swear I will never enter your territory again after today."

The man didn't seem to like Walmond's answer. "I want to talk to the girl." From the tone of his voice, it was clear that he was angry.

Walmond turned around but he didn't allow Fill to turn around too. "Sorry, she left with me and I have to bring her back with our group soon."

Fill saw a bird fly over the river, it stopped right at the side of the river for a drink.

"I don't know what will happen if you force your way out of here without my permission." Threatened the werewolf in a completely different voice than before.

Walmond turned and put his arm around Fill's shoulder from the side. "Sorry, I can't let her be here. She is my partner."

"Liar!" The Alpha shouted furiously. "You haven't marked it!"

In the next instant, Walmond had turned into a huge wolf and turned to attack their opponent. The unexpected attack had a considerable effect on the man. After successfully immobilizing his opponent, Walmond rushed over to Fill and asked the girl to get on his back.

Fill followed her brother's orders to climb onto Walmond's back. They then drove fast leaving a werewolf who was angry and howled quite loudly.

There was a strange feeling when she saw the werewolf's anger. But Fill didn't know what it was.