

In Underword, the dispute between the Thunder Pack and the Aurora Pack dates back thousands of years. History says the two clans fought a fierce war over territory. The two clans agreed not to enter the enemy's territory in order to maintain peace. Then, what happens if a young Aurora Pack girl gets lost in the Thunder Pack territory? "Spies." Accused Aloysius, the Alpha at the girl. "I'm lost." said the girl. The Alpha was about to argue with the young woman's words but the wolf inside said, “Mate.”

Eva_Rivera_2019 · Fantasy
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2 Chs



ALOYSIUS looked angrily at the group of werewolves that had just been defeated by his army. They were werewolves who had accidentally crossed the Thunder Pack's territory and intended to cause chaos in the region. As the leader of the Pack, Alo-his nickname, is responsible for the chaos. Battle was inevitable between the two Packs. Luckily for Alo's camp, apparently the wandering werewolves weren't as strong as he had imagined. Wandering werewolves can be very troublesome at times.

Alo roared loudly followed by the troops behind him. A roar that simultaneously sent their opponents away from the Thunder Pack's territory. As soon as the werewolves disappeared behind the trees, Alo immediately transformed back into his human body. They seemed to have come from a very far place. Said Adolf, the wolf inside him.

Possible. Alo said while moving his stiff body. Thank you, Adolf. He continued.

Adolf chuckled, It was nothing. Since I just helped you, can we go for a walk today? I need some fresh air.

Alo turned to look at Rex, the man who had been by his side. Rex will be the Beta after Alo officially becomes Alpha later. Okay. As you wish, Adolf. After saying that, Alo broke the mind-link with his wolf.

"They came at the right time," said Rex upon arriving in front of Alo. "Those travelers are what we need for training."

Rex was absolutely right, the past few weeks the Thunder Pack had not found an opponent as strong as the wandering werewolf earlier. They needed stronger opponents to know the extent of the Thunder Pack troops' abilities. "Rex, can you get more warriors to guard the Thunder Pack border? I'm afraid that another intruder will invade our territory." Alo looked up, the dawn was coming soon. The battle between the Thunder Pack and the traveler earlier was apparently quite time-consuming. He still remembered last night they started the fight right in the middle of the night.

"I'll do it right away." Rex also looked at the sky, a thin mist still wrapped around where they were standing at this time. "You want to go back home now?"

Alo answered Rex's question with a curt nod. "I want to go out for a bit. Please take care of the Thunder Pack when I'm not here."

"When are you coming back?"

"Before Midnight."

"What should I say if your parents ask where you are?"

Alo raised an eyebrow. "Tell them I'm looking for food," said Alo firmly. That was enough for Rex to keep his mouth shut and not throw in another question. "One more thing, Rex, I don't need an escort. Get all the warriors out of here and don't follow me."

Rex was about to throw another question but Alo first turned around and left Rex and his men. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a huge wolf and dashed through the forest. Leaving large footprints that would make the leaders of the other Packs envious of them. For now, the Thunder Pack is the strongest and most respected Pack among all the Packs. For thousands of years, not a single Pack has succeeded in bringing down the power of the Thunder Pack.

Where are we going? Adolf asked as Alo was still running as fast as the wind. You don't seem to be in a good mood. Is it because people are wondering if you have found our Mate or not.

Alo wanted to deny Adolf's words but it seemed useless. The wolf knows whatever is going on in Alo's life. That's how it is. He said surrender. I can't understand why Mate seems important to our people. What would happen if the Moon Goddes forgot to give me a Mate? Am I going to die? Isn't that ridiculous? Alo is getting fed up with everything Mate-related. He's only 27 years old. He is strong and deserves to be a great leader for the Thunder Pack without even a Mate present.

Adolf circled inside Alo's body and roared. If you don't find our Mate, I swear I'll kill you from the inside.

Alo suddenly stopped running. He clawed at the ground he stepped on and then roared. Now, after everyone in the Thunder Pack was wondering about his Mate, Adolf did the same. We still have a lifetime to wait for our Mate. He stopped clawing and tried to control his anger. The mist around Alo slowly faded away. The morning sun shone through the leaves that were swaying in the wind.

Why should we wait when we can find her? You don't have to worry about the Thunder Pack. Get out of your territory and find our Mate.

Alo transforms into his human body. What if the Moon Goddes forgot to give us a Mate? Don't you think that far, Adolf?

Inside his body, Adolf stopped spinning and roared. It is impossible. You're just looking for excuses.

Alo leaned against one of the large trees that were hundreds of years old. Adolf, can you calm down? Sooner or later, we will meet our Mate. Shut up and stop complaining. Unable to stand Adolf's chatter, Alo unilaterally cut off the mind link. For now, Alo just wants to enjoy his life. Battle with other Packs, train with Rex and his werewolf squad, and await his inauguration as Alpha which will take place during the full moon.

Satisfied with calming his mind, Alo took his feet to walk through the forest. Born, raised, and raised in the Thunder Pack, Alo knows almost every corner of the place. Forests with old trees, animals that live in them, and caves where other werewolves live. The sun wasn't fully up yet, he still had plenty of time to walk through the forest. After returning home, Alo believes that he has a lot of responsibilities to bear. It's not that he doesn't want to bear all that burden, as an Alpha candidate, he has been prepared for big things in the future.

Alo was walking for a long time, suddenly his steps stopped when his sense of smell was struck by the thick aroma of jasmine flowers mixed with the air in the morning. The nerves all over his body instantly tensed up until he was almost paralyzed just because of that little thing. The smell suddenly became an addiction to his tired mind. Alo closed his eyes tightly, taking in the serenity the scent brought. He opened his eyes again, looking around for anyone who had come bringing the intoxicating scent into his territory. His search yielded no results. He decided to go a step further. Stepping without the sound of a midnight hunter.

You feel it, Alo? Asked Adolf who for some time had woken up and was moving restlessly in his body. Find the owner of this scent. Quick!

Even without Adolf's orders, Alo had intended to find the owner of that intoxicating scent. He had never felt this calm before. Alo moved quickly and carefully followed his instincts. His steps stopped when he almost arrived at a small river that had quite clear water. He recognized the river as one of the best rivers in the Thunder Pack. Alo looked around, unfortunately, he didn't find anyone. On the other hand, the scent was getting stronger and stronger. The more intoxicating.

Looks like she's hiding. Adolf roared again. Makes Alo's head dizzy. Look again, Alo! I feel something. I know you feel it too.

When Alo was about to walk, he suddenly saw something coming out of the river. Something red was moving slowly and getting bigger. Alo squinted, preparing for whatever was to come. He waited a long time, finally, his curiosity was cured.

Unfortunately, the figure had his back to Alo. Even though he couldn't see what her face looked like, Alo could guess that it was a girl. With her fiery red hair that reached her back, silky smooth skin, and the intoxicating scent of jasmine, the girl had managed to steal all of Alo's attention. As if being bewitched by a black magician, Alo's body suddenly stiffened. He stood there, not moving or even saying anything that would alert her to her presence.

The girl who is standing in the middle of the river… is not wearing a single cloth on her body. She looks like just finished taking a shower. Alo's captured an amazing view of the girl's body shape there. The exposed lower back in front of him, the seductive buttocks, and please don't forget the long legs that seemed to be carved by God.

The figure moved slightly, making the river water seem to stop flowing. She pulled all of his hair with both hands and then curled it into a bun at the back of her head. Now, there is nothing to cover the girl's back. Alo could see everything so clearly. His gaze sharpened, another side of him wanted the girl more than anything else. Come closer! Adolf commanded who also felt what Alo felt.

We will surprise her. After all, we don't know who she is. Alo moved his foot, unfortunately, he stepped on a tree branch. Out of the corner of his eye, Alo could see the girl's back stiffen. Shortly after, the girl dived back into the water and hid her whole body there. Alo was about to approach the girl but then he felt the presence of another werewolf around him.

The next second, a werewolf came out of nowhere and attacked Alo before he managed to reach the girl who had the most alluring jasmine scent he had ever met.


Fillea had a big fight with her brother, the Alpha. Quarrels based on differences of opinion that again made her brother angry. Fill-her nickname just wants all the werewolves from the various Packs to make peace. However, instead of agreeing to her proposal, Walmond got angry and even locked her in the house for a whole day. Fed up? That's how Fill felt. She just wanted to help Pack the lost travelers and give them a place to stay for about two nights. The traveling werewolves must have been exhausted after months of walking but Walmond vehemently rejected the idea and even chased them all away.

Being locked up in the house under strict guard and not allowed to be visited by anyone made Fill angry. She would never let Walmod treat her like this. Secretly, after midnight Fill was planning something. She would not stay silent with her brother's attitude and was determined to teach the man a lesson. Oh, Walmond may be the leader of the Aurora Pack, the ruler that all werewolves in the area fear but he's not a leader for the Fill. Walmond is just an older brother for her.

After midnight, Fill looked out of the room. The two guards were still engrossed in conversation. They talked about the battle that the Auroraa Pack had won. Again it didn't make Fill proud. Battles and victories only made her sicker of the werewolves. She wondered why all the Packs were always at war? Don't they want peace as much as she does?

After a long wait, the two guards finally fell asleep. Carefully Fill opened the secret passage she had been building over the past few years. A small door measuring one meter behind her wardrobe. The door connected directly to the tunnel and ended in a forest that was barely touched by werewolves from any Pack. Fill first learned about the forest as a child. She did not know the name of the forest and so far no one had told her. At that time her father scolded her all out and created a secret passage that she had built for years without anyone knowing.

Illuminated by the light of a small candle, Fill walked down the tunnel. She had to bend down so her head wouldn't hit the roof. The height of the tunnel was only about one and a half meters. Meanwhile, Fill's height is almost two meters. She is one of the tallest werewolves of the Aurora Pack. The father's genes passed down in her and Walmond. Fill suspected that the forest atmosphere at night was quite tense. She had snuck out long before tonight, but for some reason, she had a feeling that something was different about her sneaking now. Fill looked back, she reached out her hand so she could see something behind her by the candlelight. There's no one. That means she's safe.

Calm down, Fill. You want all this. Say it in your heart.

Fill was forced to move on a little nervously. She didn't need to be afraid because if something happened to her, Walmond would definitely not be silent. Are you sure about all this? She-wolf asked herself. Neoma, her She-Wolf name, seemed to have woken up when she realized Fill's fear. Fill, we can go home before we get to the forest. Don't push yourself.

We've been out at night and nothing happened. Why should I be afraid now? Fill knew they would be here any minute. While constructing the underground tunnel, Fill deliberately made an exit in large tree thousands of years old. She marked the tree and made a hole in the middle of the tree. Then Fill made a door that only he could enter. The door is not visible from all sides because it blends with the tree bark. The idea came to Fill when she was a child when she saw animals hiding in the trunks of large trees.

Finally, the journey in the tunnel ended. Fill sighed with relief, she looked for the doorknob made of tree branches and extinguished the candle, and stowed it on the floor. No one should see her when she came out of the tree or disaster would happen.

Once outside, Fill immediately closed the secret door and stepped away from the tree. There were so many trees there of the same size. According to her guess, this forest is not inhabited by any Pack. That means this forest is still a virgin. It may be that no one has ever entered this forest area.

Fill continued to wander aimlessly by the moonlight. She looked up, fortunately, there were no clouds covering the moon so she could see quite clearly. Fill's mind wandered far away, imagining what if all the Packs came together. There was no strife, no war, and no one had to die or be injured in the struggle for territory. She took a deep breath and then exhaled. Suddenly… Fill heard a loud howl. She stopped walking. It was no ordinary howl, Fill knew it. The howls came from more than a dozen werewolves. Neoma moved restlessly inside her body. Fills, go! It's dangerous!