

"Enter the world of Agnes and Cain, two powerful leaders from opposing groups who have dared to fall in love. As they prepare for the arrival of their child, danger lurks at every corner. The sorcerers, determined to prevent the birth of this innocent child, relentlessly pursue them. Fleeing deeper into the forest, they discover hidden magical powers and rely on their strengths to overcome deadly obstacles. But will their love be enough to protect their family from the sorcerers' wrath? Brace yourself for an action-packed adventure as Agnes and Cain fight to save their child's life in this thrilling tale of love, magic, and resilience."

BiggestWerey · Action
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As Constantine and her army arrived at the village, a chilling silence fell over the frightened villagers. Constantine herself was a sight to behold – tall and imposing with sharp features and piercing eyes that seemed to see into the very soul of those who met her gaze. Her long, flowing robes were black as night, and seemed to ripple and writhe with a life of their own.

But it wasn't just Constantine who struck fear into the hearts of the villagers. Accompanying her were two fierce, wild beasts unlike any they had ever seen. One was a massive, hulking creature with a shaggy mane and razor-sharp claws that glinted menacingly in the dim light. The other was smaller, but no less terrifying, with a sleek, black coat and eyes that glowed like embers.

As the beasts prowled through the village, their low growls and snarls sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to watch from their hiding places. It was clear that Constantine and her army were not to be trifled with, and that anyone who dared to cross them would face a terrible fate.

Constantine walked towards the village head, her presence commanding fear from everyone around her. The two wild beasts flanked her on either side, growling lowly as she approached.

"I see you have failed me, village head," she said, her voice cold and menacing. "Where are my prisoners?"

The village head stammered, "T-they escaped, we tried to stop them but they were too strong."

Constantine's eyes narrowed, "Too strong, you say? No one is too strong for me."

She raised her hand and a dark aura surrounded the village head. He began to scream as blood gushed from his nose and eyes. Agonizing seconds passed before he fell to the ground, lifeless.

The villagers were petrified, and some fell to their knees, begging for mercy. Constantine scanned the crowd before addressing them, "Anyone who aided their escape will be dealt with severely. Now, tell me everything you know about these prisoners."

The villagers trembled and gave her all the information they knew, eager to avoid her wrath.

Constantine's voice echoed throughout the village, her eyes scanning the terrified faces of the people before her. "Let it be known," she spoke in a chilling tone, "that anyone who dares to aid the abomination growing inside that sorceress and that Lycan will be met with the same fate as the cowardly village head."

She paused, allowing the weight of her words to sink in, before continuing. "Their child is a perversion of nature, a threat to the delicate balance that has been maintained for centuries. I will not allow this abomination to live and disrupt the peace that we have fought so hard to preserve."

The two wild beasts that had accompanied her growled menacingly, their eyes fixed on the cowering villagers. "You have been warned," Constantine hissed, "anyone who dares to defy me will face the full force of my wrath." And with that, she turned and left the village, leaving a trail of fear and despair in her wake.

Constantine turned to Freya, her right hand, and commanded, "Freya, you know what to do. Search the surrounding area and bring me any information you can find on the couple and their abomination. Don't hold back, we cannot let this blasphemy continue."

Freya bowed her head in obedience, "Yes, my queen. Consider it done."

As Freya turned to leave, Constantine added, "And if you come across anyone who is aiding them, show them no mercy."

Freya nodded, "Understood, my queen."

Freya gathered her soldiers and the beast before giving them instructions on how to search the woods.

"Listen up," Freya began, her voice commanding. "We need to search the woods thoroughly. Split into groups of two and cover as much ground as possible. The beast will lead the way and track down their scent. Be careful though, they are powerful and unpredictable."

One of the soldiers spoke up, "What if they're hiding? How do we find them then?"

"Use your instincts," Freya replied. "Look for any signs of movement or disturbance in the area. Keep your eyes and ears open. And remember, they're dangerous. Do not hesitate to use force if necessary."

Another soldier asked, "What about innocent civilians who might be in the woods?"

"Anyone who gets in our way is an obstacle that needs to be eliminated," Freya said coldly. "Our mission is to find the abomination they're hiding and bring it to Constantine. No exceptions."

The soldiers nodded in agreement and followed Freya and the beast into the woods, their weapons at the ready.